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Mycents Bought Domain Dns Managment [resolved] I want to gift it to a friend

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So I'm planing to give a domain from here to my friend and I was wondering something.

I know that when you buy a domain here you can change the nameservers the first time (and if you leave them blank they just point to ComputingHosts') but I think that full DNS managment is not available for free from Xisto - Domains as I can see from their control panel. You have to pay $.99 which I am unavailable to do right now because I'm a minor.

My friend will be using the domain with another hoster so I need to know is there a way DNS management to be bought so he can configure his domain the way he wants, because he may ask for changing the 'A' record (for his blog on Tumblr) for free, or with additional posting here or pointing the domain to a free DNS server (I'm not certain what this is actually I need you to explain that to me) or if he only wants to change the nameservers (was this called CNAME?) will I be able to do that for him more than once eg. can I change the default nameservers I set up for him when I bought the domain for him or not?

I'll buy the domain when I make $10 and I'm near that so I need help faster :)

Thanks! I'm really grateful guys :)

Edited by miladinoski (see edit history)

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You can add it on when you buy the domain on Xisto - Web Hosting. I did that. If you just buy the domain, you can always email support@xisto.com to make a DNS entry. I think, though, that DNS management is a bit more expensive than $.99. That or I am getting ripped off. I believe I pay $2.49/mo. Not hard to keep up, but it is more.On a side note, the myCENT payment method is by far the best way to pay. I have been posting for a few days and I already almost have enough for next month's hosting bill.

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You can add it on when you buy the domain on Xisto - Web Hosting. I did that. If you just buy the domain, you can always email support@xisto.com to make a DNS entry. I think, though, that DNS management is a bit more expensive than $.99. That or I am getting ripped off. I believe I pay $2.49/mo. Not hard to keep up, but it is more.
On a side note, the myCENT payment method is by far the best way to pay. I have been posting for a few days and I already almost have enough for next month's hosting bill.

Sorry dude, I didn't quite catch what you were trying to say to me. How can I add the DNS management when I buy the domain using myCents? Will I have to contact Xisto - Web Hosting every single time when I'll want to make an change? Or they can subtract money from the ones earned with myCents and 'buy' full DNS management by that method?

Thanks for your fast response! :)

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It is an addon you can purchase. I THINK you can do it using myCENT credits. I added it on through the Xisto - Web Hosting client area. I believe I am paying $2.49/month for it though.If you don't want to pay for that, then you can just email support@xisto.com to add the entries you need. That isn't hard at all. But sometimes takes a bit longer. I guess it just depends on what you need.

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OK, I managed this out by setting the nameservers (not on my own, because I set different ones at the start but it didn't work out) and for him to have his own DNS control panel on a free DNS hoster.


I used afraid.org and submited a ticket on Xisto - Support billing area for them to set the nameservers like this:





This thread can be closed now as the problem is resolved and my friend has his gifted domain working :P Edited by miladinoski (see edit history)

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Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.

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