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How Do They Do That?

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Has anyone got any idea how Xisto manage to do this:On my Trap 17 hosting, I have made a folder for a second website, for that website I also use a separate domain name as opposed to the first one.However, my first domain, I had to park on my trap 17 hosting, but the second one, Xisto set up for me, it works, the site is accessible, but the domain is not parked nor added on.So, how have they managed to make it work then?I had initially added on the domain, but it did not seem to work properly, now it works without any of that.I am really puzzled.But, it also makes me think about two things:-I had the domain verified by Google Apps, as I signed up with them to get my email for the second domain from them.Is verifying my domain and activating my email going to work without the domain being parked or added on?Also, I tried to set up the guest book from the Script Library in my Cpanel, in the drop down list with the choice of which website to display your guest book on, only my original subdomain and first domain appear, there is no trace of my second domain, although a working website exists for that domain.Could that have something to do with parking or addon, and more importantly, how could I make the guest book point to the right website if I were to set it up?

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Maybe the domain itself is forwarded as well. I had a similar issue with "co.cc" domains. More or less it didn't work at all no matter what I did and all of a sudden the next day it worked fine. I think the way that it works is like in your "hosts" file on your PC. Similar to this format. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Where the is the IP, sitename is your site obviously, and foldername is where you are storing your second site at.

More or less what it does is when that IP is called, it will resolve it to that web address. That is probably also how your domain is working. I can't confirm that this is the case for you, but that's what it sounds like.

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Why not go to support center and ask a question. The Xisto mods and admins are really nice people and they do help others in their ventures, of course within Xisto. There are help you may try but I am not too sure whether you will get your answer there.Try a few Google search as well may lead to some interesting results. Good luck.

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Why not go to support center and ask a question. The Xisto mods and admins are really nice people and they do help others in their ventures, of course within Xisto. There are help you may try but I am not too sure whether you will get your answer there.Try a few Google search as well may lead to some interesting results. Good luck.

I thought this problem is too hard for me.You should follow the above to solve it! Good luck.

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