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India: The Socio-economic Conditions Your opinion about the great Indian dream. Is it really glittering?

India: The future dream.  

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Being the Change Agent- Path to a Better India

We are shining, we will be the 2nd largest economy by 2020, we are the largest pool of skilled man power on the earth, we are the emerging global IT superpower, we are the outsourcing hub of the world, we offer one of the largest consumer market across the world for MNC?s, we boast of rich and varied heritage, we are growing at the GDP rate of impressive 8-9% per annum and aiming for a glittering double digit growth rate soon, we are India!

It seems that the above facts are in our favor; we are shining, but are we really? Or our mindset of estimating standard of living of the population just by the glittering GDP growth rates is a sign of our biased mentality? The other side of the story - 25% population still living below poverty line, most of the cities and villages without even suitable condition for a healthy living, proper health care centers, electricity, UNESCO is concerned about the child mortality rate in India, we are in the top countries from below in the Human Development Index and still we ignoring the reality or over shadowing the face of our country?s ugly face.

We are definitely showing improvement in our condition from the standpoint of economic growth, we are doing fairly well in terms of various developmental indices; economy is at boom despite the global melt down affecting various markets. Our strength is our own untapped rural and urban markets, people with increased disposable income, higher literacy rates. Take example of Mumbai the Indian dream city, we have one of the costliest office spaces of the world and in the same city we have largest slum of Asian continent; Dharavi and many others like Gowandi. We have industry barons; at the same time we have the people who die of hunger, mal-nourished children who we claim to be the future of our country. How we can claim of an all round development of the economy when those children do not have proper nourishment and health care in place, let alone the educational facilities?

We are too much obsessed with our momentary success and we have forgotten the real India, which lies in rural areas, which lies in the ignored areas of our great cities and we are actually trying to isolate them from our comfortable standpoint on the development. Our administration system though working hard to eliminate illiteracy, providing proper nourishment and health care facilities to every Indian, trying to provide the employment to everyone who needs it. We never forget to blame our government for all the failures; we try to put the responsibility on others shoulders, we keep on complaining about poor facilities, we only forget to act!

We complain about the crook politicians, but again we select the same lot of them in every upcoming election. We do not go to fight on the political front ourselves, those who think they are intellectuals and politics is a dirty game, need to rethink, need to make a choice of always complaining or making things better- then only the change will come. If we can think towards a rational plan of development we should always try our hands in implementing it for the benefit of our country.

It is soothing to know; that the real awareness is increasing among the youth of India, and they have challenged themselves to take different path. Path different from the traditional one, it is evident from the fact that more and more of the young turks are coming to promote the cause. After graduating from the best educational institutes; they leave handsome and high profile job offers just to cherish their dreams, just to act as a change agent for the society, for the country. The ever increasing number of the non government organizations which are working towards improving social conditions, helping people empower themselves, making themselves self dependent, fighting for social equality, abolishing child labor and many similar causes raise the hope towards a better future.

There has been a paradigm shift in the mentality of young Indians, more and more of them are breaking the traditional shackles which were being followed till now. The young India represents new rays of hope, with emergence of the organizations and ventures lead by them, they are the new definition of India, India believes in them and they believe in themselves, which is what going to create a difference in the future. I am hopeful of a new India, where we will not be merely judging the growth by the growth rate of the GDP, we will not be complaining about the poor system taking care of us, we will not be thinking much before marching ahead and making a mark, helping follow citizens, helping those who need our hand to grow and see a better tomorrow in India of future!

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MbaFactory, according to me the first and foremost thing India should concentrate with the highest priority is improving the below poverty range people's condition. With a BPL rate of 22%, I can't think of any other factor which can really help the country. It should be the first preferance of the nation and the countrymen to reduce this rate as much as they can and as fast as they can.If Indian youth can take steps towards this, then no doubt we can bbecome a prosperous and powerful nation in true sense.

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Hi Leeindia, yes really! I agree with you on working towards the improvement of the basic conditions of a prosperous world, but the thing that makes me sick is the attitude of people themselves. They are not having their own opinion rather they are trying to see from the lenses of their leaders- the vary same leaders who have been exploiting them for ages and using them as the vote bank only. They will not send their children to study even when it is free, and more over their birth right. So infact it creates a loop in the system which is self replicating and its impacts are far more bigger than quite a simple family. I hope that the mindset of the people starts changing and they are better able to recognize the need of the hour- it is not merely food shelter and clothing, rather it is education and more than that.

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I'm an American living in the USA, but I wish I were in India. You are a growing nation of good people. Intelligent people. People with spirit. I hope and wish you are able to develop your Government, laws and property rights ownerships. This brothers will allow you to build the structure your historic country needs to thrive.

God be with India. Stop the violence. Promote peace and education. 

 -reply by Matt Miller

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