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O.j. Simpson Sentenced To At Least 15 Years

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When I read this story of OJ Simson getting 15yrs, I honestly was so happy.

Full story here
he could have gotten life for this.

Edited by Echo_of_thunder (see edit history)

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I hope this completely irracional animal gets a life sentence someday, not to say the death sentence which i think he should have right about now, but i am not a judge, and i am not the judge who is going to judge him according to the facts which are going to be presented, but i whish i was.O.J. Simpson is nothing but a raper of inofensive women, and if the woman he raped, his ex-wife, was my sister, i would give him the "time of his life" in 60 minutes, just him and me.I hate rapers and persons of his kind, rapers-cowards-liers. Death sentence for all of his kind.

Edited by freeflashclocks (see edit history)

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There should be no mercy for this kind of people. If you do it consciously then you should get the maximum penalty... and that is life. I know people say it's brutal and not civilized, but society shouldn't be forced to feed this people in prison. They should earn all their living.Anyhow... I am glad it is finally over - it was becoming a soap opera!

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It's about time he got his due.O.J and his thugs.I mean,he lost that civil suit to the Goldman's.It was pretty obvious that he commited the murder,running away in a white vehicle and all. It was only a matter of time.

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