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Butter Is Really Great

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This is kinda random, but...I really, really like butter.So my mom made these amazing rolls over thanksgiving, and I enjoyed slathering them with tons of butter. just realized how great butter is on bread, and I've started having bread and butter like every day now. I read an article talking about how raw natural butter oil is really healthy, so I guess the same should be true of regular butter. At least...until you get fat from eating too much butter. But I've started cooking a lot more with butter now, frying stuff in butter, etc. Anyone else use a lot of butter in cooking?

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I don't really cook, so I guess I might not be too qualified to reply to this post, but my mom always says butter is bad for you, and generally doesn't use it. I'd never even tried butter on bread until I don't even know how old, but I know that whenever I order a bagel at Finagle, it always has to have butter on it... The way I see it, if it tastes this good, it really can't be too great for you. (But that's no reason to not eat lots of it... :))

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Only when i fry stuff, i use butter. While cooking, i tend to stick on olive oil more. Still, too much of something kills, too little of something hurts.

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I think butter is one of the most disgusting things one could possibly eat. Reading your post especially when you mentioned "slathering" it on all your food made me feel a bit sick. How could you possibly like something as greasy and fatty as butter? Bleah...

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Oh, i didnt realize OP mentioned about slathering butter all over the food. Word of advice, butter is high in saturated fats and its going to be a major health risk. Even though i do consume butter but that only happen once in 2 months.

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I LOVE butter! You won't find any idky old margarine in this house as long as I can affored the real thing. There is nothing to compare to it's flavor, and let's face facts, when was the last time you hear butter trying to say it tastes as good as margarine????? Not likely! Buttered popcorn, garlic toast, pancakes, warm baked fresh bread and rolls from the oven, none of these would be worth eating without a good slathering of butter! And for those of you who are under the impression that it is bad for you, well, the fats in butter a lot more healthy than the fake, unnatural fats you find in margarine. But that's ok, don't eat butter......saves more for me!!!!

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