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Usb 3.0 Specifications Finally Revealed

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USB 3.0 specifications have been finalized and is now called Super Speed USB. The specification claims to have the transfer speed of 4.8 Gbps amounting about 25 GB of data can be transferred in about 70 seconds. As the above image shows, extra high speed differential pair was given for extra streamlined transfer speeds. In the past USB clocked highly at the burst speed but the steady long streaming speed was not the greatest. Firewire users (Apple made) once thought this was the winning difference between USB and Firewire. Now that the new release of USB 3, the steady streaming data transfer speed will be better with camcorders and any high data packets that require constant high transfer speed. The application is especially useful for direct camcorder to USB recording. Or, how about external data server to external backup device? You would no longer need proprietary connection between two devices, such as SCSI or Firewire. Although USB 3 would be propriatery in the beginning, looking back over the years how much faster the general computer users have accepted USB devices I do not see any problem transitioning to new USB specs.


As the above image shows your older USB (versions 1 and versions 2) will not perform with USB 3 connection. However, as with all USB, they will be backwards compatible. USB 3's extra pin to perform the high transfer speed means new designs and purchases of USB cables.


The first USB 3.0 gadgets are to show up sometime in the year 2010. I know it's around the corner but I just can't wait!

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I wonder what will become of Firewire. But am i understanding the image correctly when i say that USB 3.0 will require two USB ports? If so, then that's a bit cheating for performance. :) And if so, i can only imagine how the USB ports on cases and motherboards that support USB 3.0 will look like.

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I highly doubt it, odds are they just stacked it like that to show what will be happening when hte new computers start shipping out with the new USB. OF course it will be a few years before USB 3.0 replaces USB 2.0 and as for firewire I do not think that will be going anytime soon just because of high transfer speeds and so large data transferring companies will be using firewire while testing out USB 3.0. IF you remember USB 2.0 took a very long time to be accepted because it wasn't backwards compatible with 1.1 and so I do not know if USB 3.0 is backwards compatible either, but I think it would since about 90-95% is loaded with USB 2.0 and the rest USB 1.1. Maybe that is when I buy my new computer when USB 3.0 comes out :).

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I wonder what will become of Firewire. But am i understanding the image correctly when i say that USB 3.0 will require two USB ports? If so, then that's a bit cheating for performance. :) And if so, i can only imagine how the USB ports on cases and motherboards that support USB 3.0 will look like.

Looking at the picture a little more closely, it looks like it represents TWO USB ports, instead of the one. I'm seeing backwards-compatibility with having two sets of contacts... the purple being the older USB 2.0, and the red being the newer USB 3.0. It seems to work out quite well, actually... because now you have three generations of technology in one "universal" port.

I'm glad I've waited this long so far to buy my next computer. USB 3.0 is going to be a godsend when it becomes a standard to providing super-high-speed external devices, instead of having to hunt down all of the components to set up an eSATA external hard drive. And if the claims for 4.8GB/s maximum transfer speeds are accurate, then I'm sure that the actual transfer rates would be near, if not exceeding, the 3.0GB/s transfer rates of SATA technology. (No bottlenecking!) :)

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I can already imagine a MiniUSB pendrive with 100-200 GB of data storage :)I really like those mini Thumb drives.. I keep buying them anywhere I find , in my city :)NEways.. I am also feeling like a looser. I just upgraded my system and chances are I wont be upgrading it for two years atleast .. :DI wish i had waited..And yes they are Two USB i guess anyone can clearly count the Connector pins at the bottom .. They are 10 Five for each USB..Hope its backward compatible though ..

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wow its amazing, datatransfer rate is great. Now I think Firewire will be obselete and camcorder companies will relplace it with usb 3.0. Firewire was already problem because most of computer dont have this port and now from next year it will be available in computers and become easy for camcorder user to just plug it and use it with great speed. so great news for me :-)thanks for sharing

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