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Do any of you believe in demons? How about demonic possession? I am not sure if I was allowed to post this up here, but I wanted to know. Are they real in your eyes, or have you had any experiences with them? From what I have heard, demons will usually target someone with either a weak mindset, or someone that has triggered a demon to want to target them. Is any of this true? And which/how many religions are qualified to deal with this?What if someone were to actually volunteer to become a target for the demon? Would a demon choose a person more likely to do something like that? What about dream demons? Do they exist or are they only a part of the mind when you sleep?Just a lot of random questions, I guess. So feel free to answer them if you want!

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I believe in existence of demons actually. Demons are very powerful forms of energy, on the other world (4th dimension or astral world). They are often represented by a blue light (meaning the very powerful energy they have).Demonic possession is a myth invented by religions. Demons do not possess, as well as demons do not go into a place without being invited. A person that invokes a demon, lets the demon stay in him. By the way, it won't do any harm, as demons are NOT evil.Dream demons? They don't exist.When you fall asleep, half of your soul goes into the astral world. There are demons, angels and a lot more entities (offensive or not).This is my opinion about demons.

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Demons in the catholic faith are said to be fallen angels. An angel is a being below a human. once they decide on something they can never change there mind, Lucifer was one of the ones who lead a revolt against God claiming to be stronger than God, so God banished him from heaven. I have no degree in this but these are all the things I have been told growing up so some might not be true. Daemons only can affect you if you give them attention, that is to say that you are more likely to be inhabited by one if you invite them in by rituals, or by asking them to come. Exorcisms are in place to deal with demons. High ranking clergy are called to expel the demons from the body of the possessed. I believe the clergy who performs the exorcism is specially formed in seminary to deal specifically with demons should they ever need to. A lot of what is thought of as demon possession might just be psychological disorders so you should be seen by a psychiatrists before assuming that the person is possessed. Although you can pick what disorder you have by who you see so there is a chance that they will confirm you as having some mental disorder because you came to see them.

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Do any of you believe in demons? How about demonic possession? I am not sure if I was allowed to post this up here, but I wanted to know. Are they real in your eyes, or have you had any experiences with them?


From what I have heard, demons will usually target someone with either a weak mindset, or someone that has triggered a demon to want to target them. Is any of this true? And which/how many religions are qualified to deal with this?


What if someone were to actually volunteer to become a target for the demon? Would a demon choose a person more likely to do something like that? What about dream demons? Do they exist or are they only a part of the mind when you sleep?


Just a lot of random questions, I guess. So feel free to answer them if you want!

I don't know if I believe more exactly, my mind tells me that I have never saw them and they are just human imagination me, used to explain things that are out of our control and a meaningful explanation can't be thought of, so we just make up things to make it much easier;?but my soul,?my soul tells me that something like that does exist, though they appear rarely and target fanatics, people with a lot of evil karma who call them and make them angry and/or happy (demons == happy??nah... :) ) and make them scare people just for the fun of it(!?). I don't thing Buddhism has demons, I never studied it (and I'm too bored to search the intrawebz)?and I think thats a great thing, because if people don't believe in them as my soul says to me, they won't show up.


A dream demon? Had no experience but it's better to have an incurable insomnia like a person had - he didn't have the need to sleep, he just napped (I think it was something along those lines), than to deal with something that may or may not exist and make you afraid to do one of the crucial things of living :D:)

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So it starts with a question which we keep as forbidden side of our existance. Demons are they real or they are just the myths, or are only in our minds? I do not have any solid answer to these questions, neither does any one else has, but it actually changes with the frame of reference we talk with. Scientifically hard to prove, but incidentally bound to believe about such existances! I have not had any personal experiences with them, but as per few of my friends they have encountered it. Demons will not target only the weak mindset to speak of, infact they have even targetted some strong willed people and innocents in the incidents I have heard. Each and every religion is equipped with some or the other remedy to counter them. I do not know about many cults and practices but as far as I have read in the literature I can see that people can and do volunteer to become their targets, sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for bad reasons or just to get answers to some of questions they have, but these practices have left many things and lives turbulant and disturbed. So I would rather recommend that beware of such tries. Dream demons are visions of future or past or somethings which are completely psychic.

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Sometimes I think the references to Demons that we seein the bible.and old books and such are really references topeople with mental sickness.I mean.what would they have thought in the old days about somebodywalking around shouting out loud to himself?They would of probably thought he was possessed by demons.

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I do, yes. I have not seen or been influenced by one.However, I have a family member who does prayer intercessory.She's told me some pretty strange things: such as one person she prayed for saw a wolf-like creature leaving her body. Her eyes were closed, but the person she was praying for-- saw this. And this was a person who was not very religious at all-- never even knew what a 'demon' was.So, yes I believe they exist.

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Believing in demons are a doubt in everyone's mind frame in life . Although one mind set that weakens over time ,is it a target to evil intentions of what one shall call demons attachment to ones own spirit ,or is it one's own doing ,in the choices and decision one shall make for there own life ? That really is a question to think upon . As for me I rather think that ,one own mind frame can weaken and attract certain energies surrounding each of every day ,as a open window to those wandering spirits ,good or bad ,the attachments can become quiet draining to one own energy . When one weakens over time ,their own choices and decisions ,seems to wave toward destruction and self harming ,own energy ,loss of direction ,confusion that leads ,a journey own life ,filled with changes that ,through eyes of others ,have become attached with Labels . I feel that sometimes a person can be filled with such negative energy force that over time becomes a struggle for one to find themselves back in living and achieving a life filled with positive energy that is meant for all of us to live as shared part of our lives ,to experience . Demons to me is a simple word we all shall place as labels upon areas we do not quiet understand . At same time there is quiet more to the unknown that actually surrounds our lives every day ,waiting for opportunity to attach it's self to our own energy .

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Every tradition has a written if not oral legacy detailing ?evil? entities who inhabit other dimensions, occasionally making themselves known to humans via dreams or other phenomena ? or when specifically invited. It?s difficult to imagine peoples the world over and of no relation were all experiencing the same hallucinations. Then there?s the apparent dualistic nature of our reality: black/white, up/down, male/female, magnet/steel, ying/yang, hot/cold, winter/summer, good/evil. You have the ?new agers? who for the most part seem to embrace the concept of good and it?s divine energies but dismiss the other half of the equation, seeking to stay in la-la land with their rose-colored spectacles. There are extensive, encyclopedic works on demonology which go into graphic detail, the Book of Enoch considered a valuable resource for those of the Western tradition, as are Eliphas Levi and the much-maligned Allister Crowley. I had heard from one source the Book of Enoch was removed from the bible for it?s comprehensive overview of ceremonial magic and manipulation of demonic energies. Enochian magic is still considered by many one of the more dangerous schools. So do demonic beings exist? I tend to shy away from using terms like ?belief? as my personal paradigm has so many times been rocked to its very core. You know what I mean: Just when you think you?ve got it all figured out, another Pandora?s box opens to brand new possibilities thus proving your previous system wrong. But I can say that after years researching the enigma of good and evil, I now lean quite heavily in the affirmative. So yes, I am of the mind there are energies, entities, demons ? if you like, who play a very real role in our lives. If we allow them to.


Which leads into the topic starter?s second query, demonic possession. And my answer here is quite similar to what I stated in the first paragraph. It seems every culture has within the tribe, the church or the mystery school an individual, who either through innate ability or extensive training, the ability to exorcise evil spirits from possessed persons and/or land. Who is best qualified comes down more to the exorcist?s track record, but how does one research such things? In light of this, the Catholic Church might be the first place an individual of American persuasion might seek help, as they have centuries more experience with exorcisms than their protestant counterparts. Although, nowadays, the Church has become so homogenized with Protestantism she has lost her finer arts - which is why I long stopped attending mass. The beauty and mystery has been usurped with protestant worldliness. I am not discounting pagan or Eastern resources either. I imagine an individual reared in Hindu culture would be better off seeking assistance through Brahmans, as that?s where his core beliefs were formulated. Sadly, we are 80% the product of our upbringing unless we choose to shake off our default programming.


There is some debate regarding the psychological type more likely to become the mark of demonic possession. A few things stand out in my research as more plausible. Firstly, the mark is often narcistic as a result of being emotionally or physically abused as a child. Such individuals may lack self-esteem and often roam the earth as empty shells, readily adopting the latest fad or fashion in an effort to feel whole again. There is a vacuum inside. And nature abhors a vacuum, especially a vulnerable one who can't say "no." But this alone is not a recipe for possession. If this same individual, however, a). Through divination or other esoteric practice invites the presence of demonic, angelic, or elemental energies without extensive training, or, b., Begins sensing the presence of these energies and engages them in rapport via conversation or dreams. The key word here is engage. If you hear a voice out of nowhere talking to you, don't talk back! I'm not talking about the inner voice many refer to as the conscience or higher self, but an audible voice that sounds as if it's in the same residence with you. If you respond, the entity will interpret this as an open invitation to continue hounding you.


Demonic possession is a serious threat to today?s youth, especially. The primary source as I see it is low-vibration media bombardment via te-LIE-vision, video games, and ?music? that encourages wonton dabbling in demonic frequencies. Do not attempt to commune, summon, or otherwise mingle with elementals without proper training and arsenal. This is akin to jumping off a plane without a parachute!

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This could be contradictory, my beleifs at the moment are somewhat being moulded by what I feel is "right" however... I consider myself a non-religious pagan. A believer in the power of the universe beyond what science can currently see. Though i do think science will catch up one day :P (im also a very scientific person. go figure.) So i believe in spiritual entities. I am one, so are you and so is bob who did ten thousand years ago. Where do we go after death? I couldnt say for sure, but it is *somewhere* and in this world there are bad people. I will avoid the term evil as i feel it is a term made by the church and other mainstream religions who would tell me satan is going to thoroughly bugger me for eternity because i dont believe in their god. So if you prefer the term "evil" then that is what i mean by "bad".There are murderers, rapists and general bad guys out there, why would they instantly change into happy helpful spirits when they die? They wouldnt. Maybe a few would when they realize that life isnt everything and stealing was wrong ,but most will stay the way they are. There are then the truly wicked individuals who would torture a child for pleasure before killing it etc... these are your "evil" "demons". Like anyone in the astral planes they can assume many forms. Horned beasts (which actually represent fertility and power and generally good things but the Christians needed to demonise paganism so they gave satan horns.) or ugly gargoyles etc... Any of us can assume these forms but these individuals enjoy scaring and harming people so the most cliched scary forms are the ones they would choose. Demons in the sense of "anti-angels" IMHO do not exist. For them to exist i would have to believe in angels, and i do not. I struggle with myself because i am unsure of the existence of a god and goddess. From my days learning about Wicca (Flame me and i will start an entire debate about why you are wrong about your pre-conceptions of Wicca and paganism. I welcome it.) i learned of the existence of sentient beings, namely the God and Goddess, again the opposite nature of the universe prevails here, male/female. However, i cannot scientifically explain that, believe it or not i can almost scientifically explain the existence of magick and the afterlife. to myself at least. But i cant figure how two beings of pure energy can exist with separate minds. Saying that i will refer to the moon as the goddess and feel the god in the forests (in many traditions trees and forests have deities related to them. In my case the oak tree represents the god. and it almost feels right. But that has serious ramifications as it suggests, due to the dual nature of the universe, that there is an "evil" counterpart to each. Unless of course the universe is happy to have the male/female opposite and doesnt require a male/evil-male female/evil-female combination.So, do demons exist? I cant answer that until you tell me what a demon is. In my mind, no they do not. There are spirits who would tell you they are demons but they arent. They are bad, for sure. But they are lying and generally weak. But like Misanthrope said. Don't mess with these guys. I believe that we are all watched by our guardians who are relatives, family friends etc...that have stepped through the veil and will protect us. They are strong so in times of need you can call on them. And if you think that you are under attack from demons i suggest learning about psychic defence, calling your guardians and seeking your spiritual leader (priest, coven, whatever) for advice.

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This could be contradictory, my beleifs at the moment are somewhat being moulded by what I feel is "right" however...

Assuming opposing/dualistic forces play an integral role in the troubled human psyche, contradictory submissions from the individual seems a natural and even necessary progression on the long, winding road to personal gnosis. I blame no man for abandoning/questioning one belief for another in an attempt to become more human, more self- aware, more divine. On the contrary, I find myself more often than not taking issue with those speaking from a more fixed platform….even though I have and often still fit the category. I sometimes find it difficult reading my older material as my “beliefs” have since undergone some measurable change. I am thankful they have. Does that sound contradictory enough for you, dear reader?


This author has consciously resisted mental stagnanation, lest her ethereal bodies become a breeding ground for psychic parasites (demons?), much as a stagnant pond attracts mosquitoes and virulent bacteria. Nothing in the natural world stands still, so why should the human mind be shackled motionless by external factors? Especially when those external factors have an agenda. One is born a Jew, one must adhere to orthodox ritual or join the Goyum in eternal ignorance. One is raised Catholic; one must receive confirmation or brave eternal damnation. Hogwash, I say! The only entities benefiting from this mental prison are the gatekeepers. Isis, RA, Jehovah, MTV,….where does it end? Every age a new god, a new savior. The masses, it seems, don’t care much for individual liberty. For my part, the walking, living, breathing contradiction is always a refreshing respite from the fanaticism of the myopic masses who blindly adopt the program assigned by their overlords.


My bottom line is this: If you have examined yourself enough to suspect self-contradiction, than at least you’ve examined yourself. And you are obviously thinking things out. Or you are stark raving mad. Either way, you are thinking! Most folk, from my observation, are adverse to even broaching the subject of Jungian-based introspection, lest it challenge hard-wired programs. Hats off to the challengers, I say. And given the agenda-driven lies offered to the masses, proceeding with what one inherently “feels” is right may be the best course of action of all.


I was ruminating some more on the topic starter’s dilemma, that being the question of why demonic entities might be more attracted to certain individuals. And as much as I ponder this I keep coming back to the engagement factor. The I Ching, for example, is fairly clear in it’s stance toward evil, which comes down to this: Do not compromise with evil. This ancient maxim (with it’s inclusion of the word compromise) implies to me the following: Firstly, once you engage evil as something that can be reasoned with from any semblance of civility, you set the stage for a war you can’t win. Reminds me a little of something gleaned from magician, Eliphas Levi. He warned would-be practioners not to be surprised if evoked demons react to rituals by fornicating and sh*tting within the magic circle. These entities, he surmised, are not civil, they are without empathy and what you or I might consider a conscious. Starting to sound rather psychopathic. Secondly, evil must be dealt with from a place of authority – with you acting as authority. Indeed, the prevailing theme of all exorcism rituals I’m aware of is the authoritave stance the exorcist takes. They do not ask the entity to leave the possessed. They do not play nice. Once they have successfully procured the name of the entity, they demand that it leave with all psychic arsenal at their disposal.

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I'm sure they do exist, though if I've ever been targeted by one I don't know. It's not like they make themselves visible in a big blast of color and say "hello there, would you like to share a spot of tea and cakes with me?" (Or else there would be no debate.) I don't think they have a lot of power though, unless someone gives them that power. As I said, they can't announce themselves, or at least choose not to, but through assisting in influencing a weak minded individual's actions they do have some impact on the material world. I don't think they can force anyone to do anything, though. They can suggest things, but it is up to the person whether or not to do it; this is why they attack people when their minds are at the low point. This also shows exactly how their power is less than that of a human. That just what I think, of course it's not an exact science, so no one knows how it all works. :P

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