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Giving Is A Special Gracesome People Think That Giving To God Is An Obligation While Some Others Tend To Think That It Is A Commitment That Involves S

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Some people think that giving to God is an obligation while some others tend to think that it is a commitment that involves sacrifice. Some others think that it has come as a tradition, while quite a few attribute it to the continuous teaching and pestering of Gods servants. But, have we ever thought of it as the grace of God! For it is absolutely true that without His grace we will not be able to give freely and wholeheartedly. If we have God's grace in us it will show itself in giving. If we want new grace, we must exercise what we have in giving. And in all we give we ought to do it in the consciousness of the grace of God that works it in us.

Paul writes about the grace of giving in chapter 8 of his second epistle to the Corinthians,

Their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality, for according to their power, yea, beyond their power, they gave of their own accord, beseeching us with much entreaty in regard of this grace.

(Vs 2) The characteristic giving of the Macedonian church teaches us how to give. They gave of their own accord/ very liberally/ beyond their power/ with sacrifice.
Friends, we have to accept the fact that there are many among the poor who give liberally than the rich. This is because they do not hold fast to what they have but simply let it go. If we want to be good givers, especially for the work of God, let us follow the Macedonian example. Let us ask God to give us that special grace so that we will also receive the abundance of joy as the believers in Macedonia, by such giving. If only we have this grace, there would be no reason why the Lords work should suffer.

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