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Making A New Website Need Idea's

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Choose something which is personal to you and you have an intrest in. Then research other websites which are aimed in the same area. If it's a community website about gaming, why not join it. Join the community get a good feel and understanding for the community. Then you can see what they need improving on and what makes them good. Take their ideas and adapt them to fit your style.The key is to have a website which you won't get bored with within a month. Websites take a lot of time and work, as long as your willing to put in the time and work you'll get out what you wanted.

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Somebody having your IP means nothing. It changes also, if you didn't know.

Not everyones IP changes. I pretty sure my IP hasn't changed since I got my computer. I know what your talking about though because on one of the forums I admin when I try to IP bann someone there IP changes so I have to keep rebanning them or use a wild card (*).

The key is to have a website which you won't get bored with within a month. Websites take a lot of time and work, as long as your willing to put in the time and work you'll get out what you wanted.

+1 I agree. If your your site gets boring after a while there is no point in the site. So to keep it not boring update the site often to keep the members coming back to see whats new.

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Agreeing with some of the stuff I'm reading.I started off with a simple layout design with some tabs which linked to a forum, gallery and so on but I didn't want to overcrowd it to start off with because i know it can be daunting when you have no clue where to go.As well as my forum started only with a few sections and a simple interface but as it got more popular i started to upgrade it a bit and then now its pretty big and full. I still haven't compacted it so much that it is impossible to navigate cause that just throws my idea of a clean, simple website out the window. But that's just me..

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