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Your Feeling About Moving Out From My Family?s House

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You should write a litle more next time marryking, this topic could be considered spam.But, i will answer you, though you did not give us a lot of information about yourself, as you should because i can not answer properly and correctly as i want, i do not know your age, your thoughts about it, your fears, your objectives, your main goal by living your mom's/family's house, although i can say some words, but remember that it all depends of your current situation.If you are more then 18/21 years old, and if you have a job, and if you earn enough money for you to pay for the rent/food/et cetera, things that you will need on a daily/weakly/monthly/... basis, and if you truly consider yourself a responsible person, as well as a organized person, with a strong mind to fight for what you want (fight for your work position, for your girlfriend/wife, fight to say know to the things that will kill you and/or things that will in fact do your harm (drugs, alcohol, et cetera), fight in general), and if you have a girlfriend/wife that will be living with you which will support you and eachother at all times, then i say that you have good chances of succeeding outside your family's house/family's protection.If that is the case, or at least most of it, then good luck, if not, stay in your family's house untill you have the above "stuff" which is crucial to succeed.

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I feel that once that point in my life comes and goes, I'll need to consider all the changes that would occur in my life. Mainly with finding a good job, a nice place to live with a decent rent or price, and maybe a relationship :)Also, I think you've posted this in the wrong section? (Music?)

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Some people often hate their parents and move out as quick and possible and find that later on in life they cannot succeed as they do not have a job- to pay for food and water. Also find that later on in their life that they miss their parents and cannot go back to them.

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Go for itYour Feeling About Moving Out From My Family?s House

Ok, so I think people should be able to move out where ever they want to. If they have a place to go and can still go to school (if they do still go school) then they should do it. If you don't feel safe, or feel like u are wanted they y not move out and do soemthing with your life. I think if u are 16 and up, have a place to go, and go to a BETTER school then go for it.. This is my story

I am ready to move out now, I have a place to go and a really good school to go to. But I don't know how to tell my mom. I am 16 years old, and I wnat to do something with my life. But to my family I am just a "bum" and I want to show them I can do it. I AM ready to move out. Just need a good way to tell my mom! I woul be moving in with my bf and be safe for once.

-reply by Jaymee

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