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Saw V Movie Review

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Well I just got back from the movies and saw the fifth installment of the Saw franchise and before I begin into the movie review, I like quick talk about the nachos I had. For some strange reason the cheese tasted watered down or was another flavor because it just tasted weird, I did finish them during the movie and what not but the cheese was just tasted funny.

So before I get into my review of the movie let me catch everyone up on what happen in the first four movies and I am not going to use the spoiler tags because you should have at least seen them by now. Now I haven't seen any of these movies in awhile and so I might be leaving out some details or be missing some names and stuff but hopefully you get an idea on my brief synopsis of each of the four movies.

Saw I

The first movie introduces jigsaw the killer who doesn't kill but makes the victim decide if they want to live or die and of course we are introduce to one of his accomplices but you won't find that out til the second movie. Of course, we are introduce to many of the devices he used to fill someone with the surprise ending of him being in the room and standing up after the doctor gets out after cutting off his foot and locking the other in their to die.

Saw II

Now in this movie we are introduce to a group of people that all having something in common, they all got arrested by the same cop except for his son, and they all don't realize who he is later. Of course, after the detective finds jigsaw he see's his son in the maze of brutal death traps and the only way to get his son out is talk to jigsaw. Couple of hours later, the survivors find out who the boy is and so begins the man hunt on him and of course jigsaw's apprentice, but the catch is though this already happen and the detective gets trapped in their after the apprentice locks him only to find out the boy was in the safe were jigsaw was the whole time. So they highlight the first two movies knowing that a third is on the way.


In the third movie we find out Jigsaw is slowly dying and Detective Eric Matthews is tied up somewhere in the building. So now we are introduce to a doctor who needs to fix or dies with a rigged shotgun necklaces and another man seeking revenge for the death of the son. Through out the movie the father has the choice to save people and obvious everyone of them ends up dead along with the guy who killed his son. Of course, towards the end Amanda admits to making inescapable traps which jigsaw totally disagreed with and so Amanda gets shot by the doctors husband after Amanda shoots her in the back and with that the husband kills Jigsaw and in turn kills his wife when Jigsaw was killed and so it concludes with all the events happening in the first three movies.

Saw VI

We know jigsaw is dead along with a lot of people, and so another officer takes the case as he tries to find Detective Eric Matthews who is still alive at this point. Just like the third movie, Rigg's is tested with various criminals in order to save Detective Eric Matthews, of course long story short most of them end up dead to begin with. Of course, the interesting part about this movie is that the events are unfolding along with Saw III and of course we are to the reasons why Jigsaw became who is with the loss of his unborn child from a junkie. Of course Riggs finds out that his final test consist of saving not only Detective Eric Matthews, but one more cop and another criminal but long story short we find out that Jigsaw has another apprentice. Also another cop who is involved in the case gets trapped at the end after killing the father who is looking for his girl and so he becomes trapped in the room with all the dead bodies.

Which leads us into Saw V.

Now obvious the ending of the movie leads into the beginning of the next and obvious we find out that the cop who got out of the chair is the next protege and so I end that info about the movie here. So as for this movie I won't go into too much detail and it pretty much ties up some loose ends of the first four movies and of course introduce us to 5 more victims and who go through a bunch of tests to survive. As for the traps themselves they were still as brutal if you became one of the victims however they lack compared to the other movies but of course their was a theme to all these death traps but still people dropped a lot faster because the movie was not as much about the traps but to tie up loose ends and making the connections.

Even though those two aspects of movie individual would have bombed this movie horribly, they set this movie up to give each part enough time to be put together to form this movie. This movie was still awesome, but because of this movie being the fifth its going to be hurting in the box office I think just because it still continuing and if you know most sequels are cursed if they go more then 3. However, everyone was aware of a sixth Saw and so hopefully when that movie comes out this will end the franchise and once you see Saw V you will understand why they need to end it at the sixth movie.

So now comes my prediction, well I would say that it will get over $50 million easily over the course of its release because it was pretty packed tonight, but I would say that opening weekend $15-20 million based off the history of the franchise so far.

10/29/2004 Saw $18,276,468 $55,185,045 $103,096,345 $1,200,00010/28/2005 Saw II $31,725,652 $87,025,093 $152,925,093 $5,000,000
10/27/2006 Saw III $33,610,391 $80,238,724 $163,876,815 $10,000,000
10/26/2007 Saw IV $31,756,764 $63,300,095 $134,528,909 $10,000,000

Totals $285,748,957 $554,427,162 $26,200,000
Averages $71,437,239 $138,606,791 $6,550,000

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I've seen the First and Second Saw Movies... but I think thats all I could handle. They were exciting, but just creeped me out a bit too much :PSorry about your Nachos.. :)

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Damn you SM! i was going to wait a few days so i didnt spoil it! I saw it last night too ;) i got home about 15 minutes after you said you were leaving in the shoutbox :P

I am a HUGE saw fan and i think jigsaw is one of the best characters there are. This film highlights a few things. Jigsaw NEVER killed anyone, they killed themselves or chose death as preferable to pain, it also highlights (extremely well in the last scene) that you should always abide by the rules of the game! And you should always trust Jigsaw :)

people dropped a lot faster because the movie was not as much about the traps but to tie up loose ends and making the connections.

This was what let the film down. Saw 3/4 were the pinnacle of the series, saw 5 was on level with saw 2, especially given it was a big game with a similar format to saw 2, complete one task, move on etc.... The thing that let it down was that the traps, with the exception of the last trap, werent very jigsaw like... they didnt really involve high levels of pain, sacrifice etc... instead they focussed on the mind of the players, not the body. Ill try not to spoil it.....but the following HIDE section IS a spoiler!

For example the trap with the sewers as safe chambers and the jars with keys hanging above. This game has nothing to do with the body of the "contestants" instead it is about how they think. In the first room the tape instructed them NOT to follow their instincts, their instincts of course being "every man for himself" however it become extremely apparent in the last game how wrong they were to kill their friends, if all had reached that room it would have been a lot quicker to fill the jar and all would have survived. As it is we do not yet know what happens to the two fools.

It really does focus on how the detectives involved got involved what they feel about jigsaw etc.... which is important but slightly dull.

Overall i give the film 4/5 all the other films get 5/5 :P

I cant wait for saw 6 now!!

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i saw the trailer on tv and i knew i just had to watch it. saw v was great but as gross as all the other ones were. i love horror movies and watch any i can and this was one of the better ones. a great movie.

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