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University Researchers Developing Cancer-fighting Beer what do you know... wine already has these healing powers

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Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

A team of researchers at Rice University in Houston is working to create a beer that could fight cancer and heart disease. Taylor Stevenson, a member of the six-student research team and a junior at Rice, said the team is using genetic engineering to create a beer that includes resveratrol, the disease-fighting chemical that's been found in red wine.(...)
"The idea is that it may have greater effects [in beer than in wine]," he added. "The amount of red wine you'd need to drink to get the same results they get with rats in labs is about half a bottle a day."

half bottle a day it's okay with me...

Stevenson noted that the lab strains of yeast the team used initially certainly wouldn't produce a tasty beer. The taste issue is why the team this summer turned to the Saint Arnold Brewing Co., a craft brewery in Houston, for some good beer-making yeast to use. In general, the addition of the resveratrol shouldn't affect the taste of the beer, since the chemical is odorless and tasteless, he said.

why not get it right the first time, oy.

I stick to the wine then. Half a bottle a day, you heard the man! Cheers!

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half bottle a day it's okay with me...

So...does this mean that there's something wrong with drinking half a bottle of wine a day? If we're talking a 750ml bottle, that's about 3 glasses (at least how I pour) and definitely doable.

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On the topic of adding stuff to beer...has anyone had Budweiser BE? The beer with caffeine? I don't even know if they still sell it. Though I did try looking it up and found a really interesting beer review site - BeerPal.


When BE came out, I was on a big Red Bull & vodka kick, plus I inhaled coffee. It seemed like a great idea, but I just never had it. Now looking back, it seems so odd. Put caffeine in a drink people usually consume when they're relaxing? With a Red Bull, you know what you're in for, and usually it was to keep me from taking a post-dinner nap that inevitably lasts until morning and instead going out for a night of dancing.


It's got a pretty low rating on BeerPal, but the official description - Spiced Ale... Beer with caffeine, ginseng and guarana extract and natural flavors - actually sounds pretty good...that might just be because it's fall and spiced drinks always seem appealing now.


As for beer research guinea pigs...go to Charleston, SC. I was there for a conference the other week and could not believe the number of adds for research subjects relating to beer, cigarettes, marijuana, and more. Not only do you get to drink a lot for free, but you'll actually get paid as well!

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