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Installing Joomla On Local Computer(localhost) installing and managing joomla on your local host

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1. First you need joomla package. Goto joomla website and download the latest version of joomla.Follow this link download joomla. This tutorial is based on Joomla 1.5.x2. unzip(extract) the file and rename it to joomla.This makes no sense. What file to rename to "joomla"? The zipped file? Or what? I extract the downloaded zip file that contains the Joomla files, and what to rename?I am getting white empty page running this


link: localhost/joomla

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I got the same issue in my local and fix using some steps from here you can get the detail


1. First you need joomla package. Goto joomla website and download the latest version of joomla.Follow this link download joomla. This tutorial is based on Joomla 1.5.x

2. unzip(extract) the file and rename it to joomla.

This makes no sense. What file to rename to "joomla"? The zipped file? Or what? I extract the downloaded zip file that contains the Joomla files, and what to rename?
I am getting white empty page running this LOCALHOST/joomla

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Dear Friends,

I 've installed joomla as per information. While running joomla, I am getting follow error code and can not du futher.

[CODE][size=3][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Static function JDatabase::test() should not be abstract in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomladatabasedatabase.php[/b] on line [b]350[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]394[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]394[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][b]Strict Standards[/b]: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in [b]D:XAMPPhtdocsswarnavalibrariesjoomlacachecache.php[/b] on line [b]396[/b][/size]

after that joomla home page comes. I am using following things.:
1. Windows 7 32 bit

Can any body give some idea how to solve it. I am missing the real essence of joomla.

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HiI am using xampp server and joomla 2.5.1 full package. I extract joomla to the xampphtdocsjoomla folder. when i visit "LOCALHOST/joomla/installation/index.php#"the installation page will appear but by selecting language "English(US)" when i click to "Next" button the error will appear"Install is undefined"here "Install" is used in sourse script called by clicking on next button on installation page the code is<a href="#" onclick="Install.submitform();" rel="next" title="Next">Next</a>my browser supports java so that's not a problem. can u help me? what to do??

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I just installed WAMP 2.2 on Win 7, explorer 8, and haven't had any trouble so far. Today I decided since I've had nothing but trouble with Joomla 2.5 (keep getting locked out after working on Global Config, and end up re-installing) I would install it locally on WAMP to see if I could figure out what was going wrong. I followed directions exactly, got to the first page, language, and no farther. Clicking on the little yellow exclamation point in the bottom left of my browser brings up the following error messages. I've tried a clean install, shutting down WAMP and restarting it, changing languages, all to no avail. Any ideas? Is Joomla 2.5 perhaps not compatible with the newest WAMP package? I purposely downloaded the 32 bit package since 32-bit seems more compatible with half the stuff I run. (My old computer eyes cannot read the security check! I am going to try the 3rd time now...)

Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; FunWebProducts; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; FunWebProducts)
Timestamp: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 01:10:06 UTC

Message: Expected identifier, string or number
Line: 103
Char: 3
Code: 0
URI: LOCALHOST/jooinstallation.js

Message: 'Installation' is undefined
Line: 36
Char: 5
Code: 0
URI: LOCALHOST/jooation/index.php

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 507
Char: 25
Code: 0
URI: LOCALHOST/jooootools-core.js

Message: 'Install' is undefined
Line: 68
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: LOCALHOST/jooation/index.php

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