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How Much You Thinks To Decrease The Poverty :

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How much you thinks to decrease the poverty : As part of its continuing effort to fight poverty in the india or world will debate issues such as better policies, institutional reforms and improved governance.You may have ideas and increase awareness of the causes and measurement of poverty, and improve policymakers' understanding of the challenges in designing and implementing policy and institutional reforms. Efforts by member countries and reduce poverty.About more than 10 delegates from member states, donor agencies, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions will debate how best to address the needs of the poor and work towards reaching a consensus on strategies for reducing poverty. The theme of this topic is "Reforming Policies and Institutions for Poverty Reduction".you may revolve around three key issues: * Forming consensus for poverty reduction; * The ingredients of pro-poor growth; and * Tackling vulnerability - improving the situation of groups that are bypassed by the growth process."The vision of my free of poverty, provides by you a clear and single-minded mission. Poverty reduction is no longer just one of the objectives,To date, close to lac of the world's poor, who live on less than a Rs.50 a day, reside in the india. Nearly one in 100 india is poor. The recent financial crisis has not only slowed down the pace of poverty reduction, but resulted in a considerable increase in the number of the poor in the region.there is job crisis poor people dont know where they get job.no one help to collect the money only goverment, agency, donator can help to reduce the povery. what you thing to reduce povert not in india but world wise.any idea, help, suggesion most welcome to help the poor people.thanks

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One of the best inovations I have seen in a long time to fight poverty is a program that furnishes "micro loans" for individuals to start some sort of business in their communitys. The loans are small, maybe enough to purchase a sewing machine for a woman in a village to make clothing or do repairs for the people in her community. Or for cookware to start a small snack stand. These loans have had a tremendous success rate, and have been nearly 100% repaid by the borrowers.There is also a new school I just saw featured on TV a few days ago, where woman are trained to do repairs or to build solar panels. These panels furnish electicity to impoverished communities all over India and Africa. The electric helps give the community a much better lot in life, and opens the doors to many other community improvements and oppertunities. The thing I like best about these sort of programs, is that they are a hand UP, not a hand out, like the current welfare system in the USA, where people's lazyness in rewarded. These program emphathise a work ethic, to improve your situation by using your head and your own labor. When you GIVE something to someone, they have not earned it, and therefore do not appreciate it. You have a much deeper respect for something you have had to work hard to obtain, where as if something is given to you it was free, and therefore has no real value to you.

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That's a good idea.Letting the poor people in through loans oincutting edge technology like these solar panels.I guess a lot of times, big corporations won't touch new technology because there isn't much profit in it. For example, I hear they could make a light bulb that would never burn out,but apparantly general electric or somebody bought the patent for it andwill never release it.

Edited by networker (see edit history)

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poverty has been up for yeaaarrrss!!!and it will continue this way because in this world people are interested to be higher than someone (even though everyone is equal)second. you need poverty to work for cheap labor and that is what businesses try to do make people poor.so poverty will continue to be like this forever unless someone does something about it.

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