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Tanning Damages Skin!

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You may look healthy with a bronzed skin, but tanned skin is actually unhealthy and is a result of DNA damage inside the skin.First, here is some information about Ultraviolet rays from sunlight.Ultraviolet rays from the sun comes in various wave lengths., namely UVA, UVB and UVC. They all have different energy levels and cause damage to different extents.UVA harms the deeper layers of the skin and causes premature ageing of the skin. UVB is is supposedly the cause of sunburn because it damages the skin's outer layer. UVC has the greatest amount of energy level, thus causing the greatest amount of damage. Luckily, it is completely absorbed by the atmosphere and hence prevented from reaching us.Still, the combined harmfulness of UVA and UVB are bad enough. UV rays cause immediate effects of sunburn, dry and itchy skin an skin redness. Long-term exposure to UV rays may result in premature skin ageing and wrinkling, increased risk of getting skin cancer, and skin pigmentation.Fair-skinned people especially have it worst than dark-skinned people because they have less pigment cells and are less protected from UV rays. Fair-skinned people get sunburned quite easily, and are more susceptible to skin cancer and skin ageing.Even the use of sun-tanning lotions with a sun protection factor is insufficient to let you enjoy your bronzed look without worrying about side effects. Protection given by the skin is already minimal, otherwise, it would not change color so easily under the sun. SPF just provides a little more protection (which only lasts for a limited amount of time by the way, depending on what spf you use), which does not constitute much of a bonus. Tanning beds are just as bad as natural sunlight, because they also emit UV rays like the sun. Self-tanning lotions are safer to use because they don't generate a pigmentary response. But they just produce an artificial tan which people may not be Of course the sun is pretty much unavoidable, and it's always nice to feel warm sunlight on your body and gaze into the clear blue sky. But do at least take precautions such as applying sunblock whenever you go out, and wearing sunglasses and a cap at the beach or pool. Above all, don't tan on purpose. Being comfortable in the skin you're in makes you look sexier/healthier than trying to get alter your skin tone, no matter how natural the method.

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Too much UV is indeed very bad for your skin. A little sun every day though is better than none; sun causes your skin to make vitamin D, a very important vitamin for strong bones. Luckily too, vitamin D is fat-soluble, so excess amounts of it are stored in your body instead of being flushed out like water soluble vitamins (B, C, etc.)UV is also very bad for your eyes and can cause them to go bad much quicker than they would otherwise. If you wear sunglasses that don't protect against UV, this can actually be worse than not wearing them since the dimmer light makes your pupils dilate, thus letting more UV into your eyes. So be careful how much sun you get, and choose good sunglasses to protect yourself.

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Well no one should completely avoid the sun. You need it. Have you ever heard stories about people who became sick due to that they were locked into a room or never went outside? You do not need a lot of it, 10 minutes outside everyday is enough... and it do not even have to be sun outside. (There are always clouds or rain here)I am very pale. I am not going to lie, I am extremely pale. Many people at my school or really everywhere here tan themselves so they almost look black. There is nothing wrong with being black, but when a white girl or boy goes to Spain and comes back almost black it looks fake and horrible. Yuck. Sometimes I think being milky white is very nice, but I would like to have a nice tan. It looks very healthy. Too bad that I never get a tan... never. Sun can age your skin earlier. I would rather go around looking very white than have my skin aged to early. In some countries being white or light is considered nice. :lol: I like it there, haha. Although I find it very amusing when Japanese or Chinese tourists run around with an umbrella when there is sun.

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