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Confidence In God Brings Joy!

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There was a guy by name Lee.Lee was prescribed by his doctor some medicines for his heart condition. This medicine, Lee was told, could cause depression. Lee was an optimist, but the medicine created a negative reaction in him. He found himself dredging up negative experiences from the past, times he had failed, times when things went wrong and so on. He started worrying about his health. Finally he got so depressed that he got on his knees and said. Lord, I have to fight back. I know you dont want me to live like this. Please help me. The next day, Lee decided to try a new approach. He started thinking positive things to crowd out the negative feelings. He took time to read the Word of God and pray, His prayer consisted more of thanking the Lord for all the blessings he had received in the past. He took time to listen to good music, to read a good book or informative article, and to get some good exercise. And slowly he began to find that despite the medication he could control his feelings successfully!

So friends, do you struggle with negative thoughts or a habit that is causing bad health? Do not allow your feelings to master you. Whenever your mood dips, immediately get in touch with Gods Word which will strengthen your soul. In Psalm 42, we read how David found relief from his depressed state by putting his hope in the Lord, and praising Him. In the next Psalm he made a positive statement.

I will go to the altar of God, to God my joy and my delight. I will praise you with harp O God

. (Psalm 43:4) So then, cheer up. Start taking a series of steps that will make you glad. Force yourself to enjoy life with His grace. The Lord of hope will certainly fill your heart with inexplicable joy.

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It's very rare for people to look for solutions in the Holy Bible and it's very rare for people to post Godly stuff in a forum like this. Thank you for that and please keep up the good work. I pry God will bless you in everything that you are going to do.

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I understand what you mean to say... But all those people who find it NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE at the pinnacle of their RAGE to think of GOD(because for them ... God is THIRD PARTY person bosS).. Kindly give a READ to "POWER OF NOW"I can translate the TITLE of the book to POWER OF GOD.People who feel they are DOING a great thing by worshiping GOD.... Here is an Open "**** you". God bless all those who understand that by saying the name of God, you release your MINDFUL EXISTENCE of being an INSTINCT BOUNDED animal. Humans have INTELLIGENCe but without GOD, I feel its much like being a MONKEY. Pity to those people who DO NOT even realize the beauty of Sun, Air, moon, Greenery, Life.. just the way it is. Pity for people who do not see AIRPLANES and TVs as miracles because they read 10 lines on their CONCept and now believe themselves to be NUCLEAR SCIENTISTS.Pity to those, who rant about "Everything happening for a Reason" and consider GOD only the science running around Life. Who say they believe & understand God.. but yet everyday they will not SPEND 10 min. in silence withOUT reasoning GOD in their OWN MINDS.Who fail to win Hearts, Cheer up people ... by using their MINDS and neglecting the HEART!Who educate themselves half their lives and be more "ignorant by heart" to others than an illiterate person who at least knows to love & respect.Those Humans who feel their MIND has a better capacity to Manipulate TRUTH. And their call manipulating Truth as being a mastermind.my 2 cents... everyone who has lost/beaten/hurt due to some TRUTH, Know that the Truth was God. (May God be your side)-Peace to all-

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