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Greets Everyone Little Introducing bout me

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Hi All , My name is Marvin emm i am 18lets talk bout My activityI'm waiting for my college to Start on september (its my first year ^o^ v),meanwhile i play game alot (i'm a freakin Gamers) i don't like to play console games prefer to Online games like RagnaroK , WoW , LineAge II,Rising Force .Beside That i like Graphic Design but i don't really good at it so would like to look for help from Xisto graphic Team hope my skill can increased So why i come here?i found this hosting while i'm googling for a free web hosting to host for my Ragnarok Private Server Site the last hosting server wad freakin damn it down my site because i stored 10mb mp3 for my Player and it don't have free MySQl and fsockopen (i need sql for the forum and fsockopen for the server status checker)hope i can enjoy here the community and the host ^o^Oh yes,Btw i love the forum and the communityi can know more here :)

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Welcome to the community Marvin aka merkurius! :P


I think it is weird no one has written a reply to you yet, maybe they are slightly afraid? :) Well I am not, so welcome! Always great to meet new members. Xisto is great. The hosting is wonderful - and so is the members. I am sure you will feel welcomed. We have people from all around the world here, (this is something I find very interesting) and also just a lot of different people. We are not all the same, but there are someone here probably kind of like you. :P


Please stop me if I write too much, I often do that... anyway take a good look at the Xisto Read Me. It is important to get familiarized with the forum so you know the do's and don'ts. If you have any questions that you can not find an answer too - just ask any of us! Most of us are kind of nice.


I normally write something about the hosting, but you can find that in the Read Me. The main thing is that you need credits - and you get them through posting good quality posts around the forum. Please try to avoid many one-liners because they are considered as spam.


Good luck.

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Hello Marvin Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich in Michigan, USA. Where are you?


Bluebear has filled you in on things, so I won't be redundant. You have come to the right place for free no-ads hosting. I have been here 2 1/2 years, and things are awesome. There are a lot of things offered in the packages that I don't even use or understand, but others seem to be absolutely amazed at all the free stuff available. How does Trap 17 do it???


People here are all friendly and helpful. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will either answer you or point you to the answer. The forums are plentiful and varied, so you should have no problem finding somewhere to post.


I came here for the graphics expertise as well. Have learned a lot since arriving; thanks to all the graphics nuts that have come to my rescue. :)


You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17 if you need further information.


See you around the boards. :P

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Welcome to the website merkurius and as for hosting a runescape server first you would have to check if you can and on top of that you would need paid hosting with a lot more space and bandwidth since a Xisto account won't be able to handle that kind of load.

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From the reviews I've read in the forums it seems that this place is even better the paid hosting! You can't really beat that. Hope you're able to make the most of Xisto.

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