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Summertime Blues Just one thing that bugs me....

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I do love summer. It's great to be able to just bale out the door without having to spend 10 minutes piling enough clothes on to keep you from freezing to death. I love playing in the creek, if I could ever get some time off from the kennel that is. And I really enjoy all the outdoor activites and fun stuff that's always going on in the summer. But there is one thing about summer that drives me crazy. It's the ITCH!!!! Why is it that everything seems to make me itch???? Bug bites, stinging weeds, blackberry brambles, heck, even zucchini has little pointy spines that make you itch when you pick it. And then there is all that dog clipping I have to do. I have a couple pairs of really good dog clippers, that shave hair like a hot knife threw butter, but there are all those tiny bits of hair floating around in the air that stick to my sweaty hide like bugs on a windshield. In my eyes, up my nose....itch itch itch!!!! I can't wait to hit the shower after a grooming session. Hair in the eyes is the worst, you can blow it out of your nose, but you sure can't scratch your eyeballs! Even after a good rinsing, they still itch for hours. Oh sure, I get a little dry skin in the winter that itches a bit, but a good slathering of hand lotion takes care of that. But in the summer I find all this little bumps and scratches and blisters that just drive me crazy. And my feet are really thin skined on top, I can be sitting watching a little TV and scratch at them for a minute without even realize I'm doing it, and then next thing you know, I go to put my shoes on and find I have a sore spot where I've brought blood from itching. And it's always right where the sandle straps hit it. There must be a million varieties of bugs that bite. While ticks and chiggers don't like me, and rarely bite me, I still get skeeters, and those really nasty little sweat bees, and a few million other bugs. They all leave little welts that itch for ages. And of course, there are those sneaky little back biters. They manage to bit you in just exactly that one spot on your back that there is no way you can reach to itch it. Back scratchers just don't seem to help. Nothing is as satisfying as good old hard fingernails, which by now, mine are worn quite short and hard from all the scratching. Plant life is just as bad. So many plants with stickers and noxious sap that itch the bejabers out of me. For some strange reason, I only get poison ivy/oak about once every 15-20 years, so it isn't a big concern. I can pull the plants up and it won't bother me. Wish I could say the same for othe weeds though. Goats got out the other night and I had to chase them threw some brush, I itched for hours aftwards. The only thing I have found that helps much for releaving my miseries, is some homemade lye soap a friend of mine made and gave me some years ago. He gave me a big boxfull, and boy am I glad, I have most of a lifetimes supply if I just use it for my summer time blues.

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The only thing I have found that helps much for releaving my miseries, is some homemade lye soap a friend of mine made and gave me some years ago. He gave me a big boxfull, and boy am I glad, I have most of a lifetimes supply if I just use it for my summer time blues.

freshly sliced tomato is said to help if put in contact with the 'blues'... try that out if you have a chance, it won't hurt :)

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Wow that sounds pretty bad...do you live in the country? There's probably a lot more stuff to be sensitive there as far as plants are concerned.I haven't had many problems with plants except like poison oak once, but I sure know what you mean by bug bites there are tons of them in the country around here ugh...

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Wow that sounds pretty bad...do you live in the country? There's probably a lot more stuff to be sensitive there as far as plants are concerned.I haven't had many problems with plants except like poison oak once, but I sure know what you mean by bug bites there are tons of them in the country around here ugh...

Yes, we are definatly out in the boondocks. Wouldn't have it any other way. It does lead to some interesting times some days though. Hubby was watching Tv the other evening and a black snake came crawling along the porch rail, and if he had just been a bit lower, like on the ground instead of the rail, he probably would of come right on in the house. As it was, he bumped his little snakey nose on the glass in the screen door. Just a couple inches lower and he would of been at our "doggie door," and could of come right on in. Our screen door doesn't have a bottom panel in it. Ever see the movie "Turner and Hooch?" If so, remember the scene where the Doggie De Bordeaux plowed threw the bathroom door? Well, in the movie it was a machanical dog head, but our screen door was taken out by the real thing! Our old Bordeaux male decided he wanted to go out and couldn't wait for us to open the door so he just puthis head down and away he went.

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Bugs in general are annoying. Always in my way and it does always seem like they are trying to make me to get some sort of mental sickness when they are buzzing around in the room. I live on the countryside, but yet I am very close to the fjord. When I am at the "beach" (full of huge rocks, glass, a lot of seaweed) there are always some annoying bug that did decide to follow me around wherever I go. When I finally manage to get this evil little creature to go away, I still feel like there are bugs surrounding me. They itch, buzz and just annoys me.It is even more annoying when some bug follows me around when I am in town, waiting for the bus or something like that. You can not exactly run around and wave with your arms when there are like 15 other people around you. You sure can, but I suppose I am just kind of shy.I hate sunscreen. It makes my skin blank and horrible, but I have to use it. It gets stuck in my hair and my bangs, something that cause that my hair looks like crap and I constantly looks into some mirror to make sure it looks okey. Bangs is also very hard to have when it is summer. I can not live without my bangs, I look like an alien without them. Diving and bathing with it is hard - just because it all gets completely horrible!Another thing is that the summer here is not that good. Rain, rain, rain and more rain. The weather changes so quickly and because I travel and move a lot it is always so hard for me to decide what to bring... especially when it is summer. I can not exactly bring a huge suitcase, so I often end up bringing clothes that really does not fit for the weather. It can be rain in one second, then sun, then rain and then it can sometimes start to "snow." Summer in general is way overestimated. Summer holiday can be very boring, the weather stinks and I have got nothing to do. Yey, summer.

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