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Rejoicing In Sorrow! Is it possible ??

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Children and servants of God pass through various trials and hardships in our lives, which are sometimes too much for us to bear. In these days where prosperity gospel is preached among Christians, this makes us feel rather baffled. But, let us not be disillusioned because Paul writes,

Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

(II Timothy 3:12)
In todays text, Paul lists out all the difficult situations that he underwent, after his decision to live as a witness for Christ. In Acts 14:19 we read that he was almost stoned to death by the Jews, but was not dampened in his spirit by this. He said,

We must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.

Next, we read that he, along with Silas, was imprisoned with feet fastened in the stalks. Even in this critical situation, they did not question God, but were singing praises to Him. And the Lord delivered them miraculously in a supernatural way. Besides these, Paul was flogged severely.

He received forty lashes minus one for five times; he was shipwrecked; he was in hunger and thirst; he was cold and naked .Having endured such mindboggling situations he said just before his death,

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my race, now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord will award to me.

(II Timothy 4:7,8)
What a good testimony!!!

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