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News System (cms) .::DeadMan::. Paraphrased by alex1985

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A really nice tutorial how to create a full news system, a good guide to follow.


The features are:


1. Admin Panel


a) Add News


:) Edit News


c) Delete News




a) Add Comments


;) Delete Comments


c) Edit Comments


3. BBCode


a) Bold Tags/Italics Tags


;) Underlined Tags


c) Strike Through Tags


d) Link Tags


e) Image Tags


f) Code Tags


g) E-Mail Tags


At first, you need to create certain (2) tables which are news and comments for your system able to run:


CREATE TABLE `news` (`id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,`title` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`author` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',`content` text NOT NULL,`postdate` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM;CREATE TABLE `news_comments` (`id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,`author` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',`content` text NOT NULL,`postdate` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`nid` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM;

Secondly, you need to create a file which is called "bbcode.php", I guess, you know for what, because the name of it sounds its function.


<?function bbcode($content){ // our nice bbcode function$content = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($content)); //  our message that we want to put the bbcode in	$bbcode = array(  // The BBCode tags	   "'[b](.*?)[/b]'", // Bold Tag [b]Bold[/b]	   "'[i](.*?)[/i]'", // Italics Tag [i]Italics[/i]	   "'[u](.*?)[/u]'", // Underline Tag [u]Underlined[/u]	   "'[strike](.*?)[/strike]'", // Stroked Out Tag [strike]Strike[/strike]	   "'[img=(.*?)]'", // Image Tag	   "'[url=http://(.*?)](.*?)[/url]'", // Url Tag [url=http://yoursite.com]A website =D[/url]	   "'[url=http://(.*?)](.*?)[/url]'", // Another Url Tag [url]yoursite.com[url]		);	  $html = array( // The HTML counter part of the tags		"<strong>1</strong>", // Bold		"<em>1</em>", // Italics		"<u>1</u>", // Underlined		"<strike>1</strike>", // Stroked out text		"<a href='1' target='_BLANK'>2</a>", // Url 1 opens in a new window		"<a href='1' target='_BLANK'>1</a>", // Url 2 opens in a new window		"<img border='0' src='1'>", // Image		   );	  $content = preg_replace($bbcode, $html, $content); // replaces all BBCode tags with  their HTML counter parts	return nl2br($content);}?>

Thirdly, we need to create a page that may display our news, which is "news.php":


<?phpob_start(); // allows us to use cookiesinclude("config.php"); // includes the config fileinclude("bbcode.php"); // includes our bbcode file$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY id DESC"); // querys the databaseif (mysql_num_rows($q) == "0") { // if there is nothing than we echo an error	echo ("There is no news in the database!"); // opps nothing}while($r=mysql_fetch_array($q)){ // fetches array	$id = $r['id']; // news id	$title = $r['title']; // news title	$author = $r['author']; // news author	$postdate = $r['postdate']; // news date	$content = bbcode($r['content']); // news content	echo ("<tr> // displays our news				<td><a href='news_comments.php?view=news&id=$id'>$title</a> Posted by <a href='/kurt/members.php?user=$author'>$author</a> At $postdate<br></td>			</tr>			   <tr>				<td>$content<br>[<a href='news_comments.php?view=addcomment&id=$id'>Add a comment</a>] [<a href='news_comments.php?view=news&id=$id'>View comments</a>]<br><br></td>			</tr>");}if($logged[username] && $logged[level] ==5) echo ("[<a href='news_admin.php'>Administrative Panel</a>]"); // if the user is an admin display a link to the admin panelif(!$logged[username]) echo ("[<a href='login.php'>Login</a>] [<a href='register.php'>Register</a>]"); // if the user is a guest display links to login or register?>

Fourthly, we need to create a file named "news_comments.php" in order to display comments:


<?phpob_start();include("config.php");if ($logged['username']){switch($_GET['view']){case 'news':$id = $_GET['id'];$select = "select * from news where id=$id";$select2 = "select * from news_comments where nid=$id ORDER BY id DESC";$getnews = mysql_query($select)or die(mysql_error());$getcomments = mysql_query($select2);if (mysql_num_rows($getnews) == "0") {echo 'Unable to find the article in our database';exit();}$row = mysql_fetch_array($getnews)or die(mysql_error());$nid = $row['id'];$ntitle = $row['title'];$ncontent = $row['content'];$nauthor = $row['author'];$postdate = $row['postdate'];	echo ("<tr>				<td>$ntitle Posted by <a href='members.php?user=$nauthor'>$nauthor</a> At $postdate<br></td>			</tr>			   <tr>				<td>$ncontent<br><br>Comments:<br></td>			</tr>");if (mysql_num_rows($getcomments) == "0") {echo("There are no comments!<br>[<a href='news_comments.php?view=addcomment&id=$id'>Add a comment</a>]");}if($logged[username] && $logged[level] ==5)while($rowc= mysql_fetch_array($getcomments)){$cauthor = $rowc['author'];$ccomment = $rowc['content'];$cdate = $rowc['postdate'];$cid = $rowc['id'];	echo ("<tr>				<td>Comment Posted by [<a href="news_admin.php?view=editcomment&id=$cid">Edit</a>] [<a href="news_admin.php?view=deletecomment&id=$cid">Delete</a>]<br></td>			</tr>			   <tr>				<td>$ccomment<br><br></td>			</tr>");	}while($rowc= mysql_fetch_array($getcomments)){$cauthor = $rowc['author'];$ccomment = $rowc['content'];$cdate = $rowc['postdate'];	echo ("<tr>				<td>Comment Posted by <a href='members.php?user=$nauthor'>$cauthor</a> At $cdate<br></td>			</tr>			   <tr>				<td>$ccomment<br><br></td>			</tr>");}echo("[<a href='news_comments.php?view=addcomment&id=$id'>Add a comment</a>]");break;case 'addcomment':ob_start();include("config.php");$id = $_GET['id'];if(isset($_POST['add_comment'])) {$author = $logged['username'];$postdate = date('g:i A, l F j');$comment = $_POST['comment'];$nid = $_GET['id'];$sql = "INSERT INTO news_comments ( `author` , `postdate`, `content`, `nid`) VALUES ('$author', '$postdate', '$comment', '$nid')";$addblog = mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());header("Location: news.php");}else{echo ("<form method='post' name='addcomment'><tr>	<td height='20'>Comment:</td></tr><tr>	<td><br><textarea rows='5' cols='35' name='comment'>Type your comment here!</textarea><br> <input type='submit' name='add_comment' value='Submit'></td></tr></form>");}}if (!isset($_GET['id']))header("Location:news.php");}else{exit('Hey! you need to [<a href='utsagamingservers.com/kurt/cpanel?view=login&%2339; first!');}?>

Fifthly, "news_admin.php" will be used for administration purposes:


<?ob_start();include('config.php');if ($logged['level'] == '5') {switch($_GET['view']) {case "addnews" :include("config.php");if(isset($_POST['add_news'])) {$title=$_POST['title'];$author=$logged['username'];$postdate=date("g:i A, l F j");$content=$_POST['content'];$sql = "INSERT INTO news (title, author, postdate, content) VALUES ('$title', '$author', '$postdate', '$content')";$addnews = mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());header("Location:news.php");}else{echo ("<form method='post' name='addnews'><tr>	<td height='20'>Article Title:<br></td></tr><tr>	<td> <input class='content_box' Type='text' name='title' value='Article's Title'></td></tr><tr>	<td height='20'><br>News Article:</td></tr><tr>	<td><br><textarea rows='15' cols='95' name='content'>Type your article here!</textarea><br> <input type='submit' name='add_news' value='Submit'></td></tr></form>");}break;case "editnews" :include("config.php");$id = $_GET['id'];if(!$_GET['id']){header("Location:news_admin.php");}$select = mysql_query("select * from news where id=$id");if (mysql_num_rows($select) == "0") {echo 'Unable to find the news article in the database!';exit();}if(isset($_POST['edit_news'])) {$title=$_POST['title'];$content=$_POST['content'];$sql = mysql_query("update news set title = '$title', content = '$content' where id = '$id'");echo ("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='1; URL=news.php'/>Your article has been updated! You will now be redirected");exit;}else{$get = mysql_query("select * from news where id=$id");$get = mysql_fetch_array($get);echo ("<form method='post' name='editnews'><tr>	<td height='20'>Article Title:<br></td></tr><tr>	<td> <input Type='text' name='title' value='$get[title]'></td></tr><tr>	<td height='20'><br>News Article:</td></tr><tr>	<td><br><textarea rows='15' cols='95' name='content'>$get[content]</textarea><br> <input type='submit' name='edit_news' value='Submit'></td></tr></form>");}break;case "deletenews" :include("config.php");$id = $_GET['id'];if(!$_GET['id']){header("Location:news_admin.php");}$select = mysql_query("select * from news where id=$id");if (mysql_num_rows($select) == "0") {echo 'Unable to find the news article in the database!';exit();}$delete = mysql_query("DELETE FROM news WHERE id = '$id'") or die(mysql_error());$delete2 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM news_comments WHERE nid = '$id'") or die(mysql_error());echo("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='1; URL=news.php'/>Your article has been deleted! You will now be redirected");break;case "deletecommet" :include("config.php");$id = $_GET['id'];if(!$_GET['id']){header("Location:news_admin.php");}$select = mysql_query("select * from news_comments where id=$id");if (mysql_num_rows($select) == "0") {echo 'Unable to find the comment in the database!';exit();}$delete = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `news_comments` WHERE id = '$id'") or die(mysql_error());echo("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='1; URL=news.php'/>The comment has been deleted! You will now be redirected");break;case "editcomment" :include("config.php");$id = $_GET['id'];if(!$_GET['id']){header("Location:news_admin.php");}$select = mysql_query("select * from news_comments where id=$id");if (mysql_num_rows($select) == "0") {echo 'Unable to find the comment in the database!';exit();}if(isset($_POST['edit_comment'])) {$comment=$_POST['comment'];$sql = mysql_query("update news_comments set content = '$content' where id = '$id'");echo ("<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='1; URL=news.php'/>The comment has been updated! You will now be redirected");exit;}else{$get = mysql_query("select * from news_comments where id=$id");$get = mysql_fetch_array($get);echo ("<form method='post' name='editcomment'><tr>	<td height='20'>Comment:</td></tr><tr>	<td><br><textarea rows='15' cols='95' name='comment'>$get[content]</textarea><br> <input type='submit' name='edit_comment' value='Submit'></td></tr></form>");}break;default:echo "Welcome to your news admin area $logged[username]! [<a href='news_admin.php?view=addnews'>Add News</a>]<br><br>";$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY id DESC");if (mysql_num_rows($q) == "0") {	echo ("There is no news in the database! [<a href='news_admin.php?view=addnews'>Add News</a>]");}while($r=mysql_fetch_array($q)){	$id = $r['id'];	$title = $r['title'];	$author = $r['author'];	$postdate = $r['postdate'];	echo ("<tr>				<td><a href='news_comments.php?view=news&id=$id'>$title</a> Posted by <a href='members.php?user=$author'>$author</a> At $postdate [<a href='news_admin.php?view=editnews&id=$id'>Edit</a>] [<a href='news_admin.php?view=deletenews&id=$id'>Delete</a>]<br></td>		   </tr>");}break;}}else{exit('Hey! where do you think your going?');}?>

Lastly, you need create the configuration file that will access your database settings ("config.php"):


<?php$host = "localhost";$dbuser = "username";$dbpassword = "password";$dbname = "table/database";$connection = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $password) or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error());?>

That's it. Any replies to improve it are welcomed!!!

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This is very cool, I really would love to learn PHP and CSS in full. But I don't have the time! But this tutorial is great, but I use Wordpress so I don't exactly need it, but I could make mods to Wordpress now, using some of this knowledge! Thanks, Sam.

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