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Apple Mini (me) Apple Mini (me)

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Apple has came out apple mini computer will you think that it will convert lots of windows users to the mac platform? I was disappointed with the low configuartion though. The design was nice and sleek as usual. Kudos to apple for keeping such high standards... :rolleyes::):):D

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discussion thread for the mac mini here:

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if i must be sincere, this is the first Apple model I like.Apple, recently, used to be more "design" than "functional", but i've just seen the features and i must say it's amazing.G4 proccessor, up to 1Gb memory (not so much), etc; and the functional design: $400. the only thing, you must buy screen, mouse and keyboard separetly.i think big computer shops will sell packs with Apple Mini and peripherical devices alltogether, for a good price because, otherway, no one would buy it, and Mac is not as fool. (i think)

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^ the good thing about that is, people would have the monitors and stuff if they ever wanted to upgrade to new version in the forth coming.They're new OS, tiger, should appatrtly be quite excellent to. Though, I can't see it as being much of a task to be better than XP. All around, Mac are doing slightly better with the iPOD being arround and stuff. Also, as for the whole hting of they're computers being all designed. It was largly due to the fact, that quite a lot of computer designers and designers who use computers liked to use mac's.

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