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Warcraft Iii.....[gone]

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Is it just me or has it lately seemed that every time I go to a store like wal-mart the only battle chest I ever see anymore is the World of warcraft Battle chest right where the War3 was at just last year? Is blizzard not selling it anymore? Are they cutting production? Whats going on please someone if you know whats going on please explain....

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After you buy and install the battlechest, you will have to get all the updates from the Blizzard site and that will bring your Warcraft up to speed to the latest version. In fact, you can't run the game at all until you've completed all the updates and patches. Current patch is up to version 2.4By doing it this way it saves Blizzard a lot of money because they don't have to keep producing new install CD/DVD's.

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In actuality you CAN run the game if it's not patched perfectly. You just can't go online. But I see your referring to World of Warcraft although this topic is about Warcraft III so yeah...Well, over here in Australia, I can still see plenty of copies of Warcraft III (they still come in Warcraft III Reign of Chaos [seperate], Warcraft III The Frozen Throne [seperate], and the Warcraft III BattleChest [including the Warcraft III Reign of Chaos/Frozen Throne strategy guide]). So I don't really think that they are cutting production

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In the Wal-Mart near my house, there are still Warcraft III cd's being sold. They are right where they always were, right next to Diablo, Diablo II and it's expansion, and Starcraft. World of Warcraft is however, right by the xbox and ps3 and wii testing places, and that's where everyone is :/.

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Sooner or later though, Warcraft III will stop being sold, although I doubt that is going to be happening anytime soon, seeing as Starcraft is one old *bottom* game and it is STILL being sold in seperate CDs (for just Starcraft and just the expansion Brood War) as well as Starcraft Battle Chest.

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Blizzard is slowing down in producing new WC3 retail boxes since WoW story started from WC3 : Frozen Throne. Only way to get WC3 is either through online retail or Amazon.

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Yeah Blizzard are going down hill because of the credit crunch, Also the prices may go up now to play online so they can get the money they need!

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