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Debate With The Religions : Christian Vs Islam Vs More This time I dont debate, you do

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Charles45Debate With The Religions : Christian Vs Islam Vs MoreCould it be that we all (christian, muslim,jews), fail to understand the Trinity? I mean,. To fully understand the Trinity in its entire meaning. What if Jesus really is God in the flesh?? What If God could really do such a thing and become a man? AND,..What if God really IS beyond our comprehension as stated above? What if this Trinity idea is a fact and Muslims pray to God? Does that mean they pray to Jesus? Afterall,. If Jesus is God in the form of a man,. Could the Jew and the Muslim be praying to the very God that I pray to? Do we know everything about God? Yet,. On here we see these opinions placed as facts!! These interpretations written as though we have gone to heaven and back and have all the facts!! Its as though every religion has a variety of branches of each and beliefs are so distorted. Baptsist, Orthodox Jews, Catholic, Shia, sunni, ect,. All post as though they have Gods favor somehow. The creationist and the Evolutionist,..My own bible says ,"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". It gives NO reference to how long it took. Yet,. The argument continues. My bible says to the man and woman created to "replenish" the earth. To me, this reveals something. I believe evolution is a reality just as science claims and I also believe God created it just as the bible claims. I believe the old earth "became" void and that it was part of Gods plan all along. Then,. He created man in his own image and created a different environment for him/her and God saw that it was good."Good"? compared to what? Why do we always allow our pride to prevent us from learning? Muslims are told to get wisdom as are the Christian and the Jew. So,. Why do we allow our pride to ignore "ALL" possible paths? Do we even hear what we claim to believe? Muslims and Jews "claim" that God is omnipotent and yet can't seem to believe that God could become a man (Jesus). The Christians "claim" to believe that Jesus and God are "ONE" yet,. Can't imagine salvation through God,..?? Can we not see the contradictions in our own said beliefs? The "WORD" became flesh!! Through the WORD we are saved,..What is the WORD of God?/ ITS THE TRUTH! His Truth!! I'm here in Iraq and have been here for about 5 years now. I talk to shia, sunni, kurds,. I've traveled all over the world and met Budhists, Hindu's, Jews, ect,.. They were all human beings. All created by God,.The same God we all claim to serve. Yes,. God,. And everyone I ever met had the Holy Spirit in them. Some knew it and others didn't,..But, I can see this strange "Holt Spirit" in everyone I've ever met. Yet,. Even preachers and rabi's and shieks and priests,.Ect, seem oblivious to this. Jesus taught his disciples to pray and the beginning words tell alot."OUR Father".!! Not,. OUR Jesus,. Or OUR Muhammad,. Jesus, being God, was teaching us to go directly to God in prayer,..I believe God,..Yes God,..Gives salvation as does Jesus. I believe in the Trinity and I believe in God! I believe God loves his creation and will take care ofUs and protect us from even our own ignorance!! Though we all have freewill and are allowed to make choices,. I still find myself subject to the Laws of God,.. I can choose to jump to the moon, but, laws of physics(God's "created" laws of physics) prevent my achieving that choice,..And,. I can reject God as a human and in flesh,. But,. Can we reject Him after the flesh? When I'm no longer bound to the limitations of the flesh,. Will I still think like a man? We hear of Christians making threats and even killing. We hear of Muslims doing the same,..And Jews also!! A muslim friend of mine told me during a conversation about Islam and Terrorists killings, that "that" was not TRUE ISLAM. I pondered on that and realized that "true christianity" does not teach killing either. Interesting!! The propoganda we "believe" allows us to justify our actions against one another!! That very propoganda begins with those who teach God. "Religions" of this world,...Shame on you... Christian,Muslim and Jew,..I challenge you toSeek out God and NOT your religion. If what you learn is BIAS toward any other,..Then what you learn is NOT from God!!

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Jesus is the way to eternal life.Debate With The Religions : Christian Vs Islam Vs MoreReplying to amirbornaHi I am a twelve year old girl that goes to a christian school and has been surronded around christians all my life. I know that jesus christ is the only way to having eternal life. When I go to heaven some day I want to see every single person there. I know that that will probably not happen but I want to atleast imagine. I want to atleast try and help save as many people as I can. Thank you :D-reply by ayannah

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we all have the same one GodDebate With The Religions : Christian Vs Islam Vs MoreHello everyone,To answer all your questions and comments I say:Pray to the one God that has created you, the creator of the world, the creator of your minds.Ask and pray for the right way, ask and pray to God from the heart and you will find the answers.Give yourself this chance, God is always here for you, ask his for the right way.In your prayers today ask God to really show you the right path.-reply by reem


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