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My Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S Spy is my favorite class and I think these suggestions own

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I think that some of these ideas are good, but most are bad.I disagree with the poster above saying that the updates should "IMPROVE" not "REPLACE" the current weapons. I think that the updates need to give "ANOTHER OPTION".Some people use natascha, some people don't. Some people use the backburner, some people don't. Some people use kritzkreig, some people don't. Guns like the syringe gun, boxing gloves, and axestinguisher are exceptions. So I think that maybe -one- weapon should be a necessity upgrade, but not all 3.I think that most of these new ideas are completely stacked one way. No one would choose a stationary knife over a throwable butterfly knife. The weapons have to be balanced, and have an equal number of flaws with benefits -- a choice must be involved.


I really think the pen injection idea is interesting. But like one mentioned, I think that you'd only be able to get one kill off of it before people noticing. My suggestion is that you could have some sort of spin off of it. Maybe like instead of the symptoms hitting immediately, it hits them in 5 seconds, and kills them 5 more seconds after that. This would allow multiple stealthy kills, before a victim screams from the death. A drawback to this would be that if the spy dies, the poison becomes nullified. The spy should start laughing after poison is activated, pointing out the the victims that they need to kill a nearby target and his location. This idea in my head is cool; as I imagine spies quickly dropping by and injecting and then retreating away laughing while the victims try to kill him before it's too late.


I don't think that this should be part of the spy update, but a patch. Like the patch to help balance out the pyro as they were too stacked upon release of the backburner. I think that if the spy get burned, the fire should instantly disappear after cloaking or disquising. I don't know if that's too stacked or not, but I think that they should do -something- to the cloak. Pyros just ruin the experience for spies.

But yeah. Those are just my thoughts.-reply by Squipe (Steam name)

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Basically, here are my views on the spyName: Silenced PistolReplaces: RevolverRemoves Disguise: YesUse Cloaked: NoDescription: Makes no noise when shot. Otherwise exactly like revolver.Ammo: 6 bullets per clip, 6 clips per lifeName: TripWireReplaces: SapperRemoves Disguise: NoUse Cloaked: NoDescription: Must be attached to a wall. Alerts team by a flashing icon on the screen when crossed.Ammo: 3 active at any time. (Similar to sticky bombs)Name: SyringeReplaces: Butterfly KnifeRemoves Disguise: YesUse Cloaked: NoDescription: Poisons enemy. Vision is impaired and health decreases.Ammo: 3 per life-reply by gmxgeek

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Spy Disguise vs PyroMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

I think it should be simply as long as the spy is in disguise the pyro cannot hurt him with his flamethrower but when he is out he can. Of course this is a disadvantage and would need further thought but it is far 2 easy to be caught out by pyro's as a spy. The only time a pyro could attack the spy with his flamethrower is if he is out of disguise or has set a sapper on a friendly machine. Otherwise spy is close to pointless when a pyro is defending. Please give opinions

-reply by BearMan

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my idea(s)My Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

I think it would be usefull if like iGuest said that it would take about 5~7 seconds to take affect and they just drop dead (that would replace the knife) so you would beable to get away from the person before they died and you would lose your disguise and not usable during cloak something even better would be if you put something on someone (which is pretty small so other people cant see it too well) where you put it on someone and then it switches what you're holding to a button that when you press kills them and maybe then takes your diguise off (but doesn't when you plant on the person) but if a teammate of them sees it they can shoot it off and it will come off after 20 seconds auto. (<-- maybe) or it could be how far away you are and you can onlny go up to say 30~50 feet away from it and theres a little bar at the bottom center of your screen that shows a count down from 20 seconds or a thing that shows your distance from the person  maybe the first one would be lvl1 or lvl 5 I don't know, and then the second is lvl 10 (or the first one would be lvl 1 the second one with the time lvl 5 and the second one with the distance be lvl 10) and I also think that the spy should get a bit more mobility with something or other for suprise attacks or just getting around faster/better  

-reply by heatseeker4474

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responsesMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

I think that the bomb/mine is a cool idea but it would fit better in the demo category and the invisible sapper is not too great in my opinion


-reply by lala

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Spy ReplacementsMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

I agree completely with Squipe. I can completely see the Pen Injector idea coming into play. Some great ideas in here.


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My ideaMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

As a pretty decent spy, I think some of these would over-power the already strong class. I also think their should be more stealth moves available so here is my idea. You have this injector thing the replaces the knife. With the injector, you get to inject up to 5 enemies with a bug. Then with a right click, everyone you injected is poisoned and will only live for about 7-10 seconds. Drawbacks? If the spy get's too far form any injected target, the bug goes away.(So the spy can't be back at base while five guys died)If the spy is kill during/before the bugs are active, the bugs stop acting.Why use it?Quick fire, so you can infect a group of people (while disguised) and then run and hide.More stealth involve, no hiding forever and getting one kill.Your targets won't know they are bugged until you activate the poison.I think this is still balanced because the five people the spy are poisoning will immediately go after the now running spy, and if you don't hide well, they live. (Don't know if the spy should be able to cloak during the poison period.) After this a successful attack, the team will be very spy paranoid for a while so two attacks will to hard to pull in a row. So what do you think? I think some minor tweaks would help.

-reply by themarcuslov

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how about a virusMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

How about instead of the pen, that injects poison, a jar that contains a deadly virus or toxic chemicals, that chokes anyone within a set distance. The area would become all green with the toxic fumes and dissapates after say, 10-15 seconds.

Drop the jar, and run for your life, because the jar dropping would make a sound like breaking glass, giving them warning to look for the perpetrator before they die. The medics needle gun could deliver the anti-virus. ???

what do you think. Feel free to take/modify my idea

-reply by caps lock


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My Spy Ideas (the Best)My Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

New sapper: Hacker Sapper

Disadvantage: Only disables (doesn't do damage), but stays on indefinitely until engy hits w/ wrench or SG is destroyed. This will encourage more "good" Spies who kill the enemy engineer and finish off the SG themselves. Also more teamwork is encouraged since the sapper won't destroy the SG by itself.

Advantage: If the spy gets enough kills/assists/destruction points, the Spy gets a "hacker" sapper which will TAKE OVER AN ENEMY SG so it shoots the enemy instead. This can turn the tide in a battle even faster than an uber-charge. Half a team can get wiped out before they know what's happening. The SG remains hacked until destroyed, or an enemy engy finds a way to wrench the SG (such as if the SG is right around a corner). The spy can get killed by his "own" SG similar to an engy, but there's no friendly fire so his team doesn't have to worry about crossfire. This powerful effect must have its limitations:

  • Only skilled spies will fill their hacker/power meter up because it takes multiple kills in a row, and it won't happen very often. It takes 8 points to fill the meter, where 2 pts are awarded for each backstab and 1 pt is awarded for each normal kill/assist/equipment destruction. In this case, 4 backstabs will fill the meter, or 3 backstabs and a couple revolver kills/disabled SG kill assists etc. A lvl 3 SG kill (sap then shoot) will be worth 2 points.   

  • The Hacker Sapper takes 2 seconds to hack the enemy SG, so the enemy engy can disable the Hacker Sapper first if he's right there. If the Spy's Hacker Sapper is enabled, he can hit his "last-used disguise" key to toggle the Hacker Sapper off/on so he can disable other SG's before hacking the one of his choice. 

  • After filling his hacker meter, the Spy might not be able to find an enemy SG before getting killed (whereas the Medic usually has teammates around to use the uber-charge on).

  • Since the Spy can't build or repair his hacked SG, it will be more vulnerable than a typical SG with an Engy babysitting it. The advantage of the hacked SG is surprise, and near- instant passage for friendlies

  • SGs will shoot each other, so a Spy should try to disable other nearby SGs before hacking the best one

Other implications to consider: Should an enemy Spy be able to sap the hacked SG (2 sappers at once)? If a normal sapper is on a SG, can the new disable-only/Hacker Sapper also be placed and vise-versa? If so, a Hacker Sapper should remove/disable a normal sapper upon activating. The Spy's teammate Engy will be able to repair the Spy's hacked SG and restock the ammo as usual, without knocking off the hacker sapper.

Other interesting ramifications:

  • A team can quickly establish a forward base if a Spy hacks a SG and there's a couple friendy Engineers around to build more stuff

  • You might see an Engineer get Uber-Charged so he can knock off a Hacker Sapper and get the SG back

  • If both types of sapper can be placed at once, then 2 Spies can lay down a normal sapper followed by a disable sapper, forcing an Engy to wrench his SG 4 times before removing the normal sapper (sappers get removed in reverse order). Useful against Engineers with great Spy defense. However, a couple of Spies laying down both sappers on a large group of Engy structures could be devastating, so there should probably be a limit of one sapper per SG (logically, you could say there's only room for one sapper to fry the circuitry of the SG/disp/tele). This would also keep enemy Spies from easily killing a Spy's hard-earned hacked SG with a normal sapper- not fun when the Spy can't remove it like an Engy. On the plus side, allowing 2 sappers per structure would encourage some Spy-Spy synergy, akin to a pair of Medics using uber-saws. 2 spies could sap lots of equipment and build up their hacker meters, but most likely they would just get killed.

  • A Spy can wait for an Engy to level up his SG then hack-sap after the Engy goes to get more metal. The Engy thinks it's a normal sapper and quickly runs back to wrench it, only to get blow to bits by his own gun. Hilarious

New knife: Electro Knife

Disadvantage: 25% slower cooldown time between strikes (actual strike speed is unchanged).

Advantage: Each backstab or slash increases cloak meter (hack meter is filled for kills regardless of knife). The blade draws electrical energy from the enemy's body to charge the wristwatch. Each backstab increases cloak meter by 25%, slashes only 10%. Perhaps if the cloak meter is already filled, the knife would then power up the hack meter faster. Spies will always want a fast backstab, so this would maintain that need while providing other benefits. Perhaps the Electro Knife would be required to power up the Hacker Sapper (more "logical").

As for the revolver, I like Krits' silencer idea, although I think 100% crit chance from behind would be too powerful since most classes would die in a couple hits. 

-reply by The Dude (Robert Weekes)


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ThoughtsMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

I like your canceler idea. But what if it was like a jammer instead, where u have to point it at what you wanna jam. And it would have like a cool down and charge up like the cloak(but no metal pick ups). Maybe a laser can indicate the enemy where you are. I say this becuase ever alternate weapon has to have a disadvantage, with the sapper u have to go right up to it(chances of dieing high) but it sticks and destroys the building unless an engie removes it. With your idea even tho it just freezes, it would seem to be cheap because 20 seconds is a long time to destroy something. With a jammer a spy has to be exposed to jam it and that would be its disadvantage.

-reply by frank


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Anti-Spy / Defensive SpyMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update SGoing on the idea of the spy being used as a defensive role/anti spy these are my ideas.Butterfly knife: Replaced with a different dagger (dunno what type doesnt realy matter.)-Thisdagger is not able to backstab.This dagger simply adds a differenttaunt that can only be activated when disguised as a member of your ownteam e.G. Your on blue team and you disguise as a blue engineer. Thistaunt lasts aroun 5-10 seconds and has your disguised character simplystand there sway a little perhaps whistle a tune to himself. This mayseem pointless but it helps you elimante enemy spies. If a spy attemptsto backstab in the process of you performing this taunt, the spiesbackstab will be interupted and the taunt will extend with yourdisguised self dogging the backstab and grabing the enemy spy by theneck and snaping it instantly killing him. This can be useful if youknow there is an engineer being harrased by spies, take the engineersplace by disguise yourself as him wait for some one to go behind you(presuming its an enemy spy) and peform the taunt. This is much moresubtle than spy checking and can make enemy spies think twice beforebackstabing someone.Sapper: Replaced with Laser trip wires + Radar handset.-If playing a anti-spy/ defensive role as a spy you obviously no longerhave a use for sappers so these will be replaced with laser trip wires.You don't not have ammo for these you just simply have a maximum youcan place (up to 3). These can be placed on walls or verticle surfacesonly. The laser trip wires do not hurt or even stun enemies, simply ifan enemy (even disguised/cloaked enemy spies) cross this trip wire theyou simply recive a beep. However when you switch to the laser tripwires/ radar hanset the handset has a small screen with a radar stylecircle,any enemies that have crossed on one of your trip wires will behighlighted on this handset for the next 30 seconds. Perhaps not sousefull for locating your bog standard enemy but good for routing outenemy spies. ( The laser tripwires will have a vissible red laserhowever if conceled well enough or if the enemy is in the heat ofbattle it is hard to notice.)Revolver: Custamized 9mm pistol.Thisis a heavily custamized version of the pistol the engineer and scoutuse. This version comes complete with a silencer (making it quiteobviously + the enemy is unable to determin where the shots are comingfrom). A dart shooter attachment is added underbarrel, activated withsecondary fire button (yes this means you cannot cloak whilst wealdingthis.) The dart shooter fires small darts with attached homing beacons.When these darts hit an enemy, the enemy is highlighted with a flashingsybol above there heads visiblr to allies for 30 seconds, this symbolis visible even through walls like the call 4 a medic symbol. . Thedarts have infinite ammo but have a recharge time siplayed on a smallLCD moniter on the side of the pistol, the reacharge time could bearound a miniute. All this is all welle a good and may seemoverpowererd however it come with to significant drawbacks A) youcannot cloack whilst wielding it. B) due to being fitted with asilencer it greatly reduces damage and range, damage around 10-15 pershot.-reply by V Harlequin V


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My Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update SMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

So, I have these very simple suggestions.

 EMP Device : A wide range sapper. Used by spies internationally, and bought online by the TF2 Spy.

Usage : This is far more powerful than a sapper. When set, the device emits an EMP shockwave with an area of effect about 10 fts, disrupting almost every single electric device in the area. It cannot be removed, will kill buildings very fast, but it takes some time to set ( 1.5 seconds ), and people will know you are a spy. Also, there is limited ammunition, you only have 2 of these per lives.

 Super Spy Watch : Another spy watch, often employed by James Bond, now sold to the TF2 Spy.

Usage : A very dangerous watch - 0.5 seconds of cloak time, and 0.5 seconds of uncloak. Effect time is 4 seconds, and you move at 80% speed. In this time, you are invulnerable to every damage caused, can use every weapon in your arsenal during that time ( in risk of being exposed immediately, of everything you have, disguise included, even placing a sentry ). That way, it's possible to counter trigger happy pyros, and making spy an effective class to play. The downsides? Really large sound when exposed, uncloaked, and cloaked. ( A tad bigger than Dead Ringer uncloak )

 Or just simply a throwable or slidable sapper.

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replacement for the electro sapperMy Spy Suggestions For Team Fortress 2 Next Update S

id like to do away with the backstab animation (knife lift up, slash down) because it is laggy and glitchy.

As a replacement for the Electro Sapper, what about a gas bomb thing that the spy can drop without losing his disguise. It does no damage, but causes everyone in the vicinity of the gas bomb goes colour blind, so that they are slower to see where the spy is when he decloaks when he attacks (at the moment spies get killed within seconds of backstabbing because blue and red are wildly contrasting colours, and spies are spotted and killed very quickly). This also apply to the sentry guns - they cannot sense the difference between blue and red, and so do not attack for the period before the colour-blind effect wears off (10 seconds?), also giving a chance for the spy to retreat and for his team to do some damage to the sentries. The colour-blind effect cannot be removed from players or sentries for the duration of the effect.

Let me know what you think.

-reply by wahmelon

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