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My Own Experience

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Hello there everybody, I'd like to tell you guys about my own experience over the past year where I lost the bad weight and gained some quality weight... A year ago I was 75 kg, I had some muscles on my body but too much fats as well. I joined the gym at the end of the street and started going there regularly. I started my weight lifting training with little weights because I do not want to build up muscles fast but in an incorrect way. So during the first 2 to 3 months, I've dropped to 65 kg losing much of the fats on my body. I could clearly notice the difference in my body from before I started my training. After that, I started training and going up with the weights I lift... as a result I've built some solid muscles! My biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders... etc have gotten much bigger! Then two months ago I started walking to college, around 30 min to reach there and 30 min to come back home. That's a sum of 1 hour of walking per day, plus 10 min of cycling at the gym after my weight lifting program. But between the weight lifting training and the cycling I would do at least 250-300 reps of belly exercises, my maximum so far is 650 and I'm hoping to reach 1000 reps in like 2 weeks. Also, over the past month, I've followed a great training program for my shoulders so they got much better. In brief, I've lost most of the fats around my belly and my hips, and my muscles got much bigger and started adopting a good looking shape. Well, yesterday I switched my training program to the "cutting phase" where I do alot of sets and reps using light weights... so now I'm doing 4 sets, the first set is 25 reps (very light weight), the second set is 20 reps (light weight), the third set is 15 reps (medium weight), and the last set is 10 reps (heavy weight - but it's the weight I used to start with on my body building phase)... so I'll be following this program during the summer in addition to cardio training, and I expect to have a carved muscled body with a 6-pack by the end of the summer after 3 months from now. Also, note that I've changed my diet by eating less carbohydrates and eating as much as I can of proteins and vegetables and rice. But I haven't taken any supplements and protein shakes; I plan to start taking protein shakes right after the summer when I start my body building phase again. So, out of my experience I can tell you that this is your key for a better body (a muscled body with low amounts of fats):- walking, cycling, any cadio exercise- a proper diet: less carbs and lipids, more proteins and vegetables - a weight lifting program that starts with light weights during the first few months (2 to 3 months), then going up on weights till the 10th month of training, then switching to the cutting phase (light weights, many sets and reps)- Sleep well (preferably 7-8 hours per day) and drink as much water as you can (at least 2 liters)- After you've built a good body (at least after one year of training) you can start taking protein shakes and supplements; stay away from steroids because they have harmful side effects (including sterility)

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