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How Do I Get To Php.ini

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hi, i am using mediawiki and am in the process of exporting and importing some of the wikis for my site.The only problem is that when i try to upload them, i get an error that tells me that i am uploading too much.I have researched it and the only logical way to fix the problem is to change the upload limit in the php.ini file or add a line of code in the .htaccess of my root folder?I am kinda confused with this and i dont know where to look for these files.can anyone help me with this?

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Do a phpinfo() and several lines down is where the location of the current php.ini file is displayed. On the Shared service here at the Xisto, you will likely need to add an ini_set() to increase the limits for file uploads, if that is possible.
http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.ini-set.php for the ini_set function description and http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.ini-set.php for the list of directives which can /can not be changed using ini_set. File_uploads is system level so it cannot be modified on the fly by a User.

Is the error showing the file too large? or is it max_execute_time? Can you post the actual error her, please.
It may require that you break the Input file into several parts for the upload.

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ok thank you... i will try to do that if i can...



here is the error code:


Import failed: Upload of import file failed. The file is bigger than the allowed upload size.



the file that i'm trying to upload is only about 5 megabytes, but i just want to know if im able to do more so i can upload many files at once.

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Your phpinfo shows the maximum file upload size at 2 Megs, so you will need to break the file into 3 parts, upload the pieces and rejoin them at your account.Is it a database file you are uploading?

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i see that the file is located in /usr/local/lib/php.ini but i have no idea how to get there.

The php.ini file affects PHP settings for the entire server, and therefore affects every hosting account. Therefore, you do not have access to that file, hence the need to use ini_set to override the settings just for your script, if necessary.

i also have no clue on how to do the ini-set

Try putting this at the beginning of the script which is causing you problems:
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '10M');

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it isnt a database file... im simply exporting and importing some articles from wikipedia along with the template, but it wont even upload about 5 megabytes.i have triedini_set('upload_max_filesize', '20M');but it still did not help anything in my localsettings.php

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any more ideas?

Did you try to upload your 5 mb file with a FTP client?I think using a FTP client can upload 5mb+ file. Edited by Erdemir (see edit history)

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