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Dagoth Nereviar

South Africa Kicking Out Immigrants

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I'm sure you've all heard about South Africans have been kicking out immigrants by brute force and violence...If you haven't, you should read the news more :D but here's a link From TIME (or just google, like i did)

Anyways, I'm not here to talk about the violence and how terrible it is (coz im sure someone will). I'm just annoyed at how no one seems to of branded the "Race Card" at this, since that is simply what it is. If large a bunch of people England or America was to start kicking out immigrants and everyone who wasn't English/American, they would instantly be branded as racists pigs. For example, KKK. Given the oppurtinity, they would kick everyone out.

Now i'm not saying racism is ok, I'm not even saying that what the South Africans are doing is "bad" (if the government thinks there's too many immigrants, fair enough. Although how they're going about it is a terrible way).

Anyways, I'm going into a rant here, and this is the Real World talk and not the Rant section.

Anyone elses opinions on this subject?

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I can see reasoning somewhat behind the need to limit the number of immigrants into the country. The United States has done it before and even had an island set up for the processing of them (Ellis Island for example) where they would either receive new names and some help or they would be turned around and sent back home. I did not read the entire article but it said that they were even attacking some legal immigrants which I think is wrong seeing as they came in "legally" but if they are only attacking them because of race or class I do not agree with it but it is their country I guess so they can run it as they choose. Hopefully the death toll stops rising and things can be brought back to order.

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