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How Many Languages Do U Master the more the better

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I can speak, read, write my mother-tongue Lithuanian, and I can speak, read, write English, but as it's my foreign language, I am not to fluent and besides, my dictionary for some words are quite low, especially if I would need to translate quite fast, when I read I understand, but when I need to tell what it means, it's not so easy ;DI also can speak Russian and can understand quite good, but with time it gets harder as I'm not using it as much as earlier, I can also read russian, but quite slowly, but I can't write in Cyrillic :DAlso I learned German for about 4-5 years in School, I know only the basics and don't really understand to much, nor I can speak it to well :)I can speak a bit Polish and sometimes can understand what they're saying, but I'm quite poor on it ;]Languages aren't really a passion for me, as I don't travel to much, but I know some basics for foods, because when lets say I go for holidays to Czech Republic, it's quite hard for me to understand something, but I learned several words to be more understandable in restaurants and hotels ;]

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