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Psychic Dreams Seeing the future

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Dreaming The Future

Many people believe that dreams are a warning of whats to come. I am one of these people. I believe that dreams are a sign, if you can interpret them correctly, you can know what to expect.

I didn't used to be a believer, but strange things have happened to me, in the last 2 years or so, that have totally changed my opinion.

Many people probably won't believe me on this, but I'm going to tell you a 100% true story about a dream I had, and what heppened. (This was about a year ago)

I had a strange dream, I saw my grandad gardening, and he saw me, and started walking towards me. As he was walking towards me, he fell and got his foot caught in a hole, he couldn't move his foot. I thought this dream was a little odd, I had a talk with my mum about it, she convinced me that it was just my imagination, but then 2 weeks later, my grandad had his leg amputated.

I remember my grandma coming up to us and telling us that he had been taken to hospital and is having his leg taken off, me and my mum instantly remembered the dream and looked at each othing in shock and dis belief. Eventually, we decided that there was no way this was real, and that perhaps it was a co-incidence... That was untill about a month later.

I had another dream, it started out with my grandad with his leg stuck in the hole, the same way the last one had ended. As I reached out to him, to try and help him get out of the hole, he slipped and fell in the hole, and he couldn't get out. After I woke up, I was really scared, I wondered whether the last dream had been a warning, and this one too.

I spoke with my mum about it, and she said that I was just being silly, but I could see in her eyes that she was worried. What should happen 2 weeks later but my grandad fall down the stairs. He had died.

Since then I've been having strange dreams such as this, but that one was by far the most significant.

I'd love to know if anyone else has had any similar experiences.


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Yeah I suppose that could be it. I've gone over it over and over again, loads of times, and I can't find any way how this could have worked.. maybe I knew subconciously that he had a bad leg, and thats what triggered the dream.. Maybe I realised he was unwell, without realising it in my concious mind, but my subconcious mind noticed..I have no idea to be honest, I'd love to hear if anyone else has any theories on whats gone on here, or if anyone else has had similar experiences.

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Sorry to hear about your Grandfathers accident. I haven't personally had any experiences like that, but I do think that some dreams are triggered by past events. I don't however think it is possible to dream about the future(I'm sure others will disagree), so in my opinion, I wouldn't worry too much about any dreams you have. The future and what is going to happen to people is 100% unpredictable. Anyone could die at any time, unfortunately thats just the way it is. The future is created by an uncountable number of events and coincidences, so not one person could tell what is going to happen. Dreams however can be triggered by what's already happened and/or what you think could happen. If someone's dream comes true, you could perhaps call it a "lucky guess", but not predicting the future.

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Sorry about your Grandfather's accident. My psychology lecturer insists that dreams are not a reflection of the future though. They are mainly a reflection of past experiences and events. Some people think dreams help predict the future because they only count the numbers of hits and not the misses. In your case, you had one dream that coincided with what happened in the future, but surely most of your other dreams don't. Maybe in your subconscious mind, you realized he was unwell, so you had such a dream, and because it kept troubling you, you kept getting haunted by dreams about your grandfather.

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You raise a good point.Looking at it logically, yes I have had less dreams come true, than those that don't, and I supopose on those basis it makes sense that it was a coincidence. And please, theres no need to sympathise, these things happen. He was getting old, he'd led a good long life, and I think its better to celebrate the life past, than the death thats happened. :lol: Optimism FTW.Thanks.

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Sorry to about your family situation,


The only thing that I can suggest you is to pray everytime you wake up - even more if you have any type of odd dreams and during your pray, ask to see a light on your way and if it is a sign, ask in your pray to find out how you can avoid it to happen.


When you believe on this positive energy that is God, his angels interfer on the way and bring a sign to your life that the only person to fell and understand the msg is you.


However, not many people have the same believe on this positive energy that is God, but if at any stage of your life, you doubted that, look at the sunset or sunrise and 'ask' him to show you a sign of his existence (please don't tell me that you just believe in what you can touch), and belive, you will be able to see clearly signs in your life, but of course it will be up to you to 'transcript' his msg... and most of the time, even before you finish your pray, you will have the biggest sign that you ever imagine, which is; the sunset/sunrise that you are calling his name.


Peace out and send you all my best wishes.


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I get them all the time but only of BAD Events about to transpire. Like deaths in the family or of loved ones, or horrible accidents etc. I believe I get them so i won't be completely devastated when it happens. I do warn people but very few ever take me seriously. And then after it happens, I am treated like a weirdo by the survivors or people left in the wake of the disaster I just warned them about.It used to make me feel extremely uncomfortable, but now I think those who doubt me end up feeling worse than I do.

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Replying to WettonI've been having very detailed dreams of things that happen not to often (stuff out of the ordinary) and a few days later the exact thing will happen. I had a dream of a very close friend falling out of a tree and falling on her head. She had minor memory loss but she said something that kinda got me worried, she said "oh my God, I just had a dream just like this, you were all standing where you are now!" This got me curious of how we both had dreams about that day. I have also been researching about quote on quote "physic dreams" and have read that many kids my age (12 going on 13) have these dreams and it is a quite normal thing for some kids. I would like more information on this so please email me at icg2125 aol.Com admin reply=====================Its great that you have indeed discovered your God's gift. But I would suggest you write down such dreams and incidents before revealing to your friends about it.Perhaps you should ask your friend to do the same as well.This will help you guys be very honest and clear because you are here studying nothing but your "mind" :-)

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hey, I have had dreams extremely similar to that one, two years ago I had dreamt my uncle falling of a building and not getting up, he had been building the roof when he tripped and fell. Some days later my uncle had been hospitalized. My mom had told me that he had fell of a building at his job. But he had been hospitalized for liver failure becuz of a drinking problem. He dieda week or so later. Why do you think I had had a dream about my moms excuse to try and cover up the truth?

-reply by Mike

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dreamsPsychic Dreams

about a year ago now I kept having a dream... I was driving on my way to work.( I work nights)  And I would get in to a car accident where my truck fliped over. I kept having this dream over and over for a few weeks. The dreams felt so real. It would scare me.  I would wake up in a panic. I told my husband about it.  And his comment was  "  Only a idiot could flip that truck it is to wide and short.  You are fine it was just a bad dream."  Well the night after him saying that I was on my way to work and I hit a patch of ice lost control of my truck. I was sliding side ways when I hit a snow pile like a ramp and fliped over three times.  They had to use the jaws of life to get me out. Thankfully I had only minor injurys. But in my dreams I never fliped over where I actualy had every time I had the dream it was in a different place.    But the thing is it is 5:40 am I woke up about an hour ago again I had a really vivid dream.  but this time it was not about me it was about my step father. It felt so real.. Even in my dream I was wearing a winter coat and I started to sweat so I took it off well when I woke up from the dream I was sweating really bad .  It was strange.  My step father was in  a car he was showing off and was driving to fast.  The car when he hit the gas jumped forward a little to far and he drove into the back of a truck or something and the car he was in became totaled (shredded)  For some reason alot of  people was just standing around watching.  I ran up to the accident and saw my step fathers left hand on the back of the car.   I was alittle scared to go forward and looked into the car but when I did to my suprise he was alive.  He was in a state of shock. He was just staring at me shacking with his left arm kinda in the air missing his hand.  When I looked into his eyes it was like he wasn't there like he was a zombie.  All I could hear was my mother saying was I can't believe he sleeping. Someone wake him up.  I don't know what to think of this dream it scared me enough where on came on to the computer to look up dreams. And I came to this.  In that dream tho I don't know if it was about the car accident of the fact his hand got cut off.  That seemed to be the main focus in the dream. All I know is that the dream felt so real.  Like the dream about my fliping my truck over. I feel very compelled to call my mother to see if he is ok. But with what time it is I will wait till later.  What makes me nervious is that my step father works at a paper mill where these huge metal blades come down to cut the paper as he feeds it through.  But who knows...  Asll I can tell you is if something happens I'm going to be really freaked out. Just a question for you did you have anything happen in your life?  Like a death or murder that you were near.  When I was small a crazy man was tring to kill me my brother and my mother.  But my real father wouldn't let him in the house. He was tring to protect us.  So the guy shot him in the chest a number of times leaving one bultet for himself. Went into our living room and killed him self.  I was just wondering if something bad could cause things like that. I also remeber having another dream when my grandma died too. But to tell the truth I was to young to remeber what it was.   all I know was she died of cancer the next day.   Sorry for such a long letter But I feel better now I wrote it all down.  Thanks! Jessica

-reply by jessica

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my dream started off with me inside a huge building trying to find a cellphone and it was wierd because thats how it started. The building seemed to be burned from  the inside and collapsed. When I went down stairs I heard screaming and when I look down the edge of the balcony I see my mom falling from the roof top and as I hurry down to help her I suddenly stop and I see my little sister trying to put my moms dislocated leg back in place with her hands.Then just wheni go to help her I woke up sweating.Then two month later my mom got sick and her leg began to hurt with escrushiating pain it was the same leg that broke in my dreams. Hopefully this helps.

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