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Fun With War, Your Car And Perhaps With Police...? Missile Balloons

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Can you imagine this guy going 90 mph on his way to Dallas with these balloons trailing a few yards behind him??



Instructions for a fun time on the interstate


Step 1. Tie balloons to car.


Step 2. Drive like hell.


Step 3. Watch people freak out!!!!


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Haha that is awesome! Love it.But wouldn't people think its weird that a car can out run some missiles? And that the missiles follow the car at the same distance all the time and slow down when the car does?It would be interesting to know if its illegal to do that... and if so how much you could be fined.

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Id love to do 160 with that tailling my back and screaming "Help!" for no reason whatsoever and laugh my head off ^_^Yeah, it is bit impratical but it is still fun :P Just make the string thin so that everyone thinks it is some new technology or something.I think the cops with think you're about to explode and won't even dare to chase you :P

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Haha that is awesome! Love it.
But wouldn't people think its weird that a car can out run some missiles? And that the missiles follow the car at the same distance all the time and slow down when the car does?

It would be interesting to know if its illegal to do that... and if so how much you could be fined.

But if you were driving on the other side of the road, all you would see are missiles behind a car.

That looks amazing though! It would be the perfect April Fool's joke... ^_^

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It'd be more realistic if they had a smoke machine pump smoke behind the balloon missles, but the smoke will probaly get them pulled over and handed a ticket. But this seems like an interesting and funny way to prevent people from tailgating you.

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