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Ways To Destress And Prevent Yourself From Bingeing

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1. Fit in fitness everyday. Getting regular physical activity works wonders in coping with stress. Let the treadmill or jogging path help you elevate your mood and release stress.2. Get out of the house and enjoy natural sunlight by taking a brisk walk in a nearby park.3. Keep a journal. Self-monitor your food, fitness and emotional feelings to become more aware of your triggers and behavioral patterns.4. Don't deprive yourself of enjoying the foods you love, for this only leads to bingeing. Instead, plan to eat a small portion of the desired foods, eat it slowly and savor every mouthful/5. Set some ground rules about eating e.g. Only eat while seated, no food after 9 pm, no second helpings6. Visit community boards regularly (such as Xisto) and let your friends and professional staff help you. Research has shown that staying connected is one of the most important aspects of dealing with stress and sticking to your eating plan. 7. Identify the situations that cause overeating and develop a list of how you will handle these challenges. Be realistic. Talk it over with your buddies who face similar stressors to find realistic situations that will help you manage the stress.8. Relax. Give yourself at least 15 minutes each day of peace and quiet (sleeping does not count), a time to be reflective, meditate or simply unwind. Soaking yourself in a hot bubble bath can help you be calm and at peace with yourself. Breaking free from people, a breath of fresh air or escaping into a quiet room will energize you.9. Be good to yourself. Have a list of motivational sayings that inspire and strengthen your resolve. Use affirmations daily to help you feel good about yourself.10. Eat healthily. Proper nutrition promotes health, well-being and rejuvenation, which in turn, enhances your resilience to stress.

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Very good tips! I find that keeping busy so that your mind is not on food makes it easier to prevent overeating. And when you start to feel hungry, having a good, nutritious meal or snack is a good way to prevent the hunger from building until you can't control it. Sometimes too, you aren't really hungry; just a glass of cold water will make the "hunger" go away. I also like to brush my teeth after eating; that keeps me from putting anything in my mouth until it's time for the next meal.

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I also like to brush my teeth after eating; that keeps me from putting anything in my mouth until it's time for the next meal.

lol yes that's what I always do. I try to brush my teeth right after dinner. Then I won't be tempted to take a midnight snack because I'd be lazy to brush my teeth again.

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Interesting things on this list...Some of them sound good but others are just...Too much work I guess. I mean, I'm not saying that they won't work or anything but at the same time, they would cause inconveniences.One of them that I don't think really helps relieve stress is the "eating healthy" part....How does food affect your feelings and personality? I'm not quite understanding that one.

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One of them that I don't think really helps relieve stress is the "eating healthy" part....How does food affect your feelings and personality? I'm not quite understanding that one.

I've found that certain foods, like sugar, make me crave more food, whether I'm hungry or not, whereas something healthier (usually high in fiber and protein) makes me feel satisfied and like I've "finished" eating. I also find that getting adequate minerals and vitamins gives me the energy I need to stay fit. For example, I was low on iron at one time, and I was amazed to find that by increasing my consumption of iron-rich foods, my energy rose from unbearably low back to normal. It's things like these, feeling hungry or tired, that can contribute to being more stressed out than you would have been otherwise.

There's a great blog on how being healthy affects your life: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ He gives all kinds of suggestions on how to eat well to maintain optimal health.

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I surley do all this but: 1- I agree;2- the nearest park is somewhere 1 mile from my house..3- agree but takes too much time a calendar is ok too ;) and a pc version of journal is better for me 4- not having too much money keeps me from enjoying so much loved foods in big amounts :)5-no food after 9pm ? I go to bed after 1am next day...;) I know I have to do something about this really really soon...6-that's true..even if we do something for a long time like playing games or singing, footbaal, running...we feel the need for food :)7-no comment8-yes relax... mmm nice :)9 & 10 are ok also... good advice!

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