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Our Country Has Lost It its the fascists i dont like, them conservative ****s

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I don't get it. When did it become wrong to have a photograph taken while you're wearing a swimsuit? First a teacher, then some female Mayor. The list goes on.For one, as far as I ever saw on TV. Most of the coastal regions by the oceans... people walk around on a daily basis with swimwear for clothing. If a significant other once wanted a photograph of such, then so be it. Why prosecute? There's no ground for it. We're so stuck with an image of how someone should be, that we forget they're human also. If someone got drunk once and made a fool of themselves years ago & pictures surface, they shouldn't be damaging and the people in the spotlight should defend themselves. "Hey, that night was really fun. It was the night we all got a ride home by my sober parents"... "Oh! That picture was taken when our family went down to the Carribean. The fire station near the beach let us dress up and take pictures, it was a fun time." People need to gain some guts and defend themselves.Conservatives and fascists are making laws that are restricting how we dress (can't let your pants hang in some states anymore), how we conduct ourselves, and whatever else. I haven't researched enough to make enough arguments but a point is being made: our government is starting to invade the rights of the citizens, especially our freedoms of speech, the right to bear arms, and so on. The population is terrified of being suspect of terrorist activity or wearing a swimsuit anymore.Be careful what you say nowadays, someone with a government ear may be listening.Can't even get a call girl ::whoops, that is actually illegal in some states:: too bad for that New York guy.Another thing I can't stand. Everytime a violent game comes out, it hits the news that children across the world are playing a violent game. Excuse me for the caps but DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW WHAT THE ESRB RATINGS ARE? Ignorant parents who think it's fine for a kid to be busting a cap at the police so they can steal their cruiser, in a game, will find out the day their children do something illegal. I'm not saying games make adults commit crimes, but children are impressionable (well some adults are too). It's just not right. Don't blame the games for existing. PORN EXISTS!! But you don't hear anything about the countless children that may be exposed to it being on the Internet and how many end up committing sexual crimes, but can porn be the blame in that aspect? No. Blame the parents for being ignorant of the great ESRB ratings. Either way, some ignorant, conservative, fascist dude out there is gonna try to ban the game. Games are an expression of speech, a way of telling a story, an art form so to speak. A freedom.-whew, such an angry post- ^_^

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Wow, although I agree with you, your little rant there at the end against conservatives was not called for. First off, Democrats are on the front line when it comes to attempting to ban video games. Second, you were thinking of NEO-Conservatives. A true conservative wouldn't seek to ban ANYTHING, ever.But yes, this is the road our country is headed towards. People keep voting for douchebags, and it will happen again this time. Obama, Clinton, McCain.......these are the kind of presidents who will further Federal control over the citizens.It really sucks, and I spend everyday of my life fighting against Federal Control, as limited governments would equal ....... well, a better life. In the end, parents need to be responsible for what their kids do. They shouldn't just rely on the government to outright ban something. That wouldn't need to happen if parents weren't just lazy as hell.By the way, The guy in New York who got busted with the call girl........they were spying on him illegally.......using legislation that was passed to prevent TERRORISM. Wow, what a nice and trustworthy government eh? If a man wants a call girl, let him have it....

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ditto baphometslayer, the government has taken away far too many rights, and certainly liberals want to as much as conservatives... It's ridiculous.We probably are all under video surveillance right now for saying this. ^_^

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I wonder when Canada will be affected by the same thing...People seem perfectly okay to trade privacy and other rights for security. Well, the only thing you can really have "security" in is your rights and privacy. Everything else, like surveillance cameras inside your home for use by you and yourself only is pretty much bull****. How do you know that they're not secretly watching you or some other guy look at child porn? (if you do at all... not everyone does, including me. I would never look at porn anyway.)Don't ban violent video games! They may serve no moral purpose, but you don't know if they serve no purpose at all. For one thing, these games, if controlled properly, don't have any violent effect on children at all.Don't ban guns either... people kill people.

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Of course I wasn't expecting the OP to respond. Mainly because he went off on a rant without knowing what he was talking about.If you think the democrats are going to protect your civil liberties, then you must be living under a rock. If you think the Democrats are going to end this war in Iraq and NOT invade Iran, then you must be living under a rock. If you think Democrats are going to raise taxes.....then well....at least you know something about politics.The issue here isn't conservative. In the past conservatives have been widely known as the party that protects civil liberties and favors a small Federal government. After 9/11, the Neo-Conservative movement began to happen. These people govern in a fascist manner and like any normal democrat, seek to pilfer you of your freedoms.If only people would wisen the F*CK up and vote for people like Mike Gravel, or Ron Paul, then we could once again be a prosperous nation.But no, people insist on voting for scumbags like McCain and Hillary, who have a PROVEN track record of corruption. Or Obama, who simply amazes me with his ability to get mindless teenagers to vote for him with promises of "Change", something the Nazis and Communists in Russia used as propaganda. Obama offers no solution, only empty rhetoric. You can challenge me on that all you want, but Obama has a history of corruption too, so I bite my thumb off at you peoples. Stop doing the "popular" thing you dim-witted Americans.

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