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Php Allow Url Include Question! Need an admin to clarify something...

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Hi, i've just signed up to your hosting over the last few days, and its been very fustrating that you don't allow the directive: allow_url_include.Do you think that there could be anyway that you could turn it on? i've installed a login and hit counter script and i had to edit half of it.I also want to 'include' my page list on all of my pages, to make it easier to update them, but the only way i would be able to do this is upload a page list to every directory, which defeates the purpose.And i can't use SSI because i can't use PHP with SHTML for some reason.Please help me with a solution, or just turn it on for me ^_^

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Do you think that there could be anyway that you could turn it on? i've installed a login and hit counter script and i had to edit half of it.

This is turned off by server administrators for a reason. To contact further regarding this matter, please visit Xisto - Support.com and submit a support ticket. ^_^

I also want to 'include' my page list on all of my pages, to make it easier to update them, but the only way i would be able to do this is upload a page list to every directory, which defeates the purpose.

You can write a simple script to generate list of pages and dump it as a file. If you are performing a relative directory watch how you are referencing, i.e.
include ../folder/file verses include ./folder/file

Test your script by using a simple include function test.

And i can't use SSI because i can't use PHP with SHTML for some reason.

Has it worked with other web hosting services? Again watch out for proper path, i.e. ../file.ext or ./file.ext

If you can post your partial code perhaps we can figure it out together.

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Here is the part of the code where i put my SSI in:

<div class="menu"><!--#include virtual="pagelist.html"-->							</div>

Am i doing something wrong? i save it as index.html. If i save it as .shtml the include works, but the php i use for the site login dissapears, so i either manually update every single one of my pages everytime i want to add a link in, or getting rid of my site login.

Is there any comprimise? or am i doing things wrong?

Thanks for any help ^_^

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Why not save the file as index.php and use a PHP include instead? Isn't allow_url_include for remote files? You shouldn't have a problem using the following code for an extension that can process PHP and if the file is located in the same directory:

<div class="menu"><?php include "pagelist.html"; ?></div>
If i'm not mistaken, on Xisto, index.php has more priority than index.html.

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I've just done that for all of my pages, now for some reason my page has gone completely messed up when i used the '>' symbol in some of my PHP login code:

Welcome back, <?php echo $qls->user_info['username']; ?>.

It seems that the '>' has been interpreted as the php closing tag for some reason, now my page messes up: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Any help with this? once thats sorted everything will be fine ^_^

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That's odd. But it seems like you tried to "short cut" the code; i'm not entirely sure, since i can't see the rest of the code. But rather than placing the PHP ending tag after the left curly bracket, try something like this:

{echo "Welcome back, ".$qls->user_info['username'];}?>
(assuming there's no else.)

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That's odd. But it seems like you tried to "short cut" the code; i'm not entirely sure, since i can't see the rest of the code. But rather than placing the PHP ending tag after the left curly bracket, try something like this:

{echo "Welcome back, ".$qls->user_info['username'];}?>
(assuming there's no else.)
Here's the full code:

<div class="topbar">There have been <?php include ("counter.php"); ?> hits.<br><?php// Look in the USERGUIDE.html for more infoif ($qls->user_info['username'] != '') {?>Welcome back, <?php echo $qls->user_info['username']; ?>. Click <a href="http://say-help.trap17.com/login/logout.php">here</a> to logout.<br><br>Click <a href="#contactinfo">here</a> to view your contact information.<br><a href="#membersonline">Click here to view the current members online.</a><?php}else {?>Welcome back, please click <a href="http://say-help.trap17.com/login/login.php">here</a> to Login, or <a href="http://say-help.trap17.com/login/register.php/">here</a> to Register.<?php}?>

If its not to much trouble do you think you could sort any problems out? ^_^

I'm downloading a PHP debugger now so hopefully i can work errors out myself now.

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Try the following and see if it works:

<div class="topbar">There have been <?php include ("counter.php"); ?> hits.<br><?php// Look in the USERGUIDE.html for more infoif ($qls->user_info['username'] != ''){echo "Welcome back, ".$qls->user_info['username'].". Click <a href=\"http://say-help.trap17.com/login/logout.php\">here</a> to logout.<br><br>Click <a href=\"#contactinfo\">here</a> to view your contact information.<br><a href=\"#membersonline\">Click here to view the current members online.</a>";}else {echo "Welcome back, please click <a href=\"http://say-help.trap17.com/login/login.php\">here</a> to Login, or <a href=\"http://say-help.trap17.com/login/register.php/\">here</a> to Register.";}?>

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Duh, how stupid could i be? i saved it as .html not .php ^_^ Thanks for all your help, one last thing though, can you recommend any free PHP debuggers? i think i'll be needing one :P

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Thanks for all your help, one last thing though, can you recommend any free PHP debuggers? i think i'll be needing one ^_^

I don't know of any. But i usually just let PHP itself tell me of any errors. There's a PHP function that allows you to modify what errors to output. http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php

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Add these lines to the php code block while Debugging and remove them for a live site:

ini_set("display_errors", 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);
or, wrap it with an IF block and set a variable via a config file to define whether the site is live or not.

$live = 'true';if ( $live == 'true' ) {ini_set("display_errors", 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);}

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