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Domain Name On Subdomain?

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Ok.. so i ask alot of questions, but right now i have have-heart.net right [main account] & have-heart.net/chantelle [i have a rediect for it, so whenever you type it in you get ChantellePaige.org] i was wondering if there was a way to install Chantellepaige.org into cpanel, but only have it be for have-heart.net/chantelle if i cant, i might start a new Xisto website lalala.. does anyone know how that works? do i get twice the ammount of credits subtracted daily, or what??


also is there a way to transfer allmy cutenews directories.. [without having to actuly add all the news one by one?]


hehe(: answer me people

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Well, you can't actually have two hosting packages on one account, staff won't approve it... Or at least I think so... You would have to create another forum account name, and start posting with it all over again, and then keep posting with both accounts to keep credits for two hosting packages up... But I don't think that would be a good idea, since this is a free service, and Trap has limited resources... Probably staff wouldn't approve either... Nor do I like it much... I would go for redirection, if I were you...As for adding another domain... You could set it up as an addon domain, or you could create a subdomain, and have it redirected to that .org page you want... I'm not wuite sure about subdomain, but addon domain certainly has that redirection option...And of course.... You can always edit .htaccess file, and have a redirection set up in there ^_^

Edited by Galahad (see edit history)

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Ah, you want to host multiple domain names with Xisto free web hosting account? Yes. This can be done by using Add-On domain service found in your cpanel. By Add-On domain service your hosting credits will stay the same reduction rate at 1 hosting credit per day.When adding a domain to your cpanel, you can choose to create a new folder or point to an existing folder. The process is very simple and at any time you can consult with our forum.The process of adding a domain to your cpanel is the same as making any domain name work with your cpanel: first, you must change the domain name's nameserver to ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com. Second, access your cpanel and select Add-On Domain to start the process. Third, allow up to 72 hours for your newly changed nameserver to propagate through out the web.Be sure to remove any redirect script to prevent redirect loops. Essentially, your folder "chantelle" will act as "public_html" folder for your Add-On Domain of "Chantellepaige.org."Let us know if you need further assistance.

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Ah, you want to host multiple domain names with Xisto free web hosting account? Yes. This can be done by using Add-On domain service found in your cpanel. By Add-On domain service your hosting credits will stay the same reduction rate at 1 hosting credit per day.
When adding a domain to your cpanel, you can choose to create a new folder or point to an existing folder. The process is very simple and at any time you can consult with our forum.

The process of adding a domain to your cpanel is the same as making any domain name work with your cpanel: first, you must change the domain name's nameserver to ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com. Second, access your cpanel and select Add-On Domain to start the process. Third, allow up to 72 hours for your newly changed nameserver to propagate through out the web.

Be sure to remove any redirect script to prevent redirect loops. Essentially, your folder "chantelle" will act as "public_html" folder for your Add-On Domain of "Chantellepaige.org."

Let us know if you need further assistance.

ive added the subdomain chantelle.have-heart.net
and when i go to the ADDONDOMAIN

& type in:

New Domain Name: chantellepaige.org
UserName/SubDomain Name: chantelle

i get this message "Bind reloading on gamma using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on alpha using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on epsilon using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on shree using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] The subdomain, chantelle.have-heart.net has been added.
Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:,, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ip.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.

Removed chantelle.have-heart.net Server at line: 42920. Removed Entry from httpd.conf Bind reloading on gamma using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on shree using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on alpha using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] Bind reloading on epsilon using rndc zone: [have-heart.net] The subdomain, chantelle.have-heart.net has been removed. "

my name servers are pointed to:


Edited by gisellebebegirl (see edit history)

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haha.. mmh whatever happened to those "warningupdates" Xisto would send the hosted members? anywho.. ok so i got the subdomain added perfectly! but google.. enstead of showing the new name ChantellepAige.org shoes have-heart.net/chantelle which is the same thing.. but still, it looks unprofessional.. do you guys know of a way to fix this? contacting google/ or can you make the installed subdomain name a redirect? like have have-heart.net/chantelle redirect to chantellepaige.org? so many questions :lol:

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