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What If Marijuana Was Legal? What would happen? Should it be made legal?

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Sky I disagree with you, the reason why marijuana is truly legal is because they couldn't make alcohol illegal. Back when they had the prohibition act in the US, they found out that people were getting stoned and it was way worse so they legalized alcohol, and made marijuana illegal. Dumb move. Government can control it, and they can make money off of it, I mean look at it right now, people in the highest point in marijuana's history in the US, people were making millions, maybe even billions off smuggling in the marijuana. Government can't control it right now, but if you think about it, would you rather buy a drug off some dealer on the street, (this is the same drug), then buy one from a store that the government regulates? I would rather get the safer option, at least that way I can be sure it isn't laced with crack.

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well another reason for marijuana's legality is the cotton trade before i think..

but it would be really cool for marijuana to be legal here.. i think it's already legal or decremenalize in western countries..


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Thanks for the map there, Wisconsin here is thinking about decriminalizing marijuana here too. Do you know how up to date that map is?

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What If Marijuana Was Legal?


1. I would be the official moderator of this forum. (hehe)

2. I would abuse myself answering people's questions and doubts. Because I practice trial & error approach for problems.

3. No more Credit System Upgrade/mods at Xisto.

4. My members will get MaryJane instead of Support Tickets and solutions to their Queries.

5. I might be a millionare due to my Support System. I might even lose customers due to it. (I rather stick to +ve side)

Now there's a man with a working sense of humor! I submit our illustrious charge start a forum on the topic despite the humble weed's illegal status. Where do I sign up, oh enlightened master of these Trapish realms? We are most fortunate to have your progressive mind at the helm.


But back on topic, what manner of political tyrant declares a naturally growing herb illegal? The very thought is ludicrous! Taken to its logical extreme, a governmental entity could just as easily ban the air we breathe, the Pine trees, or......... (you fill in the blank). Where does it end? It wasn't that long ago the same tyrants banned alcohol. For some reason, truly dangerous substances (pharmaseuticals and other chemicals) remain legal. Fluoride, one of the most toxic chemicals known to man, is not only legal, but forcibly pushed on the masses via public water supplies and most convenience foods where water is an ingredient. Government-sponsored campaigns continue nation wide promoting this neurotoxin to a gullible, dumbed-downed public. Yet Im supposed to believe these fiends have my best interest at heart? The same fiends who routinely start wars around the globe, who bankrupt nations, who commit genocide against native peoples, who murder millions upon millions of innocent animals in factory farms? No, I don't need no stinkin' fiend telling me what's best for me. And neither do you. Remember, government is supposed to exist only to protect individual freedom, and when government steps beyond this parameter it is by default fascist.


Arguing the potential dangers of the plant is ridiculous given anything can be harmful if used foolishly. Reminds me of the morons who say "the gun went off" instead of taking personal responsibility for their own immaturity or lack of discipline. Let's blame an inanimate object for our own stupidity, right? When some drug crazed idiot opens fire in the gym or stabs a class mate, I don't blame the knife, and I don't blame the drug he got high on before his rampage. Nor am I going to punish the vast majority who responsibly and regularly partake of these substances without incident. No - the problem is the idiot. Not the drug, not the object.


Let's call by marijuana by it's true name, shall we? Hemp has a long and illustrious history in these United States, not withstanding our founding fathers who both grew and enjoyed the bountiful fruits of their labor. President Washington smoked the stuff, and frequently expounded on its benefits. Hemp, simply put, is a super substance, a super plant that could provide our population with food, energy, clothes, paper.the list is endless. There is little the plant cant be utilized for. And it grows like a weed requiring little care. But if I want to buy a hemp product, I can't do it here. No - I must purchase hemp products from Canada because our fascist government has banned the entire plant. A free country? Hardly.


Hence the reason hemp is illegal in these United States. It is so versatile and cheap that the moneyed interests who keep the masses enslaved and indebted decided long ago the plants many virtues must be subdued. And what better way than to declare a war on drugs, and demonize this humble plant? Here is a rather weak analogy, but an analogy nonetheless: We have enough oil under states like Montana to sustain the nation for decades. The oil wells are already there! But they are under lock down and off limits to would be America drillers. Why? So the Powers that Be can make a killing off perpetuating peak oil myths. Thus maintaining their monopoly and inflated price tag off a limited supply. It all comes down to keeping the mass of people enslaved, and bringing America down to third world status. The sooner these mass of people wake up and understand their illegitimate governments are run by immoral entities, the sooner we can take back our lives, our land, and our plants.

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Misanthrope but that is completely wrong there, Hemp and Marijuana are different, hemp is the female plant to create marijuana. Marijuana isn't a natural occuring plant until we made it chemically

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The fact is that Marijuana causes effects to the centric nervous system, and people behave strange and make weird actions. I see the problem here. If people would smoke it and enjoy it by theirself while not disturbing the others, this is a problem of them then.


I believe that Marijuana should not be made legal. Because making it legal would make it easy to use and than addiction to it will be more devastating and difficult to avoid. I see people doing and smoking marijuana into hidden places, and this is good.


I've tried it myself and I think Marijuana creates addiction, it is expensive to buy, and me and my friends always cause problems with neighbors and the fact is that we seem stupid to the eyes of others. So I think anyone must try anything in life, but smoking Marijuana period should be very short to me.

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@nol i think that is old got it somewhere in wiki. im dreaming of working abroad sometime you know and thats the place where im going to be.. hell yeah.. lolwell there are lots of hard drugs to list that are natural growing too.. but to list pot as a dangerous drug? you know how manipulative our governments are.. thats life..THC is the chemical that gives us the buzz by the way.. :lol:well its sunday im off to take my morning glory.. :XD: anyone want a puff?

Edited by frozen.fish (see edit history)

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Webish, first off, I see a flaw in your flaw of why it should not be made legal. The fact that it is illegal already, is not the reason why most people don't smoke it so often. It is because of how dang expensive it is. 1 pack of cigarettes is what? $4 something? I don't even know how many cigarettes there are in a pack, but lets say it's 12, now if marijuana became legal, they prob won't sell much in the cigarette form, but more in baggies. So lets say 1 joint is equal to 2 cigarettes, and 1 joint is a bowl. I'm not really into all these prices, but lets say a bowl is $5. Which is pretty cheap. Multiply that by 6, and you will be at $30. That is just 6 joints, which we are equaling to be one pack of cigarettes.Do you see how expensive this is? $30 or $5. People don't do it as much because it is so dang expensive. Just because they are made legal, wouldn't make the price any less. Taxes on it could go through the roof making it more expensive. Just because it is illegal though, it makes the drug market control the prices, and that is why it varies soo much, but definatly does not stop people from doing it who want to do it. Make the age limit 30 on marijuana, I don't care as long as it eventually becomes legal. I myself am not into marijuana, I just hate the fact we are so restricted by the government on this aspect of life, but not on others. Each state decriminalizing it is one step towards the right direction, but we need more than that. It won't just hapen overnight, but it will eventually happen, we all know it, as time goes on, we all become more self aware of other people, and are able to control things easier. Technology has helped stop crime, but it can also help people band together and we can get more progress done this way.

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If it would be legal? Well i am sure the world would be a better place for one and the prisons all around the world would finally free those innocent who dont deserve to be locked up in the first place.If it would be legal we would not have oil anymore, half the clothing would be made out of hemp and the world woulf be more green <3Legalise the herb now!

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Pretty simple really...

If you think families would be destroyed from parents smokingpot, um, you may be right in some circumstances. BUT!

How many kids deal with drunks for parents. How many violentcrimes are done under the influence of alcohol? How many rapes andsexual assaults happen with a drunk? How many times do you hear aboutsomeone dying in their sleep from getting too wasted and mixing theirprescription medicine with their booze?


Weed is a natural plant that invokes creativity and passiveness in a person!

How many times do you hear the news story "daddy raped me when I was younger because he was stoned!"

or my personal favorite... "Why did you murder your wife/husband?"Ans:"Because I was drunk and it seemed like the right thing?OrAns:"Because I was stoned and angry!"




-reply by Dr. Clayton

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i bet to differWhat If Marijuana Was Legal?

You made a very good point, however, you did not use enough sources to back your answers. Where did you find these statistics? I know that many young adults would love for it to be legal, but it is a drug. It causes hallucinations, and makes people not have control, just like alcohol. However, alcohol does not lead to hallucinations. Hallucinations can cause people to do things they would never do if they were conscious. If it was legal, it should only be legal while being supervised by a license physician. It can also cause addiction. I went to Amsterdam two years ago for a wedding. They are very calm about it because it has been legal for many years. Although, it is not always a good thing. There were people smoking on the street where I could clearly smell it. Why should they be allowed to smoke around me when I don't want the effects of the drug? I don't want it to enter my body and make me not have control over myself. This will cause chaos if legalized. It is a drug, it is harmful, can cause addiction, and does more wrongs than rights. How many people have done something good while high? No One. Alcohol is used under control. You can have 1,2, or maybe 3 drinks and still be "in control". With marijuana, you smoke one time and you are far gone. It is costing many prisons millions of dollars to keep inmates, but why accuse our country of this? If Americas did not do something that was against the law, they would not be in jail in the first place. This could all be solved if Americans followed our judicial system. How many more rights do we need? We are free to do mostly anything with want. With an anarchy government and free limitations for anything, this country would be in chaos. Don't give people this right, for it will be far more abused than it is already. It can hurt other people and it will hurt our children.

-reply by krissy

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that is a common misconception mj is in fact not a gateway drug. The choice is clearly their own if they choose to move onto harder drugs. I for one use to smoke (moderately) but I don't anymore, I never felt the need to try other drugs mj is a non-lethal plant. If you were to smoke a lot (over an uncountable amount) you might be in harm, but overall it's clearly impossible to die from it. It also has proven new factors of preventing neck cancer and some other types of cancer (no lie look it up!) it's harmful if laced with harder drugs (which kids should look out for) I don't believe you should let children smoke, about 18 would be a good age to my opinion, just like cigarettes, but stouges cause lung cancer, heart problems, which marijuana will only decrease your lung capacity by slight and you will gain some weight from it (if you get the munchies), as well you can easily get to sleep a lot better with it in your system.

if weed was legal in my eyes. It would help out our economic disaster and our huge amount of national debt if the government puts tax on it and supplies it (which would be difficult, there is a lot of mj out there) also, the high amount of drug crime would instantly decrease (less deaths over drugs), plus it helps people in medical therapy, and just a wondering thought for those religious people out there (I am not of a religion, but I think equally towards others) why would God put a "drug" on this planet if he loves you so much and wants the best for you. The devil didn't create this world, he just helps the madness grow and the sick, twisted things get out of hand.

I have a lot to argue about this, I have done my homework boys and girls, I've never seen anyone and no one will die on mj. I've seen it all, I've seen huge amounts people have consumed and they just pass out from the down and wake up fine. Not a dead looking thing on them.

the only concern is the workplace, keep it out of the workplace, but private at home, we spend tons of money just getting drug tests and what do they do? just lose their job cause of some plant they were not high at work? let the people have their own lives, and make this a "free country," cause this isn't a free place, nothing is free from restraints.

that is my reasoning.

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legalizationWhat If Marijuana Was Legal?

I just want to say, I have been smoking for ever and not once have I had a hallucinations. Now I am not saying it doesnt make you loose bodily control to a degree but hallucinate, no way! You need to also back up your answers and those you say they are hallucinating are full of it or had head problems before the drug.

-reply by michelle

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2centsWhat If Marijuana Was Legal?

In many respects all have brought up good points. Less prisoners, less taxes, less drug dealers, medicinal usage. And the opposition People are breaking a law,  Some are lazy and do not accomplish anything. The fact of the matter is that many of these evils of marijana use are actually symptoms of prohibition.For example a person doesn't want to work, they cannot apply for work because of mandatory drug testing.They can't leave the house and do things for fear of incarceration. And who in their right mind would buy drugs from an un-licensed dealer if they had a choice there is no quality control. The facts are clear if  prohibition is ended a lot of jobs are going to be lost. People have staked their careers on this debacle and they we do,say and believe what they must in order to keep their jobs and sense of accomplishment.

-reply by smoke away lozenge

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I've never smoked marijuana (or cigarettes) in my entire life... hell, i was even straight edge (ie. no drinking and whatnot either) for quite a few years. I have a rare, occasional drink now but am certainly not into "drinking". That said, I have always been all for the legalization of marijuana. As has been said here prior, should I have the choice between alcohol and marijuana in terms of legalization, it's a no brainer. The number of violence cases, death, drunk driving, abuse, and the list goes on... that have all come as a result of alcohol is undeniable. Not to mention the ridiculous/laughable programs that have come about to combat such issues and the addictions sometimes associated (*cough cough* alcoholics anonymous). I've not met anyone in my entire life that smokes a joint and suddenly wants to knock out a person just because they looked at them the wrong way... and I played in touring bands for years (a stronghold for deviant behavior). But I assure you, I've certainly seen my fair share of alcohol fueled brawls.I could go on and on about the vast number of benefits regarding legalization... it goes without saying that they certainly outnumber the negatives (Fear mongering and "the war on drugs"/gateway drug crap does not count as a valid argument... that's like saying that seeing your older brother's nudie mag under his bed when you were 13 will automatically lead to sexually deviant behavior in later years, it's ridiculous). For now, I'll stick with the fact that it appears as though society is loosening up on the matter as of late... and with good reason.

Edited by seanbig (see edit history)

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