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Any Good Ask&answer Scripts?

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well.. me and my friend were going through some pretty cute sites, and came along this site that had a pretty cool ASK&ANSWER script [by wak or something like that] we tried to go to the website, and bam, we just get ads, so its obvious its down.. and as we were looking for a link to download. we found one, but bam, it was imcomplete.. sadly. and so we went on googling & found out waks answer&ask scrip is nothing more like a virus. sorta like cutenews, [with the search feature] anyone can hack your whole directory, just because of the chrmoded settings.. (no wonder, the site is down >>) but yea we were wondering, if there was a SAFE well known, ask&answer script similar to wak's, if there is could you include the mmm. link to download [official site, if you can!] hahha


the xcript looks like this:


Edited by gisellebebegirl (see edit history)

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Would a Comment script help? The Users could ask you questions and then you reply?Display all the Q's & A's on a page?Do you have a link to a site which uses this script so we can see it in action? I'm not certain I understand exactly what you need.There are other cutenews-like scripts out there. Xnews for instance.

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Well hopefully I get a fan site out of this, but I google for the script in question and found two promising ask & answer scripts for you giselle, and so this hsould make your site look even cooler now.

Script #1

Script #2

So check them out, test them out and see which one works best for your needs.

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suck scripts are of great use as users post regularly and the site keep on updating.. thing gives higher ranking in the search engines for sure. i would be happy if any one suggest a free script of that kind.

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ok.. i downloaded php ask it or whatever.. but on the instructions, it says"--------FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS OF PHPAskIt--------Before you upload the files to your server, take care to complete the following steps.1. Create a MySQL database and user for this script. You can of course use an existing one, provided you do not already have a script (this one or another) with the same table name."how do you do that o.o cant i just upload everything into the file manager XDhaha. well i pretty much got it all worked out now, thanks to saintmichael (: he did some remote asistance thing, that at first possesed by computer to a point where it collapsed.. but after i closed down my sony vegas, photoshop, limewire, myspace, aim, and all the other crap. we got it to work yay (:now does anyone wanna help me pay the bill?hes not cheap o.o

Edited by gisellebebegirl (see edit history)

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