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New Users On Cpanel?

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ok.. so since i have two owner run this site [kinda[ me & danielaand right now we are prettymuch both logging into cpanel undermy account.. & its an easy password.. [she shell remmeber it]and im kinda freaking out about that.. is there anyway tohave more than one user accounts.. on cpanel?idk.. if im comfusing anyone but yea (:& if there is.. is there a way to make it like cutenewswhere you have the master admirin acoount & the partner account [with less privilages]like unable to change the password, or do anything dramatic like erase files, or changesettings etc >>thanks Xisto! (:

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For direct access to Cpanel no I don't think it is possible to have two accounts pointed like that. However, you can set up FTP access to the domains and that way you have two different passwords; one for cpanel access and the ftp password for direct access. So log into Cpanel and go to FTP management and set it that way, a smart idea would be to have three passwords one for each account and then one for cpanel access that way if all you need to do is upload pages to the website you can do that with the ftp software, and if you need to do back end work, MySQL Db's, backing you can log in a different password. OF course make sure your passwords are different and hard to figure out, and that way your providing a second level of defense into getting into your hosting account.

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There is no way to create two cPanel accounts for the same hosting account. However, you shouldn't really need to be using cPanel in the day-to-day running of your site. Depending on how much you want your friend to be able to do, you might be able to just create them an FTP account. That would allow them to upload and delete files on the site. You can also pick the highest directory they are allowed to access. For example, you could limit them to the /public_html/ directory, so they couldn't delete all the cPanel settings files stored in the root of your account.

like unable to change the password, or do anything dramatic like erase files, or changesettings etc >>

If you don't want them dealing with files and changing settings, what else would they do in cPanel?

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For direct access to Cpanel no I don't think it is possible to have two accounts pointed like that. However, you can set up FTP access to the domains and that way you have two different passwords; one for cpanel access and the ftp password for direct access. So log into Cpanel and go to FTP management and set it that way, a smart idea would be to have three passwords one for each account and then one for cpanel access that way if all you need to do is upload pages to the website you can do that with the ftp software, and if you need to do back end work, MySQL Db's, backing you can log in a different password. OF course make sure your passwords are different and hard to figure out, and that way your providing a second level of defense into getting into your hosting account.

what is ftp? im new to pretty much everything haha (: is that when you download this thing.. and you can access the website through that reader thingie? i think it is..
i wish there was a way haha.. because. all she pretty much ever does in cpanel, is add myspace layout testers.. [cant do that in cutenews! haha]

but yea.. also. ive been having trouble accessing my website on my school. it is not blocked or anything. it just doesnt load. when i cheked in home.. i have no users banned.. so idk

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what is ftp? im new to pretty much everything haha (: is that when you download this thing.. and you can access the website through that reader thingie? i think it is.. i wish there was a way haha.. because. all she pretty much ever does in cpanel, is add myspace layout testers.. [cant do that in cutenews! haha]

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and is the way you upload files to your website. By the sounds of it you've been using the file manager in cPanel to do this? Obviously that requires cPanel access to use, but FTP doesn't. If all your friend does is upload files then an FTP account is perfect. If you dig out the information you got when you first signed up, you'll see that you have FTP login information to upload files to your account. You can use cPanel to create a second account for your friend to use. Then they can either use some FTP software, or an online FTP client to log in and upload files.

but yea.. also. ive been having trouble accessing my website on my school. it is not blocked or anything. it just doesnt load. when i cheked in home.. i have no users banned.. so idk

I sometimes have trouble getting onto Xisto sites (among others) from school. I think it is something to do with the various proxies and filtering software they use that just doesn't like certain sites.

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