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The North American Union a discussion

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So I am not a very political person, but I try my best to stay up to date with the politics of my country, Canada. And recently, it has come to my attention that certain things within the governement is taking place in which I very much disagree. I don't disagree on the certain benefits that some of these changes may help, however, the WAY it is being implemented and imposed is NOT acceptible:


The North American Union


This means different things to Canadians, Americans and Mexicans, but here I will mostly discuss what it would mean to Canadians.


1. The agenda of the corporate/financial/military elite of North America is to unify the territories currently occupied by Canada, USA, and Mexico into one new continental block with a new border around the perimeter of North America under the aegis and control of a new supranational, unelected governing body.


2. This agenda is currently being implemented with the cooperation and duplicity of the federal governments and civil and military bureaucracy of the three nations;


3. The media and the corporate political parties of Canada currently sitting in Parliament are virtually silent or deny that the restructuring of Canada and North America as a whole is occurring;


4. The majority of Canadians are uninformed of this phenomenon, and have been given little or no opportunity to become informed about these pressing issues;


5.The position of Member of Parliament has already become almost irrelevant except to rubber-stamp the will of the Corporate/financial elite.

More specifically, the Union also entails such projects as :


- The possibility of the Amero currency.

- The super highway from Mexico to Central Canada and the maritimes. (NAFTA)

- Changes in certain laws and/or regulations to match those of the US and mexico.


There are other things as well, but can easily be found with a quick search on google.


A result of this is the Canadian Action Party, which doesn't not want to confront the changes, but wants to make sure that they are made to be the decision of Canadians and not the governement without any population support.


Finally, there are some places out there that deny that this is even happening right now, and many politicians deny this union, however, the documents and informations of their conferences are easily accessible online, legally.



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Well, speaking as someone from the US, I've heard this theory from people about the US government as well. While I don't believe that it is really happening right now, I do see it happening in the far future (possibly). I think in the long term it would actually be a good thing for the people of each nation, but in the short term it would cause many problems. I think there are a number of fundamental changes that would have to occur within each society before it would even be a viable idea.

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Well, speaking as someone from the US, I've heard this theory from people about the US government as well. While I don't believe that it is really happening right now, I do see it happening in the far future (possibly). I think in the long term it would actually be a good thing for the people of each nation, but in the short term it would cause many problems. I think there are a number of fundamental changes that would have to occur within each society before it would even be a viable idea.

I agree with you on this, especially about the changes needed before something like this could take place. Especially not now anyway.

However, this is not something in the distant future, and is happening much quicker than some people realize. The meetings for the Security and Prosperity Partnerships, that have taken place since 2001, are re-current events in which many steps are being taken, without the approval of the people, to change and unify the Americas in their own way. This is also done with CORPORATE heads. Which should not have this kind of influence in politics.

A better explanation here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

I don't mean to force anything on anyone, but I do want to make sure that people know as much as possible about this.

I guess I've been pointing out some bad things about this union, and I know some things can be good too. So how about discussion about those positive things too?

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So I am not a very political person, but I try my best to stay up to date with the politics of my country, Canada. And recently, it has come to my attention that certain things within the governement is taking place in which I very much disagree. I don't disagree on the certain benefits that some of these changes may help, however, the WAY it is being implemented and imposed is NOT acceptible:


The North American Union


This means different things to Canadians, Americans and Mexicans, but here I will mostly discuss what it would mean to Canadians.

More specifically, the Union also entails such projects as :


- The possibility of the Amero currency.

- The super highway from Mexico to Central Canada and the maritimes. (NAFTA)

- Changes in certain laws and/or regulations to match those of the US and mexico.


There are other things as well, but can easily be found with a quick search on google.


A result of this is the Canadian Action Party, which doesn't not want to confront the changes, but wants to make sure that they are made to be the decision of Canadians and not the governement without any population support.


Finally, there are some places out there that deny that this is even happening right now, and many politicians deny this union, however, the documents and informations of their conferences are easily accessible online, legally.



I'm Canadian too! I really never did hear about this, although how that you mention it, I'm very against it, since we would lose our autonomy as Canadians.


The Amero currency I am definitely against. It makes us look like we're too friendly with the US and that this is all their idea. As well, we would be pulled down with the US if the US ever happened to get that recession they fear so much. We would lose gloating rights.


Isn't NAFTA the North American Free Trade Agreement? What does it have to do with a superhighway (The PAH, Pan-American Highway)?


Changes in certain laws... I don't think Canada should be the solute in this solution of countries. We should stand up a little. We should make America change a few of their laws and then change a few of ours in return.


I'm scared about this, actually. Although Canada's economy is tied about 70% into America's, I don't want it to become 100%.

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Isn't NAFTA the North American Free Trade Agreement? What does it have to do with a superhighway (The PAH, Pan-American Highway)?

Oh my mistake! I got confused with all the acronyms, though NAFTA is also one of the things that is being discussed along side the union.

I'm scared about this, actually. Although Canada's economy is tied about 70% into America's, I don't want it to become 100%.

I agree with this very much. I like being Canadian, and not being American. I also feel that we are already too close and affected by the American economy for my liking. Though it is hard not to be, as we share so many resources and are so close to each other geographically.

I especially would not like a recession to happen and have us go down with them, but as things stand now, this will affect us also.

That's why that maybe this union, if done properly, could possibly help with this if it ever happens.

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I don't believe Canadians would want this at all.It would be one step closer to us losing our laws.I mean.do we really need the crazy gun control situation thatexsists in the U.s.a?How about the three strike law in California meaning thata 3 time simple marijjuanna possesion conviction couldmean a twenty-five year sentence?Nobody does.Free trade has mean't that we've lost a lot of our basic industries.The only ones benefiting from this are corporations and professionals.No offense.The U.s.a is a great place to visit.Great country, butI wouldn't want to live there.Not the way the illegal gun situation is out of hand.Not unless I were rich and had lots of security.

Edited by networker (see edit history)

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