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Forum Software

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I'm going to start a big venture, and try and build my very own forum software. This is so I can use on all of my sites, and have it the way I want it to. What I want to be able to create is something similar to punbb, with the social features of IPB. It's a difficult task, some I'm need of some people to help me. If your a programmer, web designer, or good with php or rubyonrails, then I need your help. I'm looking for anybody who can help develop this forum software. I have the funds, now I need some workers.EDIT: I meant to make the topic "Forum Software*

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Talk about reinventing the wheel dude lol. No offense intended I had a crazy idea to make my own I must admit but after considerable time spending on coding in PHP I cant even show a complete site, I know I sucks lol. Anyway The idea is not all that bad I mean having your own custom forum would be kick *bottom* but the expertise and time needed to build one would be too great. You say you have the funds does that mean your are willing to pay people? Depending on how complex you want it to be it could take forever to complete. Not to mention very buggy if you don't plan and test it out properly along the way. I'm not saying don't do it as I love seeing things get attempted. Heh I would of done this myself If i had the time. I wanted a custom forum to run inside my website you know keep things the same so users don't feel like they are leaving your site when they are viewing your forums. I've seen this on one site the guy did in ASP it was awesome looking too with nice skins. It blending in so well with his site you couldn't tell you were in a forum section at time.I was going to look into finding a lite forum where you could place inside a website but I don't know if there are any out there designed specifically for this sole purpose. If one knows let us all know thanks.How would you co-ordinate this? I mean doing it over the net with people around the world would make meetings difficult. I suppose voice chat would help to some extend but keeping people focused on the same idea/task at hand may prove challenging. I would offer my services to help out as I want as much experience as I can get in PHP but I have doubts about project succeeding due to my ability personally and others. I'm not saying others here aren't capable, this is depending on what members we are talking about of course. If I got a chance to work along side and learn off some talented people I would take it.

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Voice chats will be conducted via Yahoo Messenger. I am willing to pay for services, via paypal or if you'd like some other way (domain, software, ect.). I understand what you say fully, but I am willing to take a chance.

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hey man the venture seems to b quite exciting .. but the sad thing is that i kno too less of it .. i wish i cud join it .. but i cant coz i kno less .. hey wen done with this proj do let me know bk2070 ..

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This does sound like a challenging task if not almost impossible from my point of view. I would like to join and help out, get more experience but I'm not sure I have the time to commit. Classes at university are just starting this semester and I've got a big work load already so I just dont know. I would like to see how this turns out. See what hows its done first hand you know.

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Well any help you can give will be accepted. If you are interested please do PM me, or you can always talk to me over on AIM. The link to my screename is located on my profile.

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bk, What about joining another project yourself to gain some valuable experience? I know that AEF Forums are looking for developers to do some mods and work on the main Trunk, too. Might be an experience for testing your abilities before you jump into this Project you have planned.

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Hey that sounds tempting to gain some valuable experience. What kind err how desperate are they to get people in on this? I'm still a noob in PHP but I'm willing to invest as much time as possible in learning more when I have time off around my school work and such. I cant say exactly how much time I'll have free at this stage but I just want to know what kind of levels of programmers are they taking in for that kind of role.

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Well, I plan on helping our bk with his forum software, so I'll take him through the steps of this. I've already told him how this is not a simple run n' gun (or code, as the case my be) project. I think this will be a fun project for me, and a learning experience for bk.

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Could you guy document how you go about it? It could be worth some credits and helpful for others who have no idea about taking on such a complex project. There would be many ways of doing this but having an idea of how others go about it would be a good insight for people learning. They could look at it and see how or why it was done that way. Look at the advantage and disadvantage of how you guys went about it you know. Just an idea if you can share with the rest of us. thanks.

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Yeah I hear you out haslip, but I have been working on another forum software that is about to be released. It's just that it wasn't going in the direction I wanted it to, so I've gone out trying to make my own. And like demonfire said, I have some other coders backing me up, so I'm hoping this all goes well.

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good luck with it, i was going to make one but after a while of working on it i got stuck and just left it for now, and started working on another project. I would love to see what you come up with when it gets finished, are you plaing on releasing the code for it or are you going to keep it secret?

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Well, again, if you are able to help us in any way, then feel free to contact me. We are looking for some coders, and designers to help finalize the project.

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