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Domain Name Information

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I have finally decided to purchase a domain name for my site, but while I was searching through sites that offer domain names, I came across something I don't quite understand. There is a price for purchasing the domain name, but then there is a transfer price. I have never bought a domain name before, so I don't know really anything about this. If I purchase a domain name, do I also have to pay for a transfer? Also, does anyone recommend a domain site? I have found some I like, but I may as well get some recommendations from the users here. I've seen topics that say there are domains for 9.99/yr(for example), but is this the total cost? Or is a transfer cost additional? Sorry I am very new to this.

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I would suggest you check at the Xisto Domains site, which is part of the same group of Companies as the Xisto.


I use them and they are solid. Prices are competitive, (of course), and the earnings from the Domains, (and from the paid hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting), are what keeps this Free Hosting active. :o

Feed the hand that feeds you is what I say.

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Those prices are very good. Thanks for the link. Okay this is a good example. They have .com domains for 7.99USD. So if I purchase a domain for 7.99, will I have to pay an additional amount for a transfer? I dont actually know what the "transfer" involves...

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Carson, Transfer is only if you already have a domain name and would like Xisto - Domains to take care of the rest. So instead of paying $9.99 to your current registrar, where you purchased your domain name, you're now paying $7.99 to Xisto - Domains.However, if you have not purchased a domain name and this is your first time you need not worry about transferring anything :oironchicken,Thanks for your support! Although you do not have any obligation and free to purchase from other registrars, Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting truly appreciate your decision to support Xisto Corporation.

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I purchased my Domain from Xisto - Domains to support Xisto. The good thing is they already have the nameservers set up, so it took me minutes to get everything working. Thanks for the help guys.

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