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Parking A Domain If theres something i shouldve read dont hurt me

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Im buying a domain name soon and am wanting to park it on my server...how do i do it? i asume its as simple as going to parked domains and typing it in? or do i need to pay?I dont know! help would be appreciated alot! karlos

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I think you might have to get an admin to set this up for you. At one point we did have access to park domins thru the cpanel but that option is no longer available. So lets hope an admin can help.

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You'll need to buy the domain from a registrar. Once you've done that you'll have to set the nameservers to point to Xisto. This means you need to log in to the control panel for your domain and change the nameservers to:



Once you've left that to propagate (a few hours) log in to your cPanel at Xisto and go into the Parked Domains section. Add the domain you bought. Simple as that.


By the way:

This feature must be enabled manually on your account. Please contact support if you paid for it and it is not enabled.

Ignore it - it's wrong. I think it is enabled by default.

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Thankyou! it was the

This feature must be enabled manually on your account. Please contact support if you paid for it and it is not enabled.

That i was panicing about! thanks guys

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