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Changing Dns Records How to change my DNS records?

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I need to change my DNS records, that is, to add several CNAME records... Now, I registered my top level domain (.net) through my ISP, and they in turn registered my domain at some other registrar... Now, my ISP doesn't give me CPanel to update my DNS info, if I don't buy their hosting plan (which is pathetic compared to Xisto free account)... I had them change my nameservers to Xisto servers, and now, they tell me I need to edit CNAME records on Xisto nameservers... I must admit I'm not really familiar with how all that DNS administration works, so I wanted to ask if it is true? Do I need to somehow change DNS records here? Is it at all possible?What I want to do is: I registered with Google Apps, and have my email through them, and now I want to setup CNAME records, to point to Google Apps pages, through my domain (eg. docs.todoro http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), without setting up redirection... Is it possible?

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BuffaloHELP provided a handy guide to getting Google Apps working. It was written a little while ago, so some of the wording may have changed slightly, but the principles should be exactly the same. I don't use Google Apps, so I've no idea if it works, but give it a go :)

Let us know if you're successful in getting it working.

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Thank rvalkass, but that's not exactly what I wanted to know... I set up Google Apps just fine, and they're all working, MX records have been changed, and Google accepts incoming mail... What I want now is, to change CNAME records, to point to ghs.google.com, to use with my domain... For now, I have set up simple subdomain redirection, but would like to do it more neatly...But I don't know whether cPanel and Xisto allow editing of all DNS records... I checked the entire cPanel, and can't find any area where to edit DNS records... Is that possible... For example, to add several MX records, or add some CNAME or other records?

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Ah, OK.

I have looked all through cPanel and can find no way to edit the CNAME records or anything like that. All I found was a way to change the MX Records, which I am sure you are aware of anyway. Looking into the documentation it appears that DNS records and things like that can only be edited by the server admins. Fire off a request to support and I'm sure they'll be happy to change it for you.


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to be able to change the MX record and the CNAME from the domain control panel we need pay for them other than that you've paid for the domain.you can change the MXRecord for using Google Apps from your cPanel :lol:

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