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The General Ignorance Of People

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Some of my friends are extremely ignorant of common sense, and have no sense of reality at all. They refuse to drink tap water as they believe they are "upper class" and dont drink what the "commoners" drink. Completely rubbish. Instead, they have this big water thing from "Brita Water" and only drink that as water. I think bottled water is the biggest waste- its the same as tap water, but just but in a bottle and given a fancy name. Plus it always tastes terrible, tap water has a nice taste about it.
Oh and I have to mention another friend who believes souly in MySpace and Facebook for communication- like, how dumb can you be? If you want to contact someone, do it via MSN, email, snail mail, phone call or just visit them. I dont trust MS or FB one iota, as I don't know what they do with our personal info, and who can see it.

I'd encourage you to do some actual research on the bottled water subject. All bottled water is not created equal. The reason I don't drink some tap water (not a problem around here, but go to some larger cities that add fluoride to their water and you won't catch me drinking it) is because of the added toxins such as fluoride harvested from the smoke stacks of fertilizer manufacturers and not separated from the other toxic waste contained therein and these things are all poisons. Virtually all municipal water supplies have a small amount of chlorine added to them. Chlorine is a carcinogen. Ingest them if you want, but I have every right (not because I'm elitist, but because I choose not to ingest poison) not to consume the products that contain poison (the number of food and drink products that don't contain poison is growing so small it's much easier to just target those products instead of trying to list the products to avoid -though that may not be true in some European nations). Another really big one is all soda pop. Every one of them contains massive amounts of poisons. They're making people stupid, literally eating the nervous system -the brain! If you all hate the general ignorance of people as this topic implies, stop poisoning yourselves so you can avoid being one of these people you all hate. Today, the general population is being poisoned by the food supply through genetic manipulation, toxic chemicals, and hypnosis through advertising that has the vast majority of the people absolutely brainwashed. Everything I've written in this post can be found in research. Search out organic, local produce when possible. Learn about which products are most dangerous, such as dental care products, and anything sweetened with anything other than raw, unrefined sugar or another natural sweetener. Remember, if it's not found in nature, it's probably not good for you. Cows are not made to produce the quantity of milk that the factory farmed cows produce. They are pumped up with hormones to increase production and antibiotics to keep them from falling over from the stress of doing so. Thus, if it's not organic or at the very least rBST-free, you're drinking udder puss, hormones, and antibiotics. Mmmmm...
Edited by Watermonkey (see edit history)

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omg i absolutevely agree with you 100%! myspace is so annoying!
and you know what all those little 8 year olds getting raped because of myspace..
its their friggin FAULT! they are the ones that are like.. BAM IM SO HOt wah wah
i have naked pictures.. im honry.. 40 YEAR OLDS RAPE ME!

i mean come on, theres a block&a delete button
they are just getting themselves out there
like a friend i have shes 12 and says shes 16
me and my friends, are seriously just waiting
for eather her to get kidnaped
her to get raped
or her to get pregnant.. its just GAY!

another thing i hate is people who stealpictures
to make guys think they are hotter than they are
like a friend i have, its so annoying!
every single friggin guy i might be crushing on
& get them to be cool with me and requesting me onmyspace
she REQUESTS! and make them say OMG shes so
cute & perfect & cute, and im just like shove it!
stop asking me to hook you up or
get her friggin number, shes FAKE!
she has a friggin low selfsteem
and is getting it up, by using fake pictures of gorgeous model/pronstars lookalike chicks
and saying ahh im so ugly, im gonna be single for life
im fat wha wha, im a cheerleader and im ugly&fat
put a freaking sock on it!

it makes me so mad
when people compliment her its just
AHHH! shes fake!! jesus :(

I love where this is going :]
I absolutely agree with everyone on this topic!

People on Myspace usually spend most of their time on their site. I have one but i only go on it once ever 5 months cause i forget about it. Then you get those adds from people that are like fake porn stars. I mean come on seriously? only pervs and horny guys will add you. and i don't add just anyone. They have to be like my close family and best friends other wise. don't expect me to add you lol.

Want to know how to spot a myspace *BLEEP*? if you click on their profile and see that they have more than 100 friends it SCREAMS myspace *BLEEP*. Oh and if they only have 1 fake looking picture yea no they aren't real, they don't talk to you, they just want to have thousands of friends because they don't have friends in real life.

OH and i HATE when 9 year olds have myspaces it screams "RAPE ME 40 YEAR OLD MAN RAPE ME PLEASE". Come on, do parents have ANY common sense? Keep your child in check and make sure they aren't on stuff like myspace or facebook. its for their safety : :o

Another thing i don't like about myspace is the fact that you atleast get your account hacked atleast once. it happened to me i don't know how the hell someone actually got my password. its like capitalized letters and numbers and regular letters combined. PLUS i just bashed on my keyboard when i did my password but meh. what can you do? anyways. i also hate when people post stupid surveys about themselves. :D who cares really.

1. What color are your eyes : blue
2. do you like pie? yes
3. who was the last person you smiled at? Hell i don't *BLEEP*ing know!!!

Its gay things like that, that annoy me >.> and just because they are "bored" they do those surveys. Honestly if you are BORED go out and hang out with friends or go help your mom clean the house or Go cook a meal for your family. don't waste your time on a 150 question survey about random crap that isn't even important to other people.

Oh and don't you love when people post bulletins like :for example:

[subject] I
[message] am really bored! hit me up and i'll give you my seven Dig yo!

ugh that drives me insane!!! - it really does. i find it stupid and pointless just get to the damn point -.-

And you can't forget those people that can't use proper english!

ppl dat dun kno howz 2 spel rite bcauz dey 2 layz 2 spel lyke a normal person.
i especially hate when people are like Oh Em Gee datz lyke Mi BaBi Rite der! or Datz mi n mi cuzin dnt we look Hawt!


I also hate when people try to send me comments about "OMG i got a Macy's Card here at this site you should check it out ;DD because i'm a *BLEEP* and i don't get none!"

I also hate when people send me invitations like "Go get your free iPhone, or Instead of an iPhone get a Wii! or a PS3!" YEAAAA!!! NO!! :D

If i had a spam folder you know where all my messages and event invites would go to? STRAIGHT TO MY SPAM FOLDER! <3

I also hate when girls hit on my fiancee on myspace. like "omg you are so hott! leave your gf and be with me cause i'm a skanky *BLEEP*" yea no he's mine thank you <3 thats why we are engaged *BLEEP*es!!!

I have so much more but Eh lol i'll stop here for now x.x cause its almost 4 AM and i need to get up in about 3 hours!

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Cows are not made to produce the quantity of milk that the factory farmed cows produce. They are pumped up with hormones to increase production and antibiotics to keep them from falling over from the stress of doing so. Thus, if it's not organic or at the very least rBST-free, you're drinking udder puss, hormones, and antibiotics. Mmmmm...

Ok, this is exactly what I was talking about. Have you ever worked on or owned a dairy farm????? How many head per day have you milked? Or did you just read this hogwash on some AR site that wants to "free" all the cows? Release them from their slavery to humans.......yadda yadda.

Cows ARE made to produce the quantity of milk they produce. They are made that way through selective breeding. The cows that stay the healthiest and produce the most milk are bred and go on to produce cows that give more and more milk. Dairy farmers are extremely efficient at keeping records of their best cows. With the invent of artificial insemination, they have options to breed their cows to the best producing bulls anywhere in the world.

The milk produced in these dairys is regularly tested for contamination. Milk contaminated is condemed, and will not be purchased. It is tested for bacteria and antibiotic residue. Milk is probably the most regulated agricultural product on the market. You can bet it is tested by far more often that the vegtables somebody is peddling as organic at your local farmers market, they could compost their own toilet wastes and use those to grow your vegtables and none would be the wiser.

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Ok, this is exactly what I was talking about. Have you ever worked on or owned a dairy farm????? How many head per day have you milked? Or did you just read this hogwash on some AR site that wants to "free" all the cows? Release them from their slavery to humans.......yadda yadda.
Cows ARE made to produce the quantity of milk they produce. They are made that way through selective breeding. The cows that stay the healthiest and produce the most milk are bred and go on to produce cows that give more and more milk. Dairy farmers are extremely efficient at keeping records of their best cows. With the invent of artificial insemination, they have options to breed their cows to the best producing bulls anywhere in the world.

The milk produced in these dairys is regularly tested for contamination. Milk contaminated is condemed, and will not be purchased. It is tested for bacteria and antibiotic residue. Milk is probably the most regulated agricultural product on the market. You can bet it is tested by far more often that the vegtables somebody is peddling as organic at your local farmers market, they could compost their own toilet wastes and use those to grow your vegtables and none would be the wiser.

I grew up and continue to live in rural America. I've had plenty of exposure to dairy farms, have friends who've worked at such places, and am researched in this topic. No, I do not own nor have I ever owned a dairy farm. Are you suggesting that only a person who has, can be informed on the subject I bring up? Without getting into a credentials contest with you, perhaps you could expound, using your years of experience [implied] and wisdom, upon why many, if not most, dairy herds in the United States of America are injected with rBST and antibiotics. I'd also ask you to explain why those dairy products are rejected in most of Europe.

Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) is a hormone used by many commercial dairies to increase milk production. The hormone has been marketed under a number of names, but most consumers know it as rBST or BST. The use of rBST has met with some controversy from a variety of fronts, including the animal rights movement and some commercial dairy farmers. As a result, dairies that produce milk products without the use of rBST have begun indicating this on their labels.
After some battling with the United States Department of Agriculture, dairies in the United States are allowed to use the rBST free label as long as a disclaimer is included suggesting that no harmful human health effects have been linked with the hormone. This claim is contended by some scientists, who argue that further research on the hormone is needed. However, even the commercial dairy industry can agree that the use of rBST is harmful to the cows, forcing them to produce far more milk than they can safely do normally. As a result, cows treated with rBST tend to develop bone weakness and usually die within one or two milking cycles of rBST treatment.

Because of this, the use of rBST is usually reserved for cows who have already reached the end of their lives, in an attempt to extract more milk from them. These cows tend to end their lives in misery, with some experiencing broken limbs due to calcium deficiency because their excessive milk production has stripped the calcium from their bones. These cows also tend to be undernourished, because all of the energy they derive from food goes into milk production.


Bottom line I'd say to you, Sheepdog: You go ahead and trust Monsanto Corp. (and their ilk) to develop drugs to "improve" the dairy industry. Go ahead and consume those products. I'll trust that God created the Bovine exactly right and I'll continue to consume products from Bovine that have been left to a natural diet and have no added hormones (they've got enough naturally, thank you very much!).

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I do believe that when Alexander Fleming first invented Penicillin in 1928 there was probably someone there with a Bible in one hand and their fist in the air, proclaiming that it was the work of the devil and should be shunned as it is the will of God as to who lives or dies. Every single advancement in science, technology, and medicine meets with opposition in its beginnings. Granted, some have merit, for instance the artificial sweeteners that came out and years later were found to be cancer causing. But for the most part, these advances are good for humanity and add much to our enjoyment of life and the longevity of our life spans.

Are you suggesting that only a person who has, can be informed on the subject I bring up?

Well, yes. I guess I am saying that. At any rate it certainly helps.
I decided to research your research and came up with some drastically different conclusions than you did. Research is funny that way, the source in which you obtain your information always has their own slant to the information. You quoted your information from Wise Geek. Some digging there on my part revels that Wise Geek is a collection of various writers, you can see contributors to the site here http://www.wisegeek.com/who-is-wisegeek.htm Pictures and bios are included here and I have to say, they sure look awful young. This is the bio for the writer of the article you quoted.

S.E. began writing for wiseGEEK in 2006, when she was captivated by questions like In Law, What is Balancing the Equities? and What Does Cruelty Free Mean? She loves writing for wiseGEEK because it offers an opportunity to learn something new and fascinating every day, and to share this knowledge with others. S.E. has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College, and when she's not writing for wiseGEEK, she enjoys reading, adventuring in the great outdoors, and cooking, especially with and for friends. Some of her favorite articles include: How Do I Bathe a Cat? What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Can You Really Mail Order Live Poultry? and How Can I Bake an Excellent Cherry Pie?

I went one step farther and checked out her web site too. She had a list of reasons for an against a political candidate, and one of her reasons against him was he was soft on animal rights. Nothing there suggests any practical experience in Dairy Farming. And her position on animal rights is evident, therefore any research should be viewed with considerable skepticism and not taken on face value. Much like the PETA funded Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. The American Medical Association calls PCRM a "pseudo-physicians group," has demanded that PCRM stop its "inappropriate and unethical tactics used to manipulate public opinion," and argues that PCRM has been "blatantly misleading Americans" and "concealing its true purpose as an animal 'rights' organization."
I am not willing to take the advice of someone who bakes cherry pies and baths cats as gospel on Dairy Farming, sorry.

Lets try a different source shall we?
U. S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
FDA Prime Connection
Cornell University - bST Fact Sheet

bST (bovine somatotropin) is a protein hormone that occurs naturally in all dairy cows. Some farmers choose to supplement some of their cows with rbST, also known as bovine growth hormone (rBGH), to help increase milk production. The safety of milk from rbST-supplemented cows has been affirmed and reaffirmed since it was approved for use in the U.S. in the early 1990s.

Notice a few key words here, Some dairy farmers choose to supplement some of their cows. and protein hormone that occurs naturally in all dairy cows There is nothing unnatural about it. Your own words, Remember, if it's not found in nature, it's probably not good for you. You also imply that most dairy herds are treated with this hormone. It is simply not the case. You mention factory farms, a term used to refer to larger-scale farms. According to USDA, 99% of dairy farms in the U.S. are family-owned and operated. Thats right family owned. Not mega corporations. Every day people who work hard to make a living, just like everybody else. And let me tell you, running a dairy farm is no easy job. Its hard work, long hours and an completely inflexible schedule.
Lets go to another source.
Dairy farming today https://dairygood.org/
This is a great site, and give valuable input as to the modern dairy farm. Lots of good information there, check it out.

A few excerpts from that site.

On-farm Testing Happens DailyBefore the milk is delivered to the processing plant, the milk truck driver takes a sample of the milk to test for impurities, such as animal drug residues, that would compromise quality. If antibiotic residue is detected, the entire tank of milk is immediately discarded, never to reach Americas families. The farmer responsible for the impure milk may have to pay the cost of the entire truckload of milk, so each farmers incentive to maintain milk quality is high. Government data indicates that less than one tanker in 1,000 tests positive for animal drug residues, a sign that the deterrent system is working.

Farm Inspections are Routine
Inspectors from state regulatory agencies and milk processing plants make surprise visits to farms on a regular basis. These unannounced visits are just one more set of checks and balances to make sure animal living conditions are clean, milking equipment is being properly sanitized and the facilities in general provide a safe working environment for all.

So yes, I will have no qualms about drinking a glass of milk produced right here in the good old USA!
The safeguards are in place to assure an excellent quality product. Why the Europeans reject dairy products is anyones guess. Perhaps they have been reading too many articles written by incorrectly informed parties, such as the afore mentioned Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Europeans have been far more deeply ingrained with animal rights issues then Americans. Tail docking was banned there years ago, and many of the Animal Rights groups we now consider terrorists here in the USA were started in Europe.

Just some food for thought.

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