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What Pests Do You Have? Ringworm, maggots, mice, or bed bugs?

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I was just wondering if anyone wants to mention their favorite vermin and how they're getting on. I've got mites, mostly dust mites, but I'm sure there are others feeding on my rotting carcass at night as I lay there, mouth half open, drool pooling on the pillow cover. I've had fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms, but they didn't stick around with the alcohol poisoning. There are all manner of pests crawling about at any given time. What's your personal favorite?Anyone here from Worms, Nebraska? Just wondering. Fine place, Worms...

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I hate pests.The pest problem we've in our locality is due to Mosquitos and Termites. We've covered our windows with nets and doors with an extra glass door.

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Our house is infested with termites- one wall has already fallen in in the bathroom.We also have a lot of spiders around- hunstmen, trapdoor and funnel webs

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My dog just had puppies that make lots of squeaky noises, does that count?Our house has cockroaches. It drives me nutts. My boyfriend's house has them too. and sometimes when the fruit in the fruit bowl doesn't get thrown out, we get fruit flies.

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I was just wondering if anyone wants to mention their favorite vermin and how they're getting on. I've got mites, mostly dust mites, but I'm sure there are others feeding on my rotting carcass at night as I lay there, mouth half open, drool pooling on the pillow cover. I've had fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms, but they didn't stick around with the alcohol poisoning. There are all manner of pests crawling about at any given time. What's your personal favorite?
Anyone here from Worms, Nebraska? Just wondering. Fine place, Worms...

in minnesota we have a lot of box elder bugs and they are annoying those little black and orange things can get into your house through anything

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Box Elder bugs. Reminds me of what we call "stink bugs" around here. Those damn things will absolutely find any slight crevice to exploit in the fall to gain entry into the house. We sometimes have twenty or thirty of them in the bathroom in the evening. The females are round and dark grey and the males are longer and a rust color. You can zap them with your finger, sending them sailing across the room and still they'll manage to get up and fly about some more making this annoying buzzing noise as they clumsily seek some kind of footing to land on while circling the light on the ceiling. And don't irritate them or they'll spray out this most foul odor stinking up the place for a while. I imagine that's why they have few if any predators eating them. Only the hungriest spider will go for a disgusting meal of stink bug. If a skunk could be an armored insect, it'd be a stink bug.

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Mice. Definatly, without a doubt, Mice. I hate those %(%$&(_!(_&)&%_(^@^%$&) things.
We have tried everything to kill out the little varmits. Poison, traps, those electronic gizmo's, you name it. This fall we even bug bombed the kennel building and as soon as the gas from those dissipated we fired up the old tractor and ran a pipe under the kennel building and tried to gas the little suckers. (yes, we removed all the dogs first, in case you are wondering) I even tried leaving the dogs out for some time after the gassing hopeing they would starve out without any of the dogs food to steal. Nothing is working. I hate those pests. They are so destructive and eat up everything and crap all over everything.

Anybody got any clues as to how to kill them out? Any ways to make cheap mouse poison? That works?

My dog just had puppies that make lots of squeaky noises, does that count?

Nope, puppies don't count as pests, they are far too cute! :) What kind of puppies do you have?

Our house has cockroaches. It drives me nutts. My boyfriend's house has them too. and sometimes when the fruit in the fruit bowl doesn't get thrown out, we get fruit flies.

Oh yea, I hate those too, but at least you can kill them out. A friend of mine had a real bad problem with them. You could actually smell them in the house. One day their phone stopped working and they had to call a repair man out to work on it. When he took the phone off the wall it looked like a black explosion, roaches just flew out by the hundreds and ran up the walls, it was really embarrassing for my friend.

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I just went to the toilet, and I was happily pooping away when I realised I was not alone.Alas, the hunstman spider struck again, this time it was right next to me. My reaction: AHHHHHHHHHH *screams*Now of course that hurt really bad as I had a big long stick of poop, part of which went back in...Me: 0Hunstman Spider: 1I will kill one of their kind someday... and it better be soon.We also have heaps of mosquitos around, its summer here. But lately it hasnt been that hot so they haven't ventured inside.

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Not many pests here in California, in Saratoga, I've had some problem with ants, but they are gone now.I used to sprinkle baby powder, or talcum powder onto the cracks that they came out of.For some reason, they don't like the powder and stop coming out, even though they can just dig through the powder.Too slippery? maybe?I've had many fruit flies though when I take a plant outside, and bring it back in, You'll find at least 2 fruit flies in each room, or whichever one has the most lights >.<.and A200, I'll have to say "LOL"!

Edited by Csshih (see edit history)

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I just went to the toilet, and I was happily pooping away when I realised I was not alone.


Alas, the hunstman spider struck again, this time it was right next to me.


My reaction: AHHHHHHHHHH *screams*


Now of course that hurt really bad as I had a big long stick of poop, part of which went back in...


Me: 0

Hunstman Spider: 1

:) And here all this time I thought things like that would scare the crap OUT of someone! Too funny! :(

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Main pests, ants, those little damn creatures creeping around looking for the tiniest of the tiny yoctoscopic crumbs, crumbing away at food, and what is worse? I also have tiny little spiders crawling away and crawling into bedding, shoes etc, lucky i have no trap/funnel webs in my house.When I go outside the same swarm of flies swarm me and at night those mosquitos try desperately to break through my window and the noise they make when they fly just disrupts my sleep. unlike you guys, i haven't seen a cockroach in my house yet, and haven't seen any spider more poisonous than they humble redback in my life...

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This is really funny.. When I saw this topic in the list.. I though it was a duplicate of "What pets do you have?" but guess not..I have cockroaches, lizards, spiders and mosquitoes vandalizing my place.. But cockroaches are not a problem as I have 2 cats and 2 dogs :(Lizards are! My mother is scared of them so whenever a lizard is in the same room as her, I have to remove them :(It was a pleasure reading A200's post :)

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I think that what I hate the most are the earwigs we get in the summer when it's hot and humid. They absolutely gross me out and there are so many of them. They're everywhere in the garden. In the flower beds under leaves and hiding under plant pots on the deck and under rocks and stones.When they have the nerve to come into the house, I immediately pick them up with a tissue and flush them down the toilet.LOL at A200's post

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