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Is Cpanel Down?

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Howdy. When I try to log into CPanel I get the annoying "Connection Timed Out" message. Looks like my site, and those of other members are down too if the Shout Box is any indicator. I assume this wasn't scheduled maintenance. Does anyone happen to know how long things will be incapacitated? Thanks

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I was also wondering about this so I came over here to see if anyone else had any news. Both my sites are down right now, the one through Xisto and the one through Xisto - Web Hosting. I'm not sure what the issue is, but there are several servers that show themselves to be offline at the moment (4 out of 10 as I write this).The other servers are up and running fine, and I can tell that because my dad (who is also hosted through Xisto - Web Hosting) is currently on his site right now without a problem.

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One never knows, but it has been so long since this has happened while I was on-line...I have attempted to connect with the Powers that be... patience please, one and all...If it is a Server issue, the worst thing you can do is continuing to attempt to make a connection. That only overloads the Server yet some more.Best thing you can do is walk away and come back soon... let the Server Admins handle things...

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im i the only one that their site is not working? i have 14 credits.. so its not thatits just not respoding... cpanel wont load.. and i trried accessing the site through have-heart.trap17.comand have-heart.net and nothing AHH! i need help now! i think im going to die if i cant acces the site

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They are having some problem with the servers. Its affecting alot of people it seems so dont worry your not the only one. I just hope it gets fixed soon.

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lol... thanks for checking into it for us jlhaslip. I wasn't too concerned about it, cause every time this has happened before it's been resolved pretty fast, but I was just curious to know what the cause was. Good thing I'm not a cat, cause my curiosity would have done me in long ago :(Anyway, I decided to take this time and go through my masses of emails that I've been avoiding. I figure by the time I get to the end of them (probably in about 2010), my sites should be back up and running :)

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They are having some problem with the servers. Its affecting alot of people it seems so dont worry your not the only one. I just hope it gets fixed soon.

ok.. omg i was paniching here.. since my old host just deleted all my files.. and i was barely done transfering stuff!it better be fixed soon! :) eh im just happy its not a MY SITE GOT DELETED thing

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Rest assured that if the server does go down or you have a connection problem best course of action is to wait 5-10 minutes, usually when the problem is fixed by the tech guys. Also I though I throw a small reminder to help kill the topics made about this if the server does go down instead of making a topic about it, make a couple of shouts or pm a mod or admin (when they are online). Everyone knows that servers do go down because of some spammer, or too many connections, either way lets try to limit the server down time topics because they do happen, but they get fixed just as fast.

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Server should be back up now...


just checked a few sites and all appears to be working...

Excellent, I see my site is back up and running after a half hour or so of down time - at least I assume that was the duration. Not sure how long it was out of commission before I turned my computer on. Either way, it's very disconcerting to members who have no way of knowing with any certainty what the problem is. After all, it could be any number of things. We are fortunate Trap 17 provides the Hosted Members area to post support-related queries, and that moderators respond with real help.


I imagine I speak for all members in voicing my appreciation for whatever the moderator did to help resolve the problem and alleviate our concerns.


Jlhaslip, you are truly an asset to this community.

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