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Ajax Functions On Free Host Is free hosting supported an ajax scripts?

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Is it possible to add an ajax scripts to a free webhosting? If possible i would like to create a website using a pure ajax scripts... :).. An additional to this question is.. Is there a way ajax scripts will be suported by back button on browsers? (firefox, ie etc. supported)?

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Ajax is just javascript so it should be supported by any users using javascript enabled on their broswers. As for the part about support for back buttons I'm not too sure what effects it has since I've never really thought about it or tried it out.

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Well there is one problem I see with it though and that is ajax doesn't have a installation package that I am aware, meaning that all a person has to do is click a link in its admin panel and BAM your done. I would say to make things easier would be to have the Frameworks come with a hosting package i.e. prototype, MOOtools, JQuery to name a couple of frameworks to have in. But like I said AJAX doesn't require a database to be used unless you are using PHP that needs the use of a database. Now if you can design a 100% AJAX website, meaning everything is controlled by AJAX and has a admin panel to edit the changes you could create a AJAX package that way. I have seen a couple of AJAX scripts that have layout type look to it. Again you would need to develop a installation package that has some integration into a person's website that works like a php include in someway.

As for the back button I haven't seen to much but I google and I came up with these two links about how to work with it, surprisingly enough.

Link #1
Link #2

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yah ajax is just javascript with a little bit more i beleive this should be posible because i have a star rating script on my sit and it's working realy good but there's some php in there so i cant say for that sure but it should work it only makes since ajax is not serverside scripting.

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Thanks, i'm glad i can make website having ajax support functions to a free webhosting. This is the first time i am going to do this...About the 2 links you posts, saint michael.. it's great.. thanks a lot, i know it can be a good help for my project, it's beensuch a time since i am looking for a good readings about browser's supporting ajax..:)Other thing sir, why there are people who really hated using ajax functions? Is there a reason why? Coz it's fine for me, why they are not?

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I'm pretty sure whatever features your AJAX program needs (such as php, mysql databases, javascript) will work, as long as nothing is against the terms. That's what's the best about Xisto :)I'm not a programmer, so I don't know why people would hate AJAX (perhaps it's difficult, I'm not sure). However, as a web user I love AJAX, it makes my browsing faster. The only downside I can find people having is the inability to use the Back button to go back to what they saw before. But this can easily be solved with a powerful navigation menu that's efficient and effective.

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This link will take you to the site of an Author (Larry Ullman) who has recently completed a book about building Dynamic Web sites using AJAX.
I have not yet had the opportunity to read this, or study AJAX, but be certain that this will be the book I use. His style of writing and teaching is fantastic.

Sight unseen, I would highly recommend this author's book above any others, simply due to the intuitive nature of his teaching methods.

I have used (or own) several others of his php/mysql books and absolutely love them...


And Larry also includes a Forum for answering questions about not only his books, but the topic covered by his books, regardless if you have a copy or not. How many Authors will answer your questions on a Forum on a daily basis? Excellent stuff...

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