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Wordpress [resolved] so much for the 5 minute installation...

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well, to be honest, i do not think this has lived up to its expectations.

everyone says wordpress is the best blogging system, however it doesn't seem to be working out all that well for me...

firstly, i downloaded all the files, uploaded them to the web folder, chmodded them appropriately, made sure that i had filled in all of those things such as mysql database details properly...

i remember thinking: 'wow, that really was an efficient installation! that took me even less than 5 minutes!'

all was well until i started writing entries and customising the blog. i did it exactly as they say you should in their guides, and cannot understand where i went wrong.

right now, my blog is completely screwed up. none of the links work, and neither does the search function. basically, NOTHING works! when i try clicking on any of the links, all i get is a 404 error. and although i may be no good at setting up blogs, i do know that it's not meant to do that...

the problem here is that i am not sure who is more to blame: wordpress or me? i think i have done everything right...

my blog can be found here. please reply if you know why my blog is so screwed, and/or how to fix this.

was it my fault? was it a five-minute installation gone wrong? or was it really wordpress's fault...

Edited by bthaxor (see edit history)

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hey whats the problem? all the links seems to work for me. you havent added any posts yet so as to test the search function.most specially i really liked the design.luck with your blog ahead :-D

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no... none of the links work! i was talking about the ones associated with the blog - the ones on the left hand side. the ones which actually (try to) access files from within the blog directory.as for the design, thanks, i spent a long time searching for that design which was JUST right for me, and i finally found it :P

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I think the reason is that you are using the search engine friendly links. If you take a look at the structure of your blog, you will see there is no folder called 'about', yet a link points to blog/about/. This is because you need a .htaccess file to point people in the right direction.

You might want to check out Using Permalinks and Pretty Permalinks for more information. If you need to, you can turn off pretty permalinks and go back to the default setting.

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but rvalkass, shouldn't wordpress automatically create these directories/poages for me? after all, isn't that why i chmodded half of the folders that i did - so it can create such directories?does anyone else out there have the same problem? if so, how did you solve it?

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I think this is because wordpress didn't write the .htaccess automatically. It should, but something might gone wrong. Wordpress should have notified you that it cannot write to .htaccess. Wordpress doesn't create files and folders for those urls, it just redirects them to index.php and then wordpress will serve the right page. See https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks


If the problem is still there, may be mod_rewrite (the required apache module for this feature) is not installed? (I cannot imagine that, though... it is a standard feature)

Edited by laexter (see edit history)

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The .htaccess file in the Wordpress directory should have the following in it:


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /wordpress/RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /wordpress/index.php [L]</IfModule>

That tells Apache (the web server) how to turn those nice links into real working links behind the scenes. If that isn't in your .htaccess file then Apache will literally look for those folders, which we have established do not (and will never) exist.


Wordpress should have created and added that to the .htaccess file itself automatically. If it didn't then create a file called .htaccess and copy that code into it. Save it and it should work.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that that code example relies on Wordpress being in a subdirectory of your public_www folder called wordpress. If you have Wordpress installed in another folder then change each reference to /wordpress with the name of the folder (like /blog). With your site it seems you have Wordpress in a folder called blog. So, in the blog folder, create a file called .htaccess. Inside that file, put the following code:


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /blog/RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]</IfModule>

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where exactly should this .htaccess file be? because i searched all of the directories of my blog, and couldn't find one. if there is not one, where should i make one? should it be in the root blog folder? (the 'blog' folder)?EDIT: i fixed it thanks to rvalkass's help! thank you so much. i created a .htaccess file in the root directory (the 'blog' folder), and now the links work. everything works :Pthanks.

Edited by bthaxor (see edit history)

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