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Me and my girlfrined have been going out for alomst a year now and she has just recently told me she needs time and space away from a relationship to figure thing out, she has said i have done nothing wrong , but i cant help but feel i have and she also said that she feels like she is losing her firneds but i have always supported her to go hang out with her frineds, at the same time she told me it was becuase she would choose to hang out with me insted of them. our 1 year is in 11 days and i really dont want this to ruin such a special occassion... i was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts or advice on how to go about this situation?

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Me and my girlfrined have been going out for alomst a year now and she has just recently told me she needs time and space away from a relationship to figure thing out, she has said i have done nothing wrong , but i cant help but feel i have and she also said that she feels like she is losing her firneds but i have always supported her to go hang out with her frineds, at the same time she told me it was becuase she would choose to hang out with me insted of them. our 1 year is in 11 days and i really dont want this to ruin such a special occassion... i was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts or advice on how to go about this situation?

sounds to me like she is feeling pressured for some reason. maybe she feels obligated to spend time with you instead of her friends even though you reassure her it's ok. so based on what you said, his is all i can come up with as far as a reason and i know it's killing you not knowing(you sound sentimental and sensitive) but you will have to be patient rather than demand answers or that might push her away even further. it's tricky. try to listen to her when she talks to you and don't take things personal. women talk in secret code and it's your job to figure out what your girlfriend is trying to say. for example. when they say they feel unloved, what they are really saying is they want a hug or a kiss. they say it in secret code like this because if they say it directly and you give them that hug and kiss, it means less and the action is really coming from them, not you.

if she is requesting space though, give it to her but also show how much she means to you. don't do it directly or she may feel pressured in a response. do it indirectly where no response is necessary and in fact, do what you can to eliminate the first few possible responses. you will show her how much you mean to her without the pressure from her to respond to it. also, it will prevent any form of rejection you may feel from a response since i do sense sentimental and sensitive and would be hard if she did reject you even the slightest bit(without meaning to).

now, here is my suggestion. obviously you will have to not force the issue here and allow her her space, but what i would do is buy a red rose every day and put it somewhere where she will find it. on her car window, on her doorstep. i don't know how old you two are or if she lives with parents still or even drives....but write a little poem or a note every day telling her something special about HER.....not you...and not you two as a couple....HER. place these things without being seen or caught. the element of surprise is good and will put a smile on her face(i hope.....if it's not to serious here). do this every day until your anneversary date. do NOT send one on that day. this is the day you will find out if what you did worked or not and if it doesn't, she doesn't deserve any more roses or notes or poems until she wants to be with you and give you some sort of explaination without saying "it's not you" routine. that doesn't answer ANY question that you might be asking yourself and wondering about and feeling bad.

so fight for her bud, then the ball is in her court. be carefull though. sending all these notes and flower may work....so watch out. she may continue to expect them every day :) if you love her, she's worth it. ya think?

hope things go well. if need a shoulder to lean on, pm me

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