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Tough Situation I need the money but...

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I recently got a job at a 5star restraunt by my house. They are a great family of people that work there, and its really fun. But sometimes it just gets ridiclouse. And its never anyone elses falt but the owners. The owner is also the boss and he's a cycopath. and agervates everyone. Some people that have been there for like, 2 or 3 years, have grown out of hiom, and dont care anymore. hell the one girl actually has some controll over him due to being there for so long. But lemme tell you, I definatly do not. He hates me! He pushes me so hard, and I know I cant do it. He throws things in front of my face i've never heard of, and pushes my buttons. This week, he has put me on dishes! (doesent sound so bad) BUT IT IS! I'm a *BLEEP*ing waiter! I don't understand! Its not like he verbally told me "your doing a *BLEEP* job, i'm putting you on dishes for a break" Now i have to learn how to do dishes! I'm going to fail miserable even at that!I don't know weather to just quit, and find a job somewhere else (resturants would be easy to get due to my expirence here) but elsewhere would be hard?

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I don't know weather to just quit, and find a job somewhere else (resturants would be easy to get due to my expirence here) but elsewhere would be hard?

naw bud. don't quit. you have a wrong mind frame here. you have a job. stick it out for a while. you get paid the same no matter what position he puts you in so just try to do the best job you can and put some pride in to your work. consider this as a learning experience. you don't start at the top right away but from the bottom until you are able to work your way to the top. it may be hard work, but it will build character and discipline and give you some tools you will need in the future. hang in there.

put up with your boss. if he tells ya to do something, do it. if he's anal and wants you to do it specifically a certain way, do it that way. he's the one paying you. you just work for him.

aside from your boss, sounds like the people are nice and easy to get along with so make some friends in the meantime and ask for some advice in how to put up with your boss. my advice is to just do eactly what he says and let any harsh words he has to say or his tone to go in one ear and out the other. ignore it in other words. don't take it personal because he probably treats all new employees this way until they can get the hang of things.washing dishes isn't that bad so take it with a grain of salt. you are learning different aspects of the restraunt industry so just do the work. it will pay off later when you are in a manager or supervisor position and will have to train others to do the job correctly.
stay positive bud. it's easy to get burnt out and quit. i've been there but it's not worth it in the long run. if you quit this job, your more likely to quit jobs in the future so don't start this trend and stay positive

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I recently got a job at a 5star restraunt by my house. They are a great family of people that work there, and its really fun. But sometimes it just gets ridiclouse. And its never anyone elses falt but the owners. The owner is also the boss and he's a cycopath. and agervates everyone. Some people that have been there for like, 2 or 3 years, have grown out of hiom, and dont care anymore. hell the one girl actually has some controll over him due to being there for so long. But lemme tell you, I definatly do not. He hates me! He pushes me so hard, and I know I cant do it. He throws things in front of my face i've never heard of, and pushes my buttons. This week, he has put me on dishes! (doesent sound so bad) BUT IT IS! I'm a *BLEEP*ing waiter! I don't understand! Its not like he verbally told me "your doing a *BLEEP* job, i'm putting you on dishes for a break" Now i have to learn how to do dishes! I'm going to fail miserable even at that!
I don't know weather to just quit, and find a job somewhere else (resturants would be easy to get due to my expirence here) but elsewhere would be hard?

if you feel like this guy is pushing you too far and you dont like the situation i think you should quit. but if you realy need to work you need to make sure that you have another job lined if you need a job and you would not be able to get one right away you should'nt quit.
but either way stick it out a little more maybe he does that to all the new guys or something or that's his way of seing who's realy willing to have a job who knows maybe those who you say got used to it maybe he just stoped bothering them because they stayed for that long, but if it continues and you dont like it talk to him and if that dont help just quit.

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I don't know the situation well enough but maybe you should try talking to him in private. Ask him what you've done to offend him. That will open up a dialogue about his treatment towards you or his workers. There's always the possibility that he doesn't realize what he's behaving like and just needs someone to put him in perspective. Most people aren't bitter just because they can be. In case he is one of those types, be prepared for the backlash. Sometimes people who are constantly pushing your buttons have a motive that they want you to quit. I think it's better to be fired than to quit, since then you can receive unemployment, depending on where you live. If you can master dealing with this guy, it sounds like there won't be anybody who will be about to break you. Think of it as a personal exercise in patience.

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Wow, sounds just like the last waitress job I had. My boss was really a strange bird. We had this weird personality clash thing going. He fired me at least 3 times in the 3 or 4 years I worked there, but I never missed a day's work.(at least not over being fired.) After he would fire me an hour or so later he would cool off and come back and tell me that I could keep working. It was pretty funny really. I never really was sure why he was so weird around me. We got along pretty well most of the time. And I was one of the hardest workers he had, I was well liked by all the customers, so I'm sure that helped out a lot in keeping me employed. Once I got really sick and didn't show up, I had a friend call in for me the day before so he knew I was sick, but when I didn't call the next day, he actually came out to my house to see if I was ok. I was in pretty bad shape, so he called my folks, and my dad came out and got me and had me stay with them a few days till I got over it, as I was too weak to even get up and build a fire in the house, and I was about to freeze to death. So it was a pretty caring thing to do on his part. My advice, stick it out. Short term work historys don't look good to future employers. And I second what Vera said, "If you can master dealing with this guy, it sounds like there won't be anybody who will be about to break you. Think of it as a personal exercise in patience." Good luck, we're all pulling for ya!

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Mate, if you arent happy, then go. But make damn sure you have something else to go to first, no matter how much you hate your job, (and I think weve all had jobs we hate), youd be foolish to leave without lining up something else first. You may think, yeah I'll get another job quick enough, but if you dont, well no money coming in is not a good scenario for anyone.Good Luck. <_<

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I hope your problem will be solve immediatly.Actually I have similar problem like that.Nowadays, I am still looking for a new job because of my company not appreciate me.<_<

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