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Unable To Renew Ip Address Or Connect To Internet After Broadband Software Uninstall issues after removing DSL software

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How many of you experienced this?

Unable to renew IP addressUnable to start RPC service

You invite a broadband service, i.e. Verizon DSL, and they provide you with an installation disk. You gladly use it but later you add LAN to your home and decide to add a router. You follow the manufacturer's instruction and set up your home network. But this is strange... the computer you were able to connect to the internet just before a home network is now cannot connect to the internet. And according to the router manual you installed the program correctly but one or more computers cannot seem to connect to the internet!

The problem isn't what you did but, it's what these ADSL or DSL broadband ISP that requires you to login for authentication for internet connection. The software that is required to install for you to have an internet connect actually disables few key features in your system. The way these "login" script works is that on demand, the software turns on network related services, connects to the ISP authenticity and then let you brows the internet. Although a must needed operation for any PPPoE connection type it's a hassle to fix your computer if you decide to share the internet connection.

Here is a quick fix. And no, it does not involve reinstalling your OS or all those nonsense advices floating around the internet. Although the program called Winsockfix is pretty good, here is something you can learn and share.

First is to set your router correctly. As mentioned before if you require username and password authentication to connect to the internet using ADSL or DSL service, chances are you are using PPPoE connection. Access your router's setup page and select the type of connection to PPPoE. Most router's setup screen then will provide you fields for username and password. This is for your ADSL or DSL account username and password. Enter them and follow the rest of setup guideline. One key feature is to select on demand connection or connection leased time. This is totally up to the user and leaving it as a default does not "harm" your internet connection.

The second is to uninstall any ISP software by going through your Add/Remove Programs. If asked, you should restart your computer. Check to see if you can renew you IP address given by the router. Chances are you cannot. This is due to poorly programmed software by your ISP. When it was uninstalled in your system it did not bother to return to the state BEFORE the installation.

Click on START > RUN and type in services.msc

You will see SERVICES window pop up. Be sure the following services are in these conditions:

NAME-----------------------------Status-----------Startup Type
DHCP Client----------------------Started----------Automatic
DNS Client------------------------Started----------Automatic
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)---Started---------Automatic

If your services are not like the above, double click on each service and modify the statup type and status. Once you have done this you'll see that the internet connection is good to go.

The good thing about this topic is that now you know a little more about your connection services and how to troubleshoot them. The bad is that you are now free to poke around your system services. Please do be careful.

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A small reminder though that it is also a good idea to update your firmware for the router, and also another could thing to do is release your IP address and then renew it. That way when you renew the IP address your router will be able to pick it up and give you a stable connection.


Since we are doing this the old school method to release and renew your IP go to Start > Run > Type cmd.exe > then type ipconfig /. It will display options for IP configuration and so just type in

ipconfig /release and then wait about a minute or so. Then type ipconfig / renew, and then hopefully that will help keep a stable connection. Also it is wise not to use the default options for your router because usually they don't work most of the time, but since there are different brand name routers I can't give your a good set up for it/

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I never install those installation CDs your ISP gives you for your comp, the programs it installs tends to ruin my comp's performance. I always just configure the router or modem with the needed settings—so far, this has always worked. And since i'm a Linux convert, the installation CD is completely useless, as it only supports Windows. Luckily, Linux has programs that automatically detect your modem's settings.

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Remote Procedure Call (RPC)---Started---------Automatic

It should be very few applications that will stop the RPC service as it was the part of heart of operation system.
If it was stopped I don't think the system would still be running :)

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I wish it was as simple as ipconfig to renew IP address. But when an ISP PPPoE based software is installed it inserts proprietary registry values that get left behind. So when ipconfig is even used, the registry at turned off state you cannot perform such function. Hence "IP Cannot be Renewed" or "RPC service cannot be loaded" error messages.Here is the uploaded Winsockfix for XP. This custom made software resets IP registries to the original state. Use only if you have exhausted all possible solution. Modifying your registry can lead to operating system corruption and you should always practice to backup your registry before performing any action.Verizon connection software, at least, takes over the control of PRC, IP, DNS and DHCP function in Windows. When Verizon's software is uninstalled they often leave the modified registry values behind, leaving you with disabled internet connection.Below is the attachment for Winsockxpfix.zip or a.k.a. Winsockfix.zip. If you cannot download please register in our forum.WinsockxpFix.zip

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I want to configure my SpeedTouch 530 modem for BSNL

Unable To Renew Ip Address Or Connect To Internet After Broadband Software Uninstall


I want to configure my SpeedTouch 530 modem for BSNL. It always uses default IP address as and default gateway as instead of Please help.




-reply by Shabir

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DataOne BSNL Broadband

Unable To Renew Ip Address Or Connect To Internet After Broadband Software Uninstall


Please help me!...


Anyone can give me the username, password and ip address for my DataOne BSNL Broadband!...


-question by Mandeep Singh

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